Workshop on-line proceedings -- correction
To: baileya@cs.man.ac.uk, keith.bennett@durham.ac.uk, gustun@cs.chalmers.se, p.c.callaghan@durham.ac.uk, gang@dmi.ens.fr, abc@dcs.ed.ac.uk, Judicael.Courant@ens-lyon.fr, ewd@dcs.ed.ac.uk, lald@dcs.ed.ac.uk, aof@dcs.ed.ac.uk, maria.fox@durham.ac.uk, hhg@dcs.ed.ac.uk, alanh@dcs.kcl.ac.uk, pbj@dcs.ed.ac.uk, a.p.jones@durham.ac.uk, zhaohui.luo@durham.ac.uk, jhm@dcs.ed.ac.uk, bengt@cs.chalmers.se, E.Poll@ukc.ac.uk, pollack@brics.dk, abs@ifi.uio.no, sergei.soloviev@durham.ac.uk, ms@win.tue.nl, shenwei.yu@durham.ac.uk, E.Ritter@cs.bham.ac.uk
Subject: Workshop on-line proceedings -- correction
From: Zhaohui Luo <Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 97 11:39:16 GMT
Cc: bra-types@cs.chalmers.se, types@cs.indiana.edu
Delivery-Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 06:43:51 -0500
The following web page for the on-line proceedings of the Durham
Workshop is now working. There was a problem for some people to
access it, which should now be corrected. We are sorry for those who
could not access the page.
Zhaohui Luo.
The on-line proceedings of the following workshop held at Durham, UK
TYPES Working Group Workshop on
Subtyping, inheritance and modular development of proofs
is now available at the following home page (the original home page
for the workshop):
>From the same page you can also obtain the addresses of the attendees,
abstracts of the talks, and other relevant details of the workshop.
Alex Jones, Zhaohui Luo, Sergei Soloviev
(Local organisers)