Final CFP: LICS Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols
The deadline for paper submission (5-10 extended abstracts) is March 13.
Submission is by email to nch@research.bell-labs.com and wing@cs.cmu.edu.
See the attached call for papers for details.
Final Call for Papers
Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols
Thursday, 25 June, 1998
Indianapolis, Indiana
(following LICS'98)
Computer security protocols are notoriously difficult to get right.
Surprisingly simple problems with some well known protocols have been found
years after the original protocol was published and extensively analyzed.
Our workshop goal is to bring together the formal methods and security
communities. Security is a current hot topic in the formal methods
community, and we hope that this workshop can help focus these energies.
Topics of interest include descriptive techniques (specification languages,
models, logics) and analysis techniques (model checking, theorem proving,
and their combination), as applied to protocols for authentication, fair
exchange, electronic commerce, and electronic auctions. However, this list
is not exclusive. We particularly want to hear about new approaches, new
problems, new security properties, and new protocol bugs. Reports on work
in progress are welcome.
The program of the workshop will include a keynote address by Roger
Needham, a number of technical sessions (with talks of about 15-20 minutes
duration), and a panel discussion. The overall program will aim to
address questions such as: What are the opportunities in security for more
formal reasoning and analysis? Where should formal methodists be
spending their talent, time, and energy? What are the more pressing
security problems now and in the future?
Paper submission: An extended abstract (about 5-10 pages) explaining
recent research results or work in progress should be mailed
electronically to both organizers, nch@research.bell-labs.com and
wing@cs.cmu.edu, to be received by March 13, 1998. Submissions should be
formatted as a PostScript file in USLetter size. Authors will be
notified of acceptance or rejection by April 17, 1998. Final versions
of accepted papers will be due by May 22, 1998. These papers will be
collected and distributed in an informal proceedings to be made available
at the workshop.
DATES: Submissions: March 13, 1998.
Notification: April 17, 1998.
Final papers: May 22, 1998.
Workshop: June 25, 1998.
Roger Needham (Cambridge).
WEBSITE: http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~nch/fmsp
Nevin Heintze Jeannette Wing
Bell Laboratories 5000 Forbes Avenue
600 Mountain Ave Computer Science Department
Murray Hill NJ 07974-0636 Carnegie Mellon University
nch@research.bell-labs.com Pittsburgh, PA 15213
tel: (908) 582-6419 wing@cs.cmu.edu
fax: (908) 582-5857 tel: (412) 268-3068
fax: (412) 268-5576