Paper: Global/local subtyping for a distributed pi-calculus
To: types@cs.indiana.edu
Subject: Paper: Global/local subtyping for a distributed pi-calculus
From: Peter Sewell <Peter.Sewell@cl.cam.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:17:52 +0100
Delivery-Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:17:59 -0500
I would like to announce the availability of the following technical
report, from the www page
Global/Local Subtyping for a Distributed pi-calculus
In the design of mobile agent programming languages there is a
tension between the implementation cost and the expressiveness of the
communication mechanisms provided. This paper gives a static
type system for a distributed pi-calculus in which the input and
output capabilities of channels may be either global or local.
This allows compile-time optimization where possible but
retains the expressiveness of channel communication. Subtyping
allows all communications to be invoked uniformly. Recursive types
and products are included.
The distributed pi-calculus used integrates location and migration
primitives from the Distributed Join Calculus with asynchronous pi
communication, taking a simple reduction semantics. Some alternative
calculi are discussed.
Technical Report 435, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Comments would be appreciated, of course. My apologies if you receive
two copies of this email.
Peter Sewell