
CADE trustee nominations

                   CADE Trustee Nominations and Election

Nominations for two CADE Inc. trustee positions will be accepted by
Mark Stickel (stickel@ai.sri.com) and Neil Murray (nvm@cs.albany.edu)
through the end of CADE-14 (13-17 July 1997).

(from the bylaws http://www.cs.albany.edu/~nvm/cade.html#bylaws)
Nominations for Trustee positions may be made by any member of CADE,
in writing, to be received by the Trustees up to or during the next
upcoming CADE conference business meeting.  Two members are required
to make a nomination.  To be eligible, nominees must be AAR members,
must give their permission, and must meet the conditions set forth
in Section 2.2 below.  An election as described in Section 2.3 below
will be held within thirty days of the business meeting for the purpose
of selecting two nominees to become Trustees.

Following is a list of current trustees, with ** marking those leaving
their position after the election.

    Alan Bundy
    Deepak Kapur
 ** Donald Loveland
    Claude Kirchner (CADE-15 Cochair)
    Helene Kirchner (CADE-15 Cochair)
 ** William McCune (CADE-14 Chair)
    Neil Murray (Secretary/Treasurer)
    John Slaney (Vice President)
 ** Mark Stickel (President)

The terms of Loveland and Stickel are expiring.  McCune is an
ex-officio trustee as CADE-14 Chair; his service thus ends with
CADE-14 unless nominated and elected.

Mark Stickel
President of Trustees

Geoff Sutcliffe                   http://www.cs.jcu.edu.au/~geoff
Department of Computer Science    Email : geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au
James Cook University             Phone : +61 77 815085/814622
Townsville, Australia, 4811.      FAX   : +61 77 814029