LICS'98 satellite workshop on games
Call for participation
LICS'98 Satellite Workshop on
June 25th 1998
Organizers: S. Abramsky, V. Danos and L. Regnier
Details: http://iml.univ-mrs.fr:80/~regnier/LICS98/
Registration: http://lics98.cs.indiana.edu/
* G. McCusker: Game semantics for programming languages
* L. Regnier: Games semantics and abstract machines
* V. Danos: Games semantics and denotational semantics
* P. Malacaria: Applied game semantics
Conferences will be one hour and a half and of didactical spirit.
Handouts will be given to the participants. This workshop is a
satellite to LICS'98 to be held the day after LICS at the same place,
(at the Indiana University conference center).
(* sorry for possible multiple copies *)