
TLCA99 -- call for papers

                  Fourth International Conference on
                Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications

                 l'Aquila (Italia), 7 to 9 April 1999



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 {\Large Fourth International Conference on}

{\Huge Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications}
{\Huge (TLCA'99)} \\
{\Large l'Aquila (Italia), 7 to 9 April 1999}
{\LARGE \bf Call For Papers}
The TLCA series of
conferences aims at providing a forum for
the presentation and discussion of recent
research in an area which was originally a rather restricted field  
but has now considerably expanded. The following list of topics is  

{\bf Proof-theory} & {Cut-elimination and normalization, Linear  
logic, \ldots}\\
{\bf Semantics} & {Denotational semantics, Game semantics, \ldots}\\
{\bf Operationality} & {Abstract machines, Parallel execution,  
{\bf Typing} & {Subtypes, Type assignment systems, \ldots}\\
{\bf Programming} & {Proof search, Type checking, \ldots}\\


The programme of TLCA'99 will consist of about
30 selected presentations in plenary sessions. 

The Programme Committee consists of:\\

{\bf S.~Abramsky}~(University of Edinburgh) \\
{\bf T.~Coquand}~(G\"oteborgs Universitet) \\
{\bf J.-Y.~Girard}~(IML/Marseille) ({\bf Chair}) \\
{\bf R.~Hindley}~(University of Wales Swansea) \\
{\bf J.-L. Krivine}~(Universit\'e Paris VII) \\
{\bf J.~Reynolds}~(Carnegie-Mellon University/Pittsburgh) \\
{\bf S.~Ronchi}~(Universit\`a di Torino) \\
{\bf A.~Scedrov}~(University of Pennsylvania/Philadelphia) \\
{\bf T.~Streicher}~(Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt) \\
{\bf M.~Takahashi}~(T\^oky\^o K\^ogy\^o Daigaku) \\
{\bf P.~Urzyczyn}~(Uniwersytet Warszawski) \\

{\bf Original contributions} should be sent by E-mail (Postscript  
files only) to
and a short abstract should be sent as a separate E-mail; it should  
use only standard ASCII characters. Hard copy (6 copies) is
also acceptable, to the address
    Jean-Yves Girard, \\
    Institut de Math\'ematiques de Luminy, \\
    163 Avenue de Luminy, case 907, \\
    13288 Marseille cedex 9, France \\
    {\bf fax:}    (+)-33-491269655
All submissions must be {\bf received} by Sept. 4, 1998.
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Papers should not exceed 15 standard A4 or U.S.
quarto pages and should allow the Programme Committee to assess
the merits of the work: in particular references and
comparisons with related work should be included. Submission of  
material already published or submitted to other Conferences with  
Proceedings is not allowed.\\

{\bf Relevant dates:}
Submissions: {\em September 4, 1998}\\
Acceptance/rejection: {\em November 16, 1998} \\
Definitive versions due: {\em January 4, 1999} 

The accepted papers will be published as a volume
of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Information about LNCS  
can be found at the home page

More details about the Conference will become available later from  
Organizing Committee Chairman:
Benedetto Intrigila\\
Dipartimento di Matematica\\
Universit\`a di l'Aquila\\
Via Vetoio, Loc. Coppito\\
67100 l'Aquila, Italia\\
{\bf E-mail:} tlca99.aquila@univaq.it\\
{\bf fax:}    (+)-39-862-433180
or at the home page:

