
Postdoctoral Research Associate


		     Department of Computer Science
		       Carnegie Mellon University

The Fox project on Advanced Language Technology for Extensible Systems
under the direction of Robert Harper, Peter Lee, and Frank Pfenning is
looking for a postdoctoral researcher.  Applicants should have
background and interests in one or more of the following areas:

  - design and implementation of ML and related languages
  - advanced type systems, proof-carrying code and certifying compilation
  - network software and safety infrastructure

The ideal candidate will have credentials in system building and a
lively interest in language theory.  The appointment is initially for
one year with a potential renewal for a second year.  Salary is
negotiable and commensurate with experience.

The Fox project is working to demonstrate the viability and benefits of
advanced languages for programming real-world systems, with an emphasis
on networking, mobile code, and related safety and efficiency problems.
For more information on the Fox project, see http://foxnet.cs.cmu.edu/.

Please direct inquiries and applications to

  Frank Pfenning
  Department of Computer Science
  Carnegie Mellon University
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891


Carnegie Mellon is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and
we invite and encourage applications from women and minorities.