
ECOOP '97 Call for Participation

ECOOP '97 -- 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
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mailing lists!

This is a slightly abridged version of the printed ECOOP '97 Advance
Programme and Call for Participation.  For full and up-to-date
information, please look at http://www.ecoop97.jyu.fi/ .

The registration form is not included! It can be found at 
http://www.ecoop97.jyu.fi/Registration/ .
as two PostScript files.  Registration can also be done through WWW;
look at the address mentioned above.

You can also ask for the registration form via email from ecoop97@cs.jyu.fi .

Finally, you can get the March version of the complete Advance Programme
and Call for Participation in several parts by anonymous FTP from
www.ecoop97.jyu.fi .
The documents are in PostScript format in directory /pub/ecoop97/ps ,
and in straight text and RTF formats (registration form not included)
in directory /pub/ecoop97/texts .





This year, 1997, marks the 30th anniversary of Simula, and thus of
object-oriented programming, the 25th anniversary of Smalltalk, and the
10th anniversary of ECOOP. We cordially invite all researchers,
practitioners, educators, and students interested in object technology to
attend ECOOP '97, the 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming, to be held on June 9 - 13, 1997, in Jyvskyl, Finland.

The conference is organized by the University of Jyvskyl, in cooperation
with AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets). It has
been made possible through hard volunteer work by the Organizing Committee
and the Programme Committee.  We are also grateful to the sponsoring and
cooperating organizations listed in this booklet.

As always, ECOOP strives to demonstrate the very best and latest research,
practice, and experience using object technologies.  In this booklet you
will already see our wide choice of tutorials and workshops on Monday and
Tuesday, and the exciting technical programme - including first-range
invited speakers - from Wednesday to Friday. We are also looking forward to
an interesting offering of posters and demonstrations, and an exhibition of
object-oriented products from Tuesday to Thursday.

Opportunities for informal contacts between participants have always been
important at ECOOP.  This year we will offer a more extensive social
programme than probably ever before.  It includes evening events, some
arrangements for accompanying persons, and pre- and post-conference tours.

Boris Magnusson                                 Markku Sakkinen
Conference Chair                                Organizing Chair 


ECOOP '97 is organized by the University of Jyvskyl, under the auspices
of AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets).

Executive Committee

Conference Chair:       Boris Magnusson (University of Lund, Sweden)
Programme Co-chairs:    Mehmet Aksit (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
                        Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Organizing Chair:       Markku Sakkinen (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)

Programme Committee

Pierre America (Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Elisa Bertino (University of Milan, Italy)
Toby Bloom (CMG Direct Interactive, Andover, MA, USA)
Frank Buschmann (Siemens, Munich, Germany)
Luca Cardelli (Digital SRC, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
Denis Caromel (University of Nice - INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Pierre Cointe (Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France)
Derek Coleman (King's College, London, United Kingdom)
Theo D'Hondt (Brussels Free University, Belgium)
Peter Dickman (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Bjorn Freeman-Benson (Object Technology International Inc., Victoria, BC,
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL IN-Ecublens, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Dieter Hammer (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Urs Hlzle (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
Shinichi Honiden (Toshiba, Kawasaki, Japan)
Mehdi Jazayeri (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Eric Jul (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Gerti Kappel (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)
Jrgen Lindskov Knudsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
John Lamping (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, CA, USA)
Karl Lieberherr (Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA)
Jos Meseguer (SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA)
Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Atsushi Ohori (Kyoto University, Japan)
Jens Palsberg (Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA)
Douglas Schmidt (Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA)

Organizing committee

Tutorial Chair:         Erkki Lehtinen (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
                        erkkil@jyu.fi (Tutorial Chair) 
Workshop Chair:         Antero Taivalsaari (Nokia Research Center,
                                            Helsinki, Finland)
Conference Manager
and Exhibition Chair:   Taru-Maija Heilala-Rasimov (Jyvskyl Congresses,
Panel Chair:            Jari Veijalainen (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
Poster Chair:           Pentti Marttiin (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
Demonstration Chair:    Risto Pohjonen (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
Other members:          Matti Rossi (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
                        Jonne Itkonen (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)

Cooperating Associations

AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets)

ACM SIGPLAN (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group
for Programming Languages)

Sponsoring Institutions and Companies

Nokia Research Center
See also under Exhibits.

See also under Useful to know (official carrier of ECOOP '97).

Jyvskyl Science Park Ltd.

University of Jyvskyl

Academy of Finland

City of Jyvskyl


We received a total of 44 high-quality tutorial proposals, and the
selection was a difficult task. Finally we picked up 20 tutorials, 4
full-day and 16 half-day ones, highlighting the object-oriented approach
from various viewpoints. The aim has been to compile a balanced, covering,
and attractive program.

To avoid extensive overlapping we shall take the advantage of the
long-lasting light of Finnish summer nights; for the half-day tutorials, in
addition to the normal morning and afternoon sessions, there will be a
third one, starting in the late afternoon. Thus, also the workshop
participants have an opportunity to attend some tutorials as well.

Please note that the fee for an additional tutorial decreases as the number
of tutorial units increases (see Participation and Registration Fees).

Erkki Lehtinen
Tutorial Chair

Informal Tutorial Committee: Juhani Iivari (University of Oulu, Finland),
Markku Nokso-Koivisto (TT-Innovation Oy, Espoo, Finland), Markku Sakkinen
(University of Jyvskyl) and Jari Veijalainen (University of Jyvskyl)

More information about the tutorials is available on WWW:

T1  From C++ to Advanced Java in One Day
T2  Testing Object-oriented Components
T3  A Survey of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Techniques
T4  Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture
T5  Advanced Smalltalk: Elegance and Efficiency
T6  Analysis Patterns
T7  Object-based Parallel anda Distributed Computing
T8  Designing High-Performance Reusable Code
T9  Software Design and Implementation with Generic (C++) Components
T10 Capturing an Object-Oriented Software Architecture
T11 Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms
T12 Object-Oriented Databases
T13 Transitioning & Managing Object-Oriented Software Development
T14 A Theory of Objects
T15 Engineering the Object-Oriented Software Process: OPEN and MeNtOR
T16 Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
T17 Object-Oriented Experiences & Future Trends
T18 Interaction Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming
T19 Advanced Modeling and Design for Java Systems
T20 Industrial Applied Object-Technology

The timings of the different tutorials are as follows
(with a refreshment break in the middle):

Morning         from  8:15 to 11:45
Afternoon       from 12:45 to 16:15
Late-afternoon  from 16:45 to 20:15

T1  From C++ to Advanced Java in One Day

Desmond F. D'Souza, ICON Computing, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday morning & afternoon (full day), Level: Intermediate

This tutorial will enable developers to effectively and efficiently make
the transition from C++ to Java, including Java 1.1 APIs, within the
framework of a solid object-oriented design paradigm. Covering key
differences between the languages as well as between corresponding design
approaches, it will illustrate these differences with a series of

The objectives of the tutorial are to understand differences between Java
and C++; to learn  Java as a language for very effectively building object
systems; to use Java as a general and Web development language; and to
learn design of advanced interactive systems with Java libraries.
Discussions and complete case study may be browsed at

Attendees must be familiar with C++ and object technology.

Desmond D'Souza is the president of ICON Computing, Inc. and a member of
the faculty at the Software Quality Institute at the University of Texas at
Austin. He has used object technology since 1985, and is an author of the
Catalysis method. He writes the Education and Training column in the
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming and in Report on Object Analysis and

T2  Testing Object-oriented Components 

John D. McGregor, Clemson University & Software Architects, Clemson, South
Carolina, USA
Monday morning & afternoon (full day), Level: Intermediate 

This tutorial has two major goals.  First it will present techniques for
building components that are testable.  Second, it will present techniques
and a process for testing the components built as part of a project that
uses object-oriented techniques.
The tutorial is divided into three parts:  (1) specific techniques and
small examples to illustrate specific testing algorithms; (2) a case study
of a small set of classes and the infrastructure required to test them; (3)
a process for component testing and a context of a complete testing process
for object-oriented systems.
The techniques presented in the tutorial are intended to provide a scalable
process that can be tailored to the size of a project and the degree of
coverage required by the application. The comprehensive test plan,
presented in the tutorial, integrates the construction process and the
testing process to produce an efficient and complete development process. 

This tutorial assumes experience in the use of object-oriented development
methods and a typical developer's knowledge of unit testing techniques. 
The examples used in the tutorial use C++ syntax; however, the discussion
of the testing approach provides sufficient context for experienced
developers to understand the example even if they do not read C++.

Dr. John D. McGregor is an associate professor of computer science at
Clemson University and a senior partner in Software Architects, a software
design consulting firm, specializing in object-oriented design techniques.
Dr. McGregor has developed testing techniques for object-oriented software
and custom testing processes for a variety of companies. He is co-author of
"Object-oriented Software Development: Engineering Software for Reuse"
published by Van Nostrand Reinhold. 

T3  A Survey of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Techniques

Martin Fowler, Independent Consultant, Melrose, Massachusetts, USA

Monday morning, Level: Intermediate

Over the last ten years many trees have sacrificed their lives for writings
on OO methods. This tutorial gives a guided tour around the highlights of
these writings, pointing out the common techniques, some less-known but
valuable techniques, and where to go for more information. 

Rational's Unified Modeling Language (UML) is probably going to be the
basis for most analysis and design in the future. This tutorial looks at
the techniques present in the UML, but also looks at other important
techniques (such as CRC cards, design by contract, and patterns) that will
be useful and shows how to blend them in a development activity. The
tutorial shows how different techniques highlight different aspects of a
design and how a good design will use a mix of techniques to highlight the
important areas of a particular project.

Attendees should have a working knowledge of object-oriented concepts.

Martin Fowler is an independent consultant who has pioneered the use of
Object Oriented analysis and design for business information systems. These
include health care for the UK National Health Service, derivatives trading
for Citibank, and payroll for Chrysler. He is also a leader in developing
analysis patterns and is the author of the book "Analysis Patterns:
Reusable Object Models".

T4  Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture

Dietmar Schtz,  Siemens AG, Munich, Germany

Monday morning, Level: Advanced

The tutorial first gives an introduction to patterns. With help of a
concrete example, the Broker pattern, it discusses the nature and
properties of patterns, and how patterns complement and complete each
other. It then presents several patterns at different levels of
granularity. At the architectural level it presents
Presentation-Abstraction-Control, an alternative to MVC. Patterns from the
design level include Command Processor and Forwarder-Receiver. For the
idiom level, it presents the Counted Pointer idiom for C++ as well as the
Singleton idiom, both in the C++ and Smalltalk version. At the
domain-specific level it presents three patterns for building switching
systems. In all pattern presentations we show how these patterns use or
build upon other well-known patterns. As a concrete real-world example, the
tutorial presents the design of a flexible interface for event-driven
systems. This case study demonstrates how patterns help with building high
quality software systems. Finally, we discuss our experiences in applying,
mining and writing patterns.The tutorial concludes with an overview on the
pattern community.

Sound understanding of object-oriented concepts, foundations of software
architecture as well knowledge of fundamental GoF patterns are expected.

T5  Advanced Smalltalk: Elegance and Efficiency

Bruno Schffer, Swiss Bank Corporation, Basel, Switzerland 

Monday afternoon, Level: Intermediate/advanced

Smalltalk is getting increasingly popular in the industry. The language is
quite simple, but its concepts and the vast class library make it a
powerful system.

The tutorial first shows how to write effective Smalltalk code, from naming
conventions up to design of reusable classes. It then opens the hood of the
Smalltalk system, looking at how the system works. This paves the way for
efficiency considerations, pointing out potential bottlenecks and how to
avoid them.

Smalltalk has powerful reflective facilities. An important part of it,  the
meta classes, are presented and subsequently used to extend the system.
Examples both from ParcPlace\VisualWorks and IBM Smalltalk are being used 
in the tutorial.

Participants should have a good knowledge of object-oriented concepts and
should be familiar with Smalltalk as a language and the basics of the
Smalltalk class library.

Bruno Schffer is working in the architectures and standards group at Swiss
Bank Corporation. He has been using Smalltalk for more than 10 years. His
most recent project was Delos, a new, open and flexible browsing
environment for Smalltalk. He is also teaching Smalltalk courses for the
Swiss Informaticians Society and at the University of Zurich.

T6  Analysis Patterns

Martin Fowler, Independent Consultant, Melrose, Massachusetts, USA

Monday afternoon, Level: Intermediate

Over the last couple of years  Software Patterns have become one of the
most important areas for software development. Instead of describing
abstract techniques to build software, they highlight useful examples which
can be adapted and used again by developers.

Although most known for object-oriented design, patterns are also a
valuable technique for analysis. This tutorial looks at a selection of the
patterns Martin Fowler has collected and published in his book. The
tutorial selects two areas: it first outlines patterns first discovered in
health care which were then used for corporate financial analysis - a prime
example of how pattern reuse can cross traditional vertical domains. It
then moves to accounting, showing how a financial system can be built as a
network of accounts and posting rules which contain the rules for
transferring the amounts between the accounts.

Attendees should have a working knowledge of object-oriented concepts and
at least one object-oriented analysis and design method.

Martin Fowler: see T3.

T7  Object-based Parallel anda Distributed Computing:
    Survey and Classification

Jean-Pierre Briot, LIP6, Paris, France
Rachid Guerraoui, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Monday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate

This tutorial aims at providing a comprehensive survey of the technology of
object-based parallel and distributed computing. Therefore, it discusses
and classifies the various ways along which the "object" paradigm is used
in both parallel and distributed contexts. More precisely, they are grouped
into three main approaches: "applicative", "integrative" and "reflective".

Rougly speaking, the applicative approach helps the system designer to
structure parallel and distributed computer systems through a set of
generic libraries.

The integrative approach provides the application programmer with a simple
unified model by merging concepts such as: object and activity, message
passing and transaction.

The reflective approach may be considered as a bridge between the two
previous approaches as it helps at integrating protocol libraries
intimately within a programming language or system, thus helping at its
dynamic customization.

During the tutorial, each approach is analyzed, compared, and illustrated
by several examples of existing languages or systems.

Some prior exposure to basic concepts of object-oriented programming is
expected but no specific experience in parallel or distributed programming
is needed.

Jean-Pierre Briot is a CNRS researcher at LIP6, a joint Paris-6 University
- CNRS computer science research lab. He took part in the design of several
object-based concurrent programming projects, including an Esprit parallel
computing action that he co-headed. He recently co-edited a book on
"Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation", in Springer LNCS
series (#1107).
Rachid Guerraoui is a lecturer at the Operating System Lab. of the Computer
Science Department in Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL). He
is technical coordinator of the ''OpenDreams'' Esprit project which aims at
designing a CORBA compliant platform for industrial applications. He
teaches Object-Oriented programming at EPFL and has co-edited a book on
"Object-Based Distributed Programming", in Springer LNCS series (#791).

T8  Designing High-Performance Reusable Code

Gregor Kiczales  & Chris Maeda, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, California, USA

Monday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate

How does one design high-performance reusable code?  It has to please a
wide range of users_so it can be reused_and yet it must provide all of them
with good performance.  This kind of problem, once the sole responsibility
of system software experts, is of increasing importance to the designers of
any code that is intended to be reusable.

This tutorial will present a number of case studies _ ranging from small to
large _ that are examples of high performance, reusable software.  From the
examples, we will abstract a set of guidelines and techniques that can be
used to understand the examples, and that can be applied to your future
design problems.

Familiarity of computer science is expected and experience designing or
using reusable software is a plus.

Gregor Kiczales is a principal scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center.  He is one of the inventors of the concept of open implementation
which is at the foundation of this tutorial.

Chris Maeda is a researcher at Xerox PARC.  He has experience applying
these techniques to a wide variety of software systems from operating
systems to applications.

T9  Software Design and Implementation with Generic (C++) 

Mehdi Jazayeri & Georg Trausmuth, Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Monday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate

The primary goal of the tutorial is to show how template and inheritance
mechanisms can be combined to build highly generic and efficient software
components. The participants will learn the principles of component
programming, a new, multiparadigm, approach to software design and
implementation using generic components. This approach integrates
techniques from procedural programming, functional programming,
object-oriented programming, and generic programming in a seamless way. The
tutorial shows how the template and class facilities of C++ can be used to
build "plug-compatible" components in these seemingly disparate paradigms.
It will give examples from C++ and the Standard Template Library (STL), a
library of software components developed at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories,
and adopted as ISO/ANSI standard for C++. Several different styles of using
templates to build software components will be compared.

The tutorial addresses both academic and industrial concerns. The
instructors are currently applying the techniques of this tutorial in
re-engineering industrial applications.

The audience should be familiar with the concepts of object-oriented
programming, and C++ knowledge is useful for detailed understanding.

Mehdi Jazayeri was a member of the technical staff at Hewlett-Packard
Laboratories and is currently professor of distributed systems at the
Technical University of Vienna. He has been a software engineer and has
managed research and development projects both in the US and in Europe,
producing programming tools and environments. He is co-author of two
popular textbooks: "Programming Language Concepts" (with Carlo Ghezzi), and
"Fundamentals of Software Engineering" (with Carlo Ghezzi and Dino
Mandrioli). He is co-editor of an IEEE Tutorial Text on "Process-centered
software engineering environments". He is on the editorial board of the
IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering.

Georg Trausmuth is an assistant professor at the Department of Distributed
Systems of the Technical University of Vienna. He has taught both
university and industry courses on C++ and STL. His research covers
Software Design and Implementation with Software Components. His special
interests are programming languages and software engineering. His PhD
dissertation was on the development and use of generic components.

T10 Capturing an Object-Oriented Software Architecture

Charles Weir, Independent Software Architect, London, UK
Monday late-afternoon, Level: Introductory/intermediate

This tutorial will teach delegates how to document a software architecture.
A software architecture consists of all the decisions about how the system
will satisfy its non-functional requirements: performance, scaling,
distribution, and fault-tolerance. The presenter has drawn on experience
designing several large OO systems to produce a format to help writing a
software architecture document: what the documentation needs to contain,
and what is a sensible structure for it.
In particular the tutorial will examine how to write down the major
architectural decisions:  strategic decisions about the environment;
priorities and major design issues; structural overviews of how the system
fits together; and policy decisions such as error handling and what
implementation patterns to use.  The tutorial will also discuss how
to create 'decision documents' to track the rationale behind major project
The tutorial will explore techniques and approaches suitable for these
architecture and decision documents. It will be illustrated with
experiences from particular software projects.

Attendees should be familiar with the basic concepts of

Charles Weir has more than ten years' experience of working on Software
Development projects and has been using object-oriented techniques for more
than six.  As a consultant with Object Designers Ltd., he has provided
on-site mentoring to many companies in countries including the UK,
Switzerland and Finland.

T11 Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms

Jim Coplien, Bell Laboratories, Naperville, Illinois, USA
Tuesday morning & afternoon (full day), Level: Intermediate/advanced

Is C++ a high-level or low-level language? It depends how you use it! This
tutorial introduces programming techniques that raise the level of C++
programming by freeing the programmer from administrative details, and by
modeling the powerful semantics of high-end object-oriented programming
languages. These techniques form C++-specific patterns called idioms, which
remain an important component of the contemporary pattern discipline. Many
of the techniques are presented in pattern form.

The tutorial goes beyond most introductory C++ texts with programming
styles that can expand the horizons of accomplished C++ programmers.
Drawing from the book "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms", the
tutorial tackles difficult but common problems faced by developers of C++
systems, both large and small.

This tutorial is for the C++ programmer with at least a year of experience
in C++ or another object-oriented programming language.

Jim Coplien is author of "C++ Programming Styles and Idioms", the foremost
high-end C++ book in the industry, and co-editor of two volumes of "Pattern
Languages of Program Design". He is author of the SIGS management briefing
on Software Patterns, and writes a pattern column for the C++ Report. He
sits on the board of the Hillside Generative Patterns Group. 

T12 Object-Oriented Databases

Marc H. Scholl, University of Konstanz, Germany

Tuesday morning & afternoon (full day), Level: Intermediate

Object-oriented concepts have made their way into database systems (DBMSs)
over the last few years. Extended relational DBMSs, post-relational DBMSs,
complex-object DBMSs, object-oriented DBMSs, object-relational DBMSs, and
object database systems are only some of the terms that have been coined
for this development. Research has been going on for about 10-15 years,
products have entered the market place, and standardization is on its way.

The tutorial starts out by a brief summary of database essentials, showing
the virtues and limitations of current (relational) DBMS technology, and
thus motivating the proposed extensions. After that, different approaches
to object-oriented data models are compared, collecting a suite of
requirements for next generation DBMSs. The tutorial concentrates on
functional requirements (data model, interface languages) rather than
architectural and implementation problems (such as, for example,
efficiency). That is, we focus on the distinction between OO and non-OO
database systems. There are a lot of further characteristics of new DBMSs,
that are often relevant for investment decisions, but not particularly
related to object-oriented versus relational (for instance) database
systems. We comment on these, but do not elaborate them in detail.

In the next section, we review current standardization efforts (ODMG,
SQL-3, CORBA), evaluate their status with respect to the suite of
requirements set up earlier, and compare them. Based on this collection of
criteria, we give an overview of products and prototypes available, and
point to further sources of information.

Marc Scholl is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of
Konstanz, where he leads the Databases and Information Systems group. The
group is investigating object database technology in theoretical and
practical aspects; particular current interests are the architecture of OO
database systems with powerful query and update optimizers.

T13 Transitioning & Managing Object-Oriented Software

Mohamed E. Fayad, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, USA
Mauri Laitinen, Laitinen Consulting, Tahoe City, California, USA

Tuesday morning, Level: Introductory

OO technology and popularity has grown dramatically over the last few
years. Several organizations have sponsored small projects and technology
efforts that demonstrate the potential power of this new software paradigm.
Now, organizations are searching for an approach to harness the vast
potential of OO and efficiently apply it in the real world, on real
projects,  with real people, real budgets and real deadlines. These teams
want to take OO concepts out of the textbooks and actually use it to
improve their software.

The tutorial presents a complete transition plan and provides guidelines on
dealing with several issues, such as culture changes, selecting the best
method for the project, the finest development environment, staffing the
project, tracking and controlling the OO software development, documenting
the software development process, and training. The tutorial also includes
sections on:  planning, cost estimation, object-oriented software metrics,
test issues, quality issues, documentation, and cost reduction. An OO
transition process is presented and examined with respect to two central
themes: "What makes the transition to OOSD a mission with a lot of
problems?" and "How can the transition to OOSD be accomplished with minimum
impact on the cost and schedule?" A transition plan is presented which is
based upon lessons-learned from real-world experience. Several effective
practices that managers can implement are suggested.

This is a from-the-trenches, pragmatic tutorial specifically designed to
help organizations effectively apply OO technology in the real world.

Familiarity with basic notions of software engineering and project
management is expected.

Mohamed Fayad is an Associate Professor at University of Nevada, Reno. He
has been actively involved in over 60 OO projects in several companies
using Shlaer-Mellor, Colbert, OMT, Use Case Approach, Unified Approach,
Design Patterns, Application Frameworks, Distributed Computing, and others.
He is a Sr. Referee for IEEE Computer, an Associate Editor and editorial
advisor for the Communications of the ACM, an Editor-In-Chief for IEEE
Computer Society Press - Computer Science and Engineering Practice Press.
Dr Fayad is the sole author of "Software Development Planning for OO
Projects", and "OO Modeling & Applications", IEEE CS Press, December, 1996
and June, 1997. His research topic is Object-Oriented Software Engineering:
Problems & Perspectives.

Mauri Laitinen, principal in Laitinen Consulting, has over 25 years of
experience in software development and software management. He was one of
the founders of Autodesk, Inc., a world leader in the development of
computer aided design and modeling software. At Autodesk, he created and
directed the Quality Assurance Department, which had responsibility for
ensuring high standards for the development, production, and maintenance of
software and documentation. As Director of Software Development at
Autodesk, he managed the development of the AutoCAD and AutoSketch group of
products.As a consultant, he has worked with a number of start-up software
companies. Previously, Mr. Laitinen has held management positions at
Control Data Corp., and Information Systems Design, Inc., and has developed
software for Bechtel, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Jet Propulsion
Labs. Mr. Laitinen is a co-author with Dr. Fayad of the forthcoming book,
"Transition to Object-Oriented Management".

T14 A Theory of Objects

Martn Abadi & Luca Cardelli, Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto,
California, USA

Tuesday morning, Level: Intermediate 

This tutorial introduces a theory of objects as a foundation for
object-oriented languages and programming. This theory provides
explanations for object-oriented notions in terms of a few basic
primitives, and can be useful for the design and understanding of
programming languages. 

We cover both the semantics of objects and their typing rules.  We account
for a range of object-oriented concepts, such as self, dynamic dispatch,
classes, inheritance, prototyping, subtyping, covariance and
contravariance, and method specialization.

The audience should be familiar with more than one OO language and with OO
semantic and typing issues. Some exposure to formal systems and techniques
is also expected.

Martn Abadi's research interests are in: security in distributed systems;
specification and verification methods; programming languages, and in
particular principles of object-oriented programming. 

Luca Cardelli's research interests are in all aspects of programming
languages, and particularly in the semantic and type-theoretic foundations
of object-oriented languages.

T15 Engineering the Object-Oriented Software Process: OPEN and

Tony Simons, University of Sheffield, UK
Paul Swatman, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria,

Tuesday afternoon, Level: Intermediate/advanced

A full lifecycle object-oriented software process, OPEN-MeNtOR, is
described which encompasses all the software engineering concerns required
to utilize object-oriented software development techniques on real
projects. OPEN-MeNtOR (OPEN stands for Object-oriented Process, Environment
and Notation) is an "umbrella" process-focussed methodology created by the
merger of a large number of OO methodologies and the ideas from a cohesive
group of over 20 internationally recognized methodologists and researchers.
It combines MOSES, SOMA and Firesmith with significant influences from
several other methodologies such as Martin/Odell, OOram, BON, RDD and OBA;
as well as the formal OO language, Object-Z. It is not only the first
third-generation OO methodology, it is also the public domain version of
the commercial software process MeNtOR.

The structure of this tutorial, which focusses on the process issues
resolved in the public domain OPEN-MeNtOR methodology, falls into four
parts: First, it will begin by overviewing some of the currently available
object-oriented methods and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.
Secord, it will then discuss some of the issues that arise with OO methods
when object technology is deployed on a larger scale within an
organization. It will outline the evolution of OPEN-MeNtOR process which
embodies over seven years' experience with OO methods. Next, the talk will
then examine the architecture of OPEN-MeNtOR in detail providing attendees
with an understanding of an industrial strength OO software process.
Finally, a number of research issues and industrial case studies will be
outlined as well as a model for deployment of  such a process.
Attendees are expected to be fully conversant with basic OO terminology and
the need for a full lifecycle process methodology. Experience with OO
methodologies advantageous.
Tony Simons is a tenured lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at
the University of Sheffield, UK. He has ten years' experience in a wide
range of fields in object technology, having developed speech processing
systems in C++ and CLOS, data management interfaces in CLOS and Smalltalk
and robust controllers in Eiffel.  His research over the last five years
has included object-oriented language design, type theory and the
comparative evaluation of development methodologies. 

Paul Swatman is Director of the Information Systems Technical Board of the
Australian Computer Society and, at Swinburne University of Technology in
Melbourne, Australia, is Associate Professor of Information Systems and
Director of the Centre for Information Systems Research. Since 1990, he has
led a group researching into object-oriented requirements engineering for
high-quality information systems.  

T16 Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling

Bran Selic, ObjecTime Limited, Kanata, Canada

Tuesday afternoon, Level: Intermediate

The intricacy of most real-time systems is simply a reflection of the
bewildering complexity of the real-world. When we consider the additional
challenges of meeting stringent timing and resource constraints it becomes
evident that real-time software design cannot be adequately addressed
through general-purpose development methods.

Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling (ROOM) is a practical method for
developing real-time software that combines the object paradigm with
advanced domain-specific modeling concepts. Special emphasis is placed on
modeling the architectural levels of software that are key to reliability,
understandability, and evolvability. The method is also distinguished by
its ability to take advantage of computer-based automation (through
executable models, reuse, and automatic code generation) for better product
quality and greater productivity. In the past several years, ROOM has been
used successfully on a large number of diverse industrial projects.

The primary objective of the tutorial is to demonstrate how the object
paradigm can be used to advantage to develop reliable real-time software.

Bran Selic is the Vice President of Advanced Technology at ObjecTime
Limited, a company that develops and markets the ObjecTime toolset that
supports the ROOM method. He has over 20 years of experience, both as a
developer and a manager, with real-time software development, covering a
spectrum of application domains (telecommunications, aerospace, and
robotics), and over 9 years of experience with object-oriented design and
programming. He is the principal author of the book, "Real-Time
Object-Oriented Modeling", co-authored with Garth Gullekson and Paul Ward.

T17 Object-Oriented Experiences & Future Trends

Mohamed E. Fayad, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, USA

Tuesday late-afternoon, Level: Introductory/intermediate

This tutorial is based on our experiences in applying many currently used
object-oriented development techniques (e.g., OMT, Use Case Approach, and
UML), design patterns, frameworks, object-oriented distributed computing,
and managerial approaches on real software development projects in various
problem domains. The tutorial reports on both the good points and the bad
points of these techniques. The tutorial explains the aspects of various
techniques that should be avoided and why they should be avoided. Four case
studies (real projects) and the lessons that were learned from each are
presented. They illustrate how to minimize software costs with OO and
describe the common lessons that were learned while applying different
object-oriented software techniques. Solutions and strategies relative to
some existing problems with OO techniques will be presented. These lessons
are related to: technical issues; modeling and notation issues; standards
and process issues; and managerial issues. Enhancement proposals, new
techniques, for one or two of the presented OO techniques. 

Familiarity with basic notions of software engineering and object-oriented
concepts is expected.

Mohamed Fayad: see T13

T18 Interaction Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming

Peter Wegner, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Tuesday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate

Though object-based programming has become a dominant practical technology,
its conceptual framework and theoretical foundations are still
unsatisfactory: it is fashionable to say that everyone talks about it but
no one knows what it is. "Knowing what it is" has proved elusive because of
the implicit assumption that explanations must specify "what it is" in
terms of algorithms. Accepting irreducibility as a fact of life has a
liberating effect: "what it is" can be more naturally defined in terms of
interactive models.
This tutorial develops new foundations for object-oriented programming in
terms of interactive rather than algorithmic computing. The paradigm shift
from algorithms to interaction captures the technology shift from
mainframes to workstations and networks, from number-crunching to embedded
systems and graphical user interfaces, and from procedure-oriented to
object-based and distributed programming. Interaction is shown to be more
powerful than rule-based algorithms for computer problem solving,
overturning the prevalent view that all computing is expressible as
algorithms. The radical notion that interactive systems are more powerful
problem-solving engines than algorithms is the basis for a new paradigm for
computing technology built around the unifying concept of interaction.
Recent papers on this subject are available from

Peter Wegner is a professor of computer science at Brown University and has
published widely in the area of object-oriented programming.

T19 Advanced Modeling and Design for Java Systems

Desmond F. D'Souza, ICON Computing, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate/advanced

This tutorial will explore usage of selected advanced modeling techniques
from Catalysis for complete support of development of object-oriented and
component systems, exploiting Java as the implementation vehicle. Its
objectives are to understand how Java enables certain design and
composition mechanisms, and to learn powerful modeling techniques for
describing such compositions.

The tutorial will discuss collaboration patterns, the most interesting
parts of a Java system. Every collaboration imposes assumptions and
guarantees on its participants, so it needs a clear vocabulary. This
vocabulary is made precise with a rich modeling toolbox permitting clear
specification of responsibilities, while not imposing implementation
decisions. Second, the tutorial will present how a clear notion of
refinement permits more detailed descriptions to be built in a systematic
way from abstract ones. Further, we introduce a simple yet powerful
mechanism for composing views and precisely describing the essential
dependencies between them. Compositional modeling and its mapping to Java
lets one, e.g. achieve early reuse by composing existing patterns and

The approach presented here using selected parts of the Catalysis method
builds on strengths of methods like Unified OMT-Booch, Fusion, and
Objectory. It has specific features which dovetail effectively with Java on
interface vs. class, exception specification, etc., while adding full
consistency between models, views and pattern synthesis, multiple types and
interfaces per object, rigor and refinement, as well as using architectural
components with and for Java.

Attendees must be knowledgeable of object design, be familiar with a
modeling method like OMT or Fusion, and have some familiarity with Java.

Desmond D'Souza: see T1.

T20 Industrial Applied Object-Technology - The Nokia Case

Jrgen Ziegler & Lszl Huray, Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland

Tuesday late-afternoon, Level: Intermediate

Nokia's mainstream products are embedded real-time systems. Adopting object
 technology can help developing real-time systems in a way that more
naturally maps to the inherent nature of the systems being built, while
providing benefits similar to those well known and widely reported for
other branches of software. However, the object-oriented method must match
also the requirements specific to real-time systems.

Nokia internally applies a method, called Octopus, which provides a
systematic and effective approach for developing object-oriented software
for embedded real-time systems. It has been developed at the Nokia Research
Center. The method can be browsed at

The attendee will learn about this method and how it has been evolved since
its introduction. Because meanwhile this method is in wide use inside
Nokia, the attendee will hear about the experience made with it, thus
gaining industrial insights and competitive advantage.

The attendees should be generally familiar with the basics of the
object-oriented paradigm and concepts and should understand the common

Jrgen Ziegler developed real-time software for chemical instruments and
managed development projects for almost ten years at Hewlett Packard. After
that, he was responsible for the development of system software products at
Nokia Data. Since joining the Nokia Research Center in 1990, he is working
on promoting object-oriented technology to embedded systems. He co-authored
a book about Octopus, "Object-Oriented Technology for Real-Time Systems",
Prentice Hall, 1996.

Lszl Huray has twenty years of experience in developing real-time
software for  industrial control systems and telecommunication products at
different Hungarian and Finnish companies and research institutes. He has
also long experience in hardware design and project management. His focus
since joining Nokia Research Center is on object-oriented technology and
distribution in embedded systems.


As in previous years, ECOOP '97 will host a number of workshops addressing
different areas of object-oriented technology. Workshops serve as a forum
for exchanging emerging, late-breaking research ideas, and they typically
focus either on in-depth or cross-domain areas related to object-oriented
technology and its applications.

In this year's ECOOP there will be 18 workshops in total: 3 two-day
workshops and 15 one-day workshops. We were happy to receive a large number
of high-quality workshop proposals, and we are looking forward to an
interesting workshop programme.

Antero Taivalsaari
Workshop Chair

Workshops at a glance

8:15 - 16:15

8:15 - 16:15

For participation in any workshop, please communicate directly with the
announced contact person, or have a look at the appropriate WWW pages.
There is a page for each workshop N (for N from 1 to 18) named
http://www.ecoop97.jyu.fi/Workshops/workshopN. The URL of the actual home
page maintained by the workshop organizers is listed in each workshop

The workshop sessions are planned to begin earlier than usually, at 8:15,
and to end at 16:15. This is in order to give workshop participants an
opportunity to attend late-afternoon tutorials (see Tutorials).

W1  Object Oriented Technology for Telecommunications
    Services Engineering

Organizers: Prof. Simon Znaty, Ecole Nationale Superieure des 
            Tlcommunication de Bretagne (ENST-B), France
            Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Swiss Federal Institute of
            Technology, Lausanne
Contact:    znaty@tcom.epfl.ch
URL:        http://www.rennes.enst-bretagne.fr/~znaty/ECOOP97.html
Day:        Monday and Tuesday

Long term trends in the telecommunications market calls for Integrated
Service Engineering to promote rapid introduction of new and enhanced
services, their management and the management of the underlying networks
that are used to provide those services. One of the main technologies that
needs to be applied to master the service engineering complexity is object
orientation. Authors are invited to submit either original research
contributions, or experience reports that provide new insight into the use
of object-oriented technology for telecommunications services engineering.

W2  Introducing Object-Orientation through Team-Oriented 
    Projects - What makes introductory projects successful

Organizers: Jrgen Brstler, Ume University
            Thorsten Janning, Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG, Kln 
Contact:    jubo@cs.umu.se
URL:        http://www.cs.umu.se/~jubo/ECOOP/CFP.html
Day:        Monday

The workshop will bring together people from industry and academia to
discuss team project oriented introductions to object-oriented technology.
The areas of interest range from teaching team-oriented projects courses in
both industry and academia to project-oriented migration strategies to
object technology.

The (main) goals of the workshop are

- to create an initial checklist with recommendations for the
  organization of a team project oriented introduction to object technology
- to work out a classification scheme for migration strategies based on
  scenarios of an information technology environment and a list of success
- to set-up an infrastructure for the discussion of concrete examples,
  which may later be used as reference projects.

All workshop participants are required to submit a position paper together
with project's success.

W3  Reflective Real-time Object-Oriented Programming and

Organizers: Dr. S. E. Mitchell, University of York
            Dr. R. J. Stroud, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle
Contact:    stuart@minster.york.ac.uk
URL:        http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~stuart/ecoop_workshop.html
Day:        Tuesday

In recent years the separate topics of reflective object-oriented
programming and real-time have undergone significant developments. This
workshop is aimed at combining these topics and thus exploring the
advantages that the disciplined separation of concerns offered by a
reflective system can provide within a real-time system. There has already
been some published work related to this area (for example, the Spring
Kernel, FLEX, RTC++, RT Java, DROL) and the organisers are both members of
"Design for Validation", an ESPRIT Long Term Research project which is
exploring the use of reflection as a structuring mechanism for building
dependable validatable real time distributed systems. We therefore believe
that there is both the demand for a workshop on the subject of combining
reflection and real-time as well as considerable benefit to be gained from
the resulting collaboration between interested researchers and

W4  Language Support for Design Patterns and Frameworks

Organizers: Jan Bosch, University of Karlskrona, Ronneby
            Grel Hedin, Lund University
            Kai Koskimies, University of Tampere, Finland
Contact:    Jan.Bosch@ide.hk-r.se
URL:        http://www.ide.hk-r.se/~bosch/lsdf
Day:        Tuesday

Languages (textual or graphical) are related to design patterns and
frameworks in many ways which we only are beginning to understand. The
concepts of an application domain are traditionally modelled as classes and
their relationships and behaviour. Another approach, used e.g. in 4GL
systems, is to map domain concepts to special language structures. In this
sense, a framework corresponds to a language, and its instantiation
corresponds to a program written in this language. By studying the
relationships of (domain-oriented) languages and frameworks, it seems
feasible to develop attractive tools for the difficult activity of
framework instantiation. Also other interactions between languages,
patterns, and frameworks exist. A collection of domain-oriented patterns
constitutes a language that is the basis of design of applications and
frameworks in that domain. Further, design patterns can be supported by
special language constructs, extending general-purpose languages. It is
also interesting to note that language engineering benefits from language
implementation frameworks, allowing the rapid development of new
domain-oriented languages based on reused architectures and components.
Although many researchers have identified the above topics and recognised
their importance, these issues still are relatively little understood and
need to investigated further. To support this process, we believe a
workshop would provide the appropriate platform, since it balances the
presentation of new ideas with considerable amounts of discussion.

W5  Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques

Organizers: Haim Kilov, IBM T J Watson Research Center, Hawthorne
            Bernhard Rumpe, Technische Universitt Mnchen
Contact:    rumpe@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
URL:        http://www4.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~rumpe/ecoop
Day:        Tuesday

Currently there is an ongoing standardization process for object-oriented
modeling techniques (OOMT) initiated by the OMG. A standardization of OOMT
does not only include a precise syntax, but a precise semantics as well.
This is essential for unambiguous understanding business and system
specifications modeled with OOMT. A precise semantics allows us to detect
inconsistencies and inaccuracies both in OOMTs themselves (meta-modeling),
and in specifications written using these OOMTs (modeling), as well as to
compare different OOMT on a more precise way, improving the notation and
also enables interoperability between different OOMT.  But it also allows
us to use a notation in a more standardized way, thus leading to better and
unambiguous understanding and therefore supporting true reuse of
specifications and design, a more accurate definition of context conditions
or (code) generators. Furthermore, requirement decisions could be traced
more precisely to produced code.

The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to

- precise semantics for OOMT
- integration of semantics for a heterogeneous set of OOMT
- formal development and refinement techniques for OOMT
- comparisons of existing semantics models
- ways to achieve preciseness
- concurrency and OOMT
- tool support
- existing standards (e. g. ISO) and OOMT

W6  Models, Formalisms and Methods for Distributed Object-
    Oriented Computing

Organizers: Rmi Bastide, LIS - Universit Toulouse I
            Didier Buchs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
Contact:    bastide@cict.fr
URL:        http://lis.univ-tlse1.fr/ecoop-ws
Day:        Monday

The emergence of enabling technologies such as CORBA or Java RMI makes it
possible to develop industrial scale Object-based distributed systems at a
fraction of the cost that they would require using more conventional
techniques. However, it seems that these technologies still lack a firm
ground to develop on: no model of distributed object-oriented computation
is widely agreed upon. It is not quite clear how existing formal notations
for distributed and concurrent systems (such as Petri Nets, Estelle, LOTOS,
...) can support the object paradigm, and methodological practice for this
kind of systems is still at its early stages. Furthermore considering the
growing interest in distributed embedded critical systems,  questions arise
on how object-orientation can be used to develop reliable systems at the
early stages of the development process. The purpose of this workshop is to
bring together researchers interested in the foundations of concurrent and
distributed object-oriented computing.

Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to

- fundamental models of concurrent and distributed object systems
- formal notations for the analysis, design, validation and verification
  of concurrent and distributed OO systems.
- methodological issues, notably the inclusion of formal approaches
  within semi-formal methods such as OMT, Fusion, etc.

W7  CORBA : Implementation, Use, and Evaluation

Organizers: Luc Bellissard, INRIA Rhone Alpes,France
            Rachid Guerraoui, DI-LSE, EPFL IN-Ecublens,Lausanne
            Thomas Jell,Siemens AG, Munich
            Douglas C. Schmidt, Washington University, Missouri
            Steve Vinoski,Hewlett-Packard, Chelmsford
Contact:    Luc.Bellissard@inrialpes.fr
URL:        http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~bellissa/wecoop97
Day:        Tuesday

Progress in telecommunication technologies, along with the evolution of the
structure and the organization of companies have led to the emergence of
complex distributed applications. Such applications are often made of
legacy software pieces, implemented with heterogeneous languages and
executed on a variety of computer and system platforms. Object-based
technology has become a cornerstone of distributed systems implementations
and distributed software engineering methods. Standardization efforts of
the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and especially the Object Management
Group (OMG) tends to prove this assertion. In particular, the Common Object
Request Broker Architecture. (CORBA) promoted by the OMG, seems to be a
solution to the problem of having distributed software, and especially
distributed objects interoperate in heterogeneous environment. This
workshop aims at confronting practical issues and experience reports in
using the CORBA technology, as well as outlining limitations and/or
promising use of CORBA-like systems.

W8  FAMOOS Workshop on Object Oriented Software Evolution
    and Re-Engineering

Organizers: Thomas Lindner, Forschungszentrum Informatik,Germany
            Eduardo Casais, Nokia Research Center, Finland
            Ari Jaaksi, Nokia Telecommunications, Finland
Contact:    lindner@fzi.de
URL:        http://www.fzi.de/ecoop97ws8
Day:        Tuesday

This workshop focuses on the re-engineering of object-oriented software.
The general goal is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and tool
providers in order to synchronize their efforts on advancing
object-oriented software evolution. Therefore, it is intended to create a
forum for generating and exchanging ideas for how to deal with large-scale,
mature object-oriented systems and frameworks.

Issues to be covered in the workshop include, but are not limited to

- documentation and re-use of object-oriented systems
- analysis of object-oriented systems with respect to re-usability and
- abstract models of object-oriented systems that help to understand and
  re-engineer large programs
- methodological support for the transformation of object-oriented
  systems  into frameworks
- design metrics that help to measure progress/improvement of object-
  oriented designs during or after re-engineering
- tool support for all of the above topics

This workshops builds upon the lessons learnt at the workshop on
Object-Oriented Software Evolution and Re-Engineering held at OOPSLA'96.

W9  Mobile Object Systems

Organizers: Christian Tschudin, University of Zurich
            Joachim Baumann,  IPVR, University of Stuttgart
            Marc Shapiro, INRIA, Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt
            Jan Vitek, University of Geneva
Contact:    tschudin@ifi.unizh.ch
URL:        http://cuiwww.unige.ch/~ecoopws
Day:        Monday and Tuesday

The more implementations of mobile object systems are being developed, the
more it becomes obvious that the underlying runtime software are proper
operating systems for mobile computations. The first ECOOP workshop on
mobile computations did a first investigation on mobile agents (we were
among the very first to offer a public discussion forum on this topic!),
the second ECOOP workshop in 1996 helped a lot to clarify positions and to
make common viewpoints visible although participants came from the network,
operating systems or programming language communities. In the proposed
third ECOOP workshop we suggest to focus on the OS theme but to keep it
explicitely open for the programming language viewpoint and for operational

The following topics are recommended areas of interest

- operating systems for mobile computations
- programming language support for mobility
- Integration of programming languages and operating systems
- resource management techniques
- innovative scheduling strategies
- security mechanisms and policies for mobile computations
- portable intermediate representations
- linking issues
- communication mechanisms
- management of mobile object systems
- experience reports

W10 Modeling Software Processes and Artifacts

Organizers: Klaas van den Berg, University of Twente
            Mehmet Aksit, University of Twente
            Pim van den Broek, University of Twente
            Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts
            Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern University, Boston
            Francesco Marcelloni, University of Pisa
Contact:    vdberg@cs.utwente.nl
URL:        http://wwwtrese.cs.utwente.nl/ecoop97mspa
Day:        Monday

Cost-effective realization of robust, adaptable and reusable software
systems demands efficient and effective management of the overall software
production process. Software process models aims at capturing the essential
information about the production process and the manufactured products
(called artifacts).

Current object-oriented methods are not fully formalized and lack the
ability of reasoning about the quality of processes and artifacts. There is
a need for new modeling formalisms which enable the quantification of the
required quality attributes.

Object-oriented models for object-oriented software processes and artifacts
have not been studied extensively. The object-oriented approach can provide
new perspectives, since artifacts may be modeled as active objects and
encapsulate the details of the manufacturing process.

Some relevant topics to be addressed in this workshop are

- which type of artifact and process models are suited for
  object-oriented software development?
- what are the process rules and how to capture these in artifacts?
- how to define adaptable and reusable process and product models and 
  how to manage them?
- how to deal with uncertainty, concurrency and ambiguity?
- how to quantify desirable quality attributes with metrics?

W11 Second ECOOP Workshop on Prototype-based object-
    oriented    programming

Organizers: James Noble, Macquarie University, Sydney 
            Ivan Moore, OTI UK Ltd, London
Contact:        kjx@mri.mq.edu.au
URL:        http://www.mri.mq.edu.au/~kjx/proto97.html
Day:        Monday

Prototype-based programming is an alternative to the traditional
class-based object-oriented model.  In this paradigm there are no classes.
Rather, new kinds of objects are formed more directly by composing
concrete, fully-fledged objects, which are often referred to as prototypes.
Prototype-based languages are conceptually simpler than class-based
languages, and are especially appealing to the development of evolving,
exploratory software systems. Yet prototypes are still relatively poorly
known outside the research world, and the number of industrial applications
relying on prototypes is minimal compared to the number of applications
relying on more mainstream object technology.

In this workshop we will examine the state-of-the-art in prototype-based
object-oriented programming, focusing especially on the following

- what are the specific advantages or niches of the prototype-based 
  paradigm which will make or break its widespread use?
- how is the prototype-based paradigm simpler to understand and use  than
  the traditional class-based paradigm?
- what ultimately distinguishes prototype-based programming from
  class-based programming?

This workshop will build upon the results of the successful workshops on
this topic held at ECOOP'96 and OOPSLA'96.

W12 Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP'97)

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Jan Bosch, University of Karlskrona,Ronneby
            Prof. Dr. Clemens Szyperski,  Queensland University of
            Technology, Australia
            Dr. Wolfgang Weck,  bo Akademi University, Finland
Contact:    Wolfgang.Weck@abo.fi
URL:        http://www.abo.fi/~wweck/WCOP97
Day:        Monday

Component-oriented programming has been identified as producing software
components for a component market and for late composition. Components are
to be composed by third parties, possibly end users, who are not able to
change the components. This requires standards to allow independently
created components to interoperate, like COM/OLE 2, CORBA/SOM/OpenDoc, and
more recently Java/JavaBeans or Netscape ONE. Further, specifications are
needed to put the composer into the position to decide what can be composed
under which conditions. Open research questions raised by these isues
include what kind of standards are needed and how they should be defined,
what information specifications need to give, how this information should
be provided, and how correct implementation and usage of specifications
should be verified or enforced. WCOP'97 is a follow-up event to the
successful WCOP'96, which took place in conjunction with ECOOP'96. WCOP'96
laid some foundations, including some term definitions, a review of the
status quo, and hints at important areas for future research. WCOP'97 will
build on its predecessor and thus aims at more focussed and specialized
contributions and discussions.

W13 7th ECOOP Workshop for Doctoral Students in Object-
    Oriented Systems

Organizers: Erik Ernst, Denmark
            Frank Gerhardt, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart
            Lutz Wohlrab, Technische Universitt Chemnitz-Zwickau,
Contact:    eernst@daimi.aau.dk
URL:        http://mbi.dkfz-heidelberg.de/PhDOOS
Day:        Monday and Tuesday

The aim of the workshop is to bring together PhD students who are working
on foundations, design, implementation, or application of object-oriented
systems and methods. The workshop will provide an opportunity for PhD
students to meet, to discuss their research, and to further develop their
working skills. It will generally be interactive, focusing on active work
in groups. The technical programme of the workshop will be held in
subgroups, followed by a summary session of all attendants. In the
subgroups, discussions on 3-4 related topics will be held, bringing
together participants who work in related areas. The discussions will be
based on position  statements and paper presentations. The corresponding
abstracts and papers will be electronically distributed among the
participants in advance. The non-technical programme consists of two
keynote talks by invited speakers about the PhD-getting process and
conducting research, a writing workshop, and discussions about the results
of the preECOOP initiative of the PhDOOS network, about further
developments of the PhDOOS network, and about the social situation of PhD

W14 Object-Oriented Technology and Real-Time Systems

Organizers: Leonor Barroca,The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
            Eugne Drr, Utrecht University
            Franois Terrier, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay,Gif sur Yvette
Contact:    E.H.Durr@fys.ruu.nl
URL:        http://www.fys.ruu.nl/~durr/ecoop.html
Day:        Monday

As the advantages of object technology have become more widely known,
objects are being applied more and more in Real-Time systems. This workshop
treats in an OO-RT perspective:

- analysis and design aspects, like specification of time constraints
- implementation aspects,like languages, code generation, patterns and
- validation and testing of dynamic behaviour and meeting time
- OO real time kernels and mapping of OO designs on existing kernels

Papers of prime interest are the ones which pay special attention to
implementation experience.

Participants in the workshop should submit either

- a two pages position paper or experience report
- a  6  pages technical paper, on one of the above issues

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Please inform us of your
interest via email: durr@fys.ruu.nl. Accepted papers will be sent to the
participants. Guidelines will be provided. Accepted technical papers are
considered for publication.

W15 Aspect-Oriented Programming

Organizers: Cristina Videira Lopes, Xerox PARC
            Gregor Kiczales, Xerox PARC
            Kim Mens, Free University of Brussels
            Bedir Tekinerdogan, University of Twente
Contact:    lopes@parc.xerox.com
URL:        http://wwwtrese.cs.utwente.nl/aop-ecoop97
Day:        Tuesday

To date, the primary idea for organizing software systems has been to break
the system down into modular units such as subroutines, procedures, objects
etc.  Many systems have properties that cut across these abstraction
mechanisms: failure handling, persistence, communication, concurrency, and
many other aspects of a system's behavior are not easily localizable to a
single block of executable code_even though they can often be thought about
relatively separately.

Because source code modules correspond so directly to blocks of executable
code, and different aspects of concern must cross-cut the executable code,
many modules end up being a tangled mess of lines of code for different
purposes.  This "tangling-of-aspects" phenomenon is at the heart of much of
the complexity in existing software systems.

A number of researchers have begun working on approaches to this problem
that allow programmers to first express each of a system's aspects of
concern in a separate and natural form, and then automatically combine
those separate descriptions into a final executable form using automatic
tools. These approaches have been called Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP).
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners working on a wide range of AOP techniques, including
languages, tools, frameworks, programming styles, etc.

W16 ECOOP'97 System Implementors' Workshop

Organizers: Peter Dickman, University of Glasgow
            Huw Evans, University of Glasgow
            Eric Jul, DIKU, Copenhagen
Contact:    huw@dcs.gla.ac.uk
URL:        http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~huw/siw97
Day:        Monday

The Systems Implementors' Workshop aims to bring together researchers and
industrialists with significant experience and interest in the construction
of Object Support Systems. Those wishing to attend will be required to
submit a position paper describing both their past experience and one topic
that they feel merits discussion and debate. The workshop organisers will
select participants and run the structured  discussion, as described
overleaf. The workshop will NOT involve significant numbers of formal
presentations. It may, however, involve break-out groups focussing on
distinct topics of special interest, as well as the main discussion
sessions covering issues of general interest.

W17 Object-Orientation and Operating Systems

Organizers: Henning Schmidt, Universitt Potsdam
            Frank Schubert,Technische Universitt Chemnitz,Germany
            Lutz Wohlrab, Technische Universitt Chemnitz
Contact:    fsc@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
URL:        http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/informatik/osg/ecoopooosws
Day:        Tuesday

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on
object-oriented operating systems, to provide a platform for discussing
problems arising from the application of object-orientation to operating
systems and  solutions for them.

Suggested topics for position papers and discussions include, but are not
limited to:

- adaptable and adaptive OOOS
- frameworks for OOOS
- distributed and parallel OOOS
- reusability and interoperability of OOOS components
- OOOS configurability, maintenance, tuning and optimizations
- real-time OOOS

The programme of the workshop consists of a talk given by an invited
speaker, position paper presentations, discussions, and a summary session.
The discussions will be held in subgroups, bringing together attendants
working on similar problems.

W18 Dynamic Models in Forward and Reverse Engineering of
    Object Systems.

Organizers: Michael Christensen, Aarhus University, Denmark.
            Kai Koskimies, University of Tampere, Finland.
            Kurt Nrmark, Aalborg University, Denmark.
            Elmer Sandvad, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Contact:    normark@iesd.auc.dk
URL:        http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~toby/ecoop97_workshop.html
Day:        Monday

In object-oriented design, static models and dynamic models complement each
other. However, when people discuss an object-oriented design they tend to
draw informal dynamic models in which objects somehow interact with each
other. Consequently, it seems to be the case that dynamic models are
important to get a full understanding of an object system.

Many dynamic models lend themselves towards scenarios. Via use of scenarios
it is possible to understand a design through concrete examples of object
interactions.  Furthermore it is possible to express use cases as
scenarios.  Many design methods employ use cases and scenarios as a central
technique for describing requirements and for extracting relevant design

Several authors have recently proposed to visualize a running
object-oriented system through scenarios. Hence scenarios are useful for
reverse engineering as well. An existing system (e.g. a framework) and its
behavioural patterns can be understood by following an example trace of the
system in terms of the message flow between the objects, as represented by
a scenario. On the basis of such scenarios, various design documents (e.g.
state diagrams) can be possibly automatically produced for the system.

The idea with this workshop is to gather together researches who are
interested in dynamic modelling and the use of scenarios in forward as well
as reverse object-oriented software engineering.


The ECOOP '97 technical program consists of 20 technical papers (selected
from 103 submissions), three invited speakers, plus one panel. The program
committee, consisting of 26 distinguished researchers in
object-orientation, met at the University of Twente in the Netherlands
during January 30-31 for paper selection. All papers were reviewed by at
least four members of the program committee. The topics of the accepted
papers cover traditional ECOOP topics such as programming languages, types,
implementation, and formal specifications, as well as some new topics such
as design patterns, metaprogramming, and Java.

As for invited speakers, we are very honored to be able to present the
talks by Kristen Nygaard, the well-known pioneer of object-oriented
programming languages with his work on Simula-67 which was born 30 years
ago in Scandinavia; Gregor Kiczales, who is now proposing a new direction
in object-oriented research, called Aspect-Oriented Programming; and
Erich Gamma, a European pioneer on patterns.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the authors of
submitted papers, the program committee members, the external referees, and
many others who have contributed towards the formulation of the ECOOP '97
technical program.  We hope that the resulting technical program this year
is another solid step towards advancing the object-oriented software
technology, as previous ECOOPs have been. 

Mehmet Aksit and Satoshi Matsuoka
Program Co-chairs


This year ECOOP has only one panel discussion, but it is on a  topic of
paramount importance: how do the OO methods work in practical industrial
environments. The goal is to discuss experiences gained when applying  the
methods in practice and analyse their pros and cons. The panel will
hopefully interest academic participants as it gives real feedback on
whether and how the ideas developed in research really work. Industry
participants will hopefully find the panel discussions  interesting and
helpful for finding their path through the forest of OO methods.

Jari Veijalainen
Panel Chair

Wednesday, 11 June

8:00 -          Registration
9:00 -  9:30    Opening session
9:30 - 10:45    Invited Talk I:
                     GOODS to Appear on the Stage
                     Kristen Nygaard (University of Oslo, Norway)
10:45 - 11:15   Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45   Paper session I: Programming Languages

                Balloon Types: Controlling Sharing of State in Data Types
                Paulo Srgio Almeida (Imperial College of Science, 
                Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom)

                Static integrity constraint management in object-oriented
                database programming languages via predicate transformers
                Vronique Benzaken, Xavier Schaefer
                (Universit de Paris XI, France)

                Issues with Exception Handling in Object-Oriented Systems
                Robert Miller, Anand Tripathi
                (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA)

12:45 - 14:15   Lunch
14:15 - 15:45   Paper session II: Types

                Subtyping is not a good "Match" for object-oriented languages
                Kim B. Bruce, Leaf Petersen (Williams College, Williamstown,
                MA, USA),
                Adrian Fiech (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,

                Near optimal Hierarchical Encoding of Types
                Andreas Krall (Technische Universitt Wien, Austria),
                Jan Vitek (Universit de Genve, Switzerland),
                R. Nigel Horspool (University of Victoria, BC, Canada)

                An Extended Theory of Primitive Objects: First Order System
                Luigi Liquori (Universit di Torino, Italy)

15:45 - 16:15   Coffee break
16:15 - 17:15   Paper session III: Metaprogramming

                A Reflective Architecture for Process Control Applications
                Charlotte Pii Lunau (Aalborg University, Denmark)

                Dynamic Object Evolution without Name Collisions
                Mira Mezini (University of Siegen, Germany)

Evening programme:  Lake Cruise, followed by Finnish Evening

Thursday, 12 June

8:00 -          Registration
9:00 - 10:15    Invited Talk II

                Aspect-Oriented Programming
                Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA, USA)

10:15 - 10:45   Coffee break
10:45 - 12:15   Paper session IV: Implementation and Systems

                DRASTIC: A Run-Time Architecture for Evolving, Distributed,
                Persistent Systems
                Huw Evans, Peter Dickman (Glasgow University, United Kingdom)

                A General Framework For Inheritance Management and Method
                Dispatch in Object-Oriented Languages
                Wade Holst, Duane Szafron (University of Alberta, Edmonton,

                Optimizing Smalltalk by Selector Code Indexing Can Be Practical
                Tamiya Onodera, Hiroaki Nakamura
                (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory, Japan)

12:15 - 13:45   Lunch
13:45 - 15:15   Paper session V: Formal Methods and Specifications

                Objects, Associations and Subsystems: a hierarchical approach
                to encapsulation
                J.C. Bicarregui, K.C. Lano, T.S.E. Maibaum
                (Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)

                Towards a Formalization of the Unified Modeling Language
                Ruth Breu, Ursula Hinkel, Christoph Hofmann, Cornel Klein,
                Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe, Veronika Thurner
                (Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany)

                Coordination Requirements Expressed in Types for Active Objects
                Franz Puntigam (Technische Universitt Wien, Austria)

15:15 - 15:45   Coffee break
15:45 - 17:15   Panel

                Object-Technology at Industry

                     Jrgen Ziegler, Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland
                     Henning Rietz (Condat, Software GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
                     Maher Awad (Alcatel Telecom, Antwerpen, Belgium)
                     Derek Coleman (King's College, London, United Kingdom)
                     Ruth Malan (HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, USA)

17:15 -     Poster session (possibly)

Evening programme:  Conference Banquet

Friday, 13 June

8:00 -          Registration
9:00 - 10:30    Paper session VI: Java

                Java is Type Safe - Probably
                Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eisenbach
                (Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)

                Feature-Oriented Programming: A Fresh Look at Objects
                Christian Prehofer (Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany)

                Genericity in Java with Virtual Types
                Kresten Krab Thorup (Aarhus University, Denmark)

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30   Paper session VII: Patterns

                Tool support for object-oriented patterns
                Gert Florijn, Marco Meijers, Pieter van Winsen 
                (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

                A Model for Structuring User Documentation of Object-Oriented
                Frameworks Using Patterns and Hypertext
                Matthias Meusel, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Wolfgang Kpf
                (Daimler-Benz AG, Research and Technology, Ulm, Germany)

                Using Patterns for Design and Documentation
                Georg Odenthal, Klaus Quibeldey-Cirkel 
                (University of Siegen, Germany)

12:30 - 14:00   Lunch
14:00 - 15:15   Invited Talk III

                Going Beyond Objects with Design Patterns
                Erich Gamma 
                (Object Technology International, Zurich, Switzerland)

15:15 - 15:45   Closing session, Welcome to ECOOP '98
15:45 -         Farewell drinks


GOODS to Appear on the Stage

Kristen Nygaard

The lecture will trace the development of some important object-oriented
concepts and point out the analogy between performances at the stage of a
theatre and the operation of information systems (and program executions).
This metaphor will be used in a description of the ideas pursued and
developed in the GOODS Project (General Object-Oriented Distributed
Systems), a three year project supported by The Norwegian Research Council
and which started in 1997. GOODS aims at extending the framework of
object-oriented programming to include a multi-layered approach to the
organisation of the relationship between people, computer hardware,
organisational rules and programs in general distributed systems. GOODS
also aims at introducing general tools for specifying visibilities of
objects (scopes) and the precise dealing with the identities of objects
that exist in many versions in a distributed environment

Kristen Nygaard is a professor of computer science at University of Oslo
since 1977. His professional career, which dates back to 1948, include
being research director of the Norwegian Computing Center and heading the
operational research group at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment.
He has been visiting scientist and researcher at Stanford University,
Aarhus University, and at Xerox PARC. He has been promoted to Doctor
Honoris Causa at Lund University, Sweden, and at Aalborg University,
Denmark, and has been awarded the Norbert Wiener Prize for Social
Responsibility and professional work in 1990 and Computer Worlds honorary
prize in 1992.

His research has included work on operational research and programming
languages, resulting in languages such as SIMULA 67, and BETA. For this
work he is now known as one of the originators of object-oriented
programming. He has also worked in the area of information systems and the
social impact of computer technology. Some of this work was done in
cooperation with the Norwegian trade unions pioneering the approach now
known as participatory design.

Aspect-Oriented Programming

Gregor Kiczales

The abstract will be available on WWW.

Gregor Kiczales is a principal scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center.  His work focuses on issues of software architecture, programming
languages and software engineering.  He has done extensive work in
object-oriented programming language design and implementation. He is one
of the designers of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), and the
implementor of PCL, a high-performance portable implementation of CLOS.  He
is the designer of the CLOS metaobject protocol, and the author, with Jim
des Rivieres and Danny Bobrow, of "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol," a
key work in the development of metaobject protocol and reflection
technology.  He is the inventor of aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and
is the leader of a Xerox PARC team developing AOP technology.

Going Beyond Objects with Design Patterns

Erich Gamma

A design pattern systematically names, explains, and evaluates an important
and recurring design. This idea for capturing design experience has
progressed rapidly from cult to mainstream status. Design patterns become a
catalyst for design reuse and enable to understand a design at a higher
level than individual objects. This talk reports experience on how design
patterns can address key challenges of software development.

Erich Gamma has been discovering and working with Design Patterns for the
past eight years. He is currently with OTI in Zurich, Switzerland. In his
previous positions he has applied patterns as a senior consultant at IFA in
Zurich and as an engineer at Taligent, where he led the design and
implementation of several frameworks. Erich has a Ph.D. in Computer Science
from the University of Zurich.


The main conference will be accompanied by a three-day commercial
exhibition from June 10 to 12. Vendors of object-oriented products and
services should contact the exhibits chair at the earliest convenience to
insure their inclusion. For further information please contact:

Taru-Maija Heilala-Rasimov
ECOOP '97 Exhibits Chair

The following exhibitors have already confirmed their presence at ECOOP '97
in Jyvskyl:

Nokia Research Center

A corporate research unit interacting closely with all Nokia business
units. In an industry like Nokia's, software is of strategic importance,
and it goes without saying that Nokia has to stay on the cutting edge of
software design. Right now, that tends to mean object-technology. With this
in mind, the Software Technology Laboratory - one of the seven laboratories
of the Nokia Research Center - has produced an object-oriented software
development method, called Octopus, and object-oriented analysis/design
tools like TDE and Mermaid. Anybody can find Octopus at
http://www.nokia.com/company/nrc/octopus.html. It is also published as a
book (M. Awad, J. Kuusela, J. Ziegler: Object-Oriented Technology for
Real-Time Systems - A Practical Approach Using OMT and Fusion, Prentice
Hall, 1996).

H&P Software Engineering Center Oy

The mission of H&P Software Engineering Center Oy is to improve the client
software process by technology transfer. SEC represents in Finland, Estonia
and St. Petersburg leading object oriented tools providers like Select,
Verilog and Versant.
URL: http://www.sec.fi.

New exhibitors can still make their reservations. The ECOOP '97 WWW-site
will be regularly updated with the information provided by the exhibitors:
In addition, your ad can be inserted in the Exhibition Catalogue to be
distributed on-site.


Live demonstrations of the very latest in object-oriented technology are an
exciting part of every ECOOP conference, offering an excellent venue for
discussing technical aspects of object-oriented applications, tools, and
systems. These demonstrations are given by technical members of their
implementation team. Presentations must be in the form of running computer

Poster sessions are an alternative forum for viewing results of
object-oriented work, with the opportunity for one-on-one interaction with
presenters. Poster themes cover the breadth of object-oriented technology -
from theory to experiences in applications.

Risto Pohjonen                  Pentti Marttiin
ECOOP '97 Demonstration Chair   ECOOP '97 Poster Chair

Information on the accepted demonstrations and posters will be
available at WWW:



In addition to the professional content matter, ECOOP '97 provides the
following evening programme included in the Conference participation and
accompanying persons' fee (except for the optional Finnish Evening):

For full information on the Social Programme, see 
or you may send an enquiry by e-mail to ecoop97@cs.jyu.fi

  Tutorial and Workshop Get-Together, Monday, June 9
  Exhibitors' Welcoming Reception, Tuesday, June 10
  Lake Cruise followed by Finnish Evening, Wednesday, June 11 
  Conference Banquet, Thursday, June 12
  Sauna and swimming, Friday, June 13

Further information available from the Conference Secretariat.

Accompanying Person's Programme

All registered accompanying persons are cordially welcome to join the
conference evening programme (please see Social Programme) and the farewell
drinks at the end of conference. In addition, the following special
programme will be offered:

Wednesday morning, June 11 (min. 8 persons)

Guided walking tour around the University Main Campus, a living display of
culture. During the tour  a visit to the Alvar Aalto Museum exhibiting  the
life's work of Alvar Aalto will be paid.

Thursday, June 12 (min. 8  persons)

A visit to a versatile tourist centre, with old barn buildings now
exhibiting high quality Finnish handicrafts - a shopping possibility - and
art exhibition. A chance to visit the Aviation Museum of Central Finland
will also be offered. a buffet-type coffee table in a cafeteria offering 
an art exhibition.

Pre- and Post-Conference Tours

Booking for the Pre- and Post-Conference tours should be made on the
registration form, and the tours must be prepaid in full when reservations
are made. Please note the deadline for the St.Petersburg tour: May 9,

For full information on pre- and post-conference tours, see
or you may send an enquiry by e-mail to ecoop97@cs.jyu.fi

  Lapland, June 6-8, Friday-Sunday (min. 20 participants)
  National Park, Sunday, June 8  (min. 15 participants)
  St.Petersburg, Russia, June 13-16, Friday-Monday (min. 15 participants)
    Note: booking by May 9.
  Tour of Central Finland, Saturday, June 14 (min. 25 participants)



The standard of hotels in Finland is high. Double rooms have either double
beds or twin beds, and all rooms have bath or shower. A buffet breakfast is
included in the Conference room rates. Most hotels have sauna facilities
available for hotel guests free of charge either in the mornings or in the
evenings. The rooms in youth hostels have shared facilities. Special rates,
quoted below (FIM/night/person, VAT and breakfast included), are available
for reservations made through the Secretariat. Please note that
accommodation is to be paid directly to the hotel upon departure.

- Hotel Alba: single FIM 360, double FIM 210 (lake-side, 500 m from the
  Conference site) tel. (+358 14) 636 311, fax (+358 14) 636 300
- Hotel Alex: single FIM 370, double FIM 220 (city centre, 1.3 km from
  the Conference site) tel. (+358 14) 651 211, fax (+358 14) 651 200
- Hotel Alexandra: single FIM 430, double FIM 255 (city centre, 1.3 km
  from the  Conference site) tel. (+358 14) 651 211, fax (+358 14) 651 200
- Hotel Cumulus: single FIM 320, double FIM 190 (city centre, 
  c. 1.5 km from the Conference site, Finnair bus stop in front of 
  Hotel Cumulus) tel. (+358 14) 653 211, fax (+358 14) 653 299
- Summer Hotel Amis: single FIM 210, double FIM 155 (city centre, 
  c. 2 km from the  Conference site, cooking facilities)
  tel. (+358 14) 612 920, fax (+358 14) 612 935
- Youth Hostel Laajari: shared facilities only, FIM 100 (c. 3 km from 
  the Conference  site, good bus connections) tel. (+358 14) 253 355
- Hotel Rantasipi Laajavuori: double FIM 200 (c. 3 km from the Conference
  site, good bus connections, site of the conference  banquet)
  tel. (+358 14) 628 211, fax (+358 14) 628 500

Reservations will be made on a "first-come, first-served" basis, and the
discount prices can only be guaranteed if your reservation is received
before May 9, 1997. Should you cancel your booking before this date, no
cancellation fee will be charged.

Useful to Know

Conference Venue

The Conference venue is Jyvskyl,  capital of Central Finland, a lively
university and industrial town with some 80 000 inhabitants. Throughout the
year the city offers a rich variety of cultural events and programmes, it
is also called a paradise of sports and fitness lovers, as the region
offers something for every taste. For up-date information, please check:

ECOOP '97 will be held on the Main Campus of the University of Jyvskyl
(Seminaarinmki) largely designed by Alvar Aalto and internationally
acclaimed by experts of architecture. The Campus lies within walking
distance of the city centre and a range of comfortable hotels. The
Conference Office will be located in the foyer of the University Main
Building (Building C). The Office will be at your service throughout the
Conference days, starting on Sunday afternoon, June 8, until the Closing
Session, Friday afternoon, June 13. All Conference  sessions will be held
in Building C, whereas some of the workshop and tutorial sessions will be
held in the neighbouring university buildings on the campus.

Registration is possible at the Conference Office during the following times:
  Sunday from 17:00 to 20:00
  Monday and Tuesday from 7:15 to 20:00
  Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 18:00
  Friday from 8:00 to 11:00

Electronic Mail

Internet access will be provided at the Conference site.

Travel Connections

Finland is easily accessible from all over the world. Several international
airlines have regular flights to Helsinki, the national capital. A
convenient way is also to take a ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki or Turku.
The City of Jyvskyl is located about 280 km north of Helsinki, in the
heart of the Finnish lake area. Jyvskyl can be reached from Helsinki and
Turku through several daily connections by plane, train and bus.
Approximate journey times from Helsinki to Jyvskyl are: air 40 min, train
3.5 hours, and bus 4.5 hours. There are also bus connections between
Jyvskyl and Helsinki Airport.

Official Carrier

The Official Carrier of the Conference is Finnair. Finnair offices
throughout the world will be happy to assist in your travel arrangements.
Please contact your local Finnair office for special arrangements made for
ECOOP '97 Conference participants. Finnair Internet: http://www.finnair.fi

Transportation in Jyvskyl

Each participant will be provided with a public transportation ticket which
is valid during the Conference days in local buses. Please check the
evening  programme information for any special transportation


Due to its location on the Arctic Circle, Finland enjoys the exotic White
Nights - the sun does not go below the horizon for over 70 days in the
north of Finland during summer. In June the Jyvskyl area night length is
about 5 hours, most of which is actually twilight. The Jyvskyl weather in
mid-June is normally pleasant, the temperature varying between 15 - 25 C.
We recommend, however, that you come prepared also for cooler and rainy

Finnish Visa Formalities

At present, an entry visa to Finland is not required for many nationals,
e.g. the citizens of the European Union countries, the USA, the UK, and
Australia need no visa for visits less than 3 months duration to Finland.
Please check with your travel agent or with the Finnish Consulate whether
or not you need a visa to enter Finland.

Health Regulations

No vaccinations are required when entering Finland from any country.


The Conference organizers will not be able to take out any kind of
insurance for the participants or accompanying persons. Participants are
requested to make their own arrangements concerning insurance.


The Finnish currency is the markka (Finnish Mark, FIM) divided into 100
penni (the approx. exchange rate in March 1997: 1 $ = 5 FIM, 1  = 8 FIM, 1
DEM = 3 FIM). All major credit cards are accepted in most shops, hotels,
and restaurants. The banks are open on weekdays from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30


Finland is well known for its high-quality furs, interior textiles, glass
and other designer ware, as well as ceramics and jewellery. Tax-free
shopping (VAT refund on leaving Finland) is possible for visitors from
outside the European Economic Area.


The Conference is open to all registered participants. The official
language of ECOOP '97 is English.

The registration form available at http://www.ecoop97.jyu.fi/Registration
should be completed (only one participant per form) and returned to the 
Conference Secretariat. Your registration form has to be accompanied by 
the payment of your fee, otherwise the registration will not be processed.
Please refer to the instructions for payment given on the registration 
form. All expenses due to bank transfer have to be covered by the 
conference participant. All prices are indicated in Finnish currency 
(FIM). The registrations will be confirmed by the Conference Secretariat 
after receipt of your registration and payment. On-site registration with 
cash (FIM) or credit card is also possible. This may be preferable to 
sending the payment and registration form very late before the conference.

Note that there is a rich evening programme included in the conference fee.
In particular, we felt the banquet on Thursday evening to be so important
for the spirit of the conference that we wanted to give all Conference
participants the opportunity to be there. We kindly ask you to mark on the
registration form which of these events you intend to attend, so we can
plan sufficient capacities.

                            by May 9    from May 10 onwards

Conference fee (not including tutorials)
  Non-member                FIM 2600        FIM 3000    
  Member                    FIM 2200        FIM 2600    
  Eastern European          FIM 1600        FIM 1900    
  Student                   FIM 1200        FIM 1500

Workshops-only fee  
  Non-member                FIM 1100        FIM 1300
  Member                    FIM  900        FIM 1100
  Eastern European          FIM  600        FIM  750
  Student                   FIM  450        FIM  600

Tutorial fee, half-day (1 unit) - see below if you intend to take more than
one unit
  Non-member                FIM 1000        FIM 1200
  Member                    FIM  800        FIM 1000
  Eastern European          FIM  550        FIM  700
  Student                   FIM  400        FIM  550

Accompanying person         FIM 1000        FIM 1200

Full-time students qualify for student fees. Student registration must be
accompanied by an official letter of an advisor / course instructor
confirming full-time-student status.

The Eastern European fees are valid for participants from former socialist
countries. Any resident of one of those countries whose registration and
participation at ECOOP '97 would require economic support (in addition to
the reduced conference fee) is asked to write before April 30 to the ECOOP
'97 Organizing Chair, Markku Sakkinen (address below).

The Member fees are valid for members of the cooperating associations (ACM
and AITO), who must specify the name of the association and their member
number on the registration form.

The Non-member fees apply to all other participants.

The Conference fee includes: attendance at the Conference, a copy of the
Proceedings (to be published by Springer), Get-Together, Exhibitors'
Welcoming Reception, Lake Cruise, Banquet, Farewell drinks, Sauna and
swimming, lunches on all five days, and refreshments during the breaks.
Participants registered for the main conference are not charged any
additional fee for attending workshops. However, at most workshops 
participation is limited by their organisers. See the call for each
workshop separately.

The Workshops-only fee includes: attendance at the Workshop(s) selected, a
copy of the workshop notes, Get-Together, Exhibitors' Welcoming Reception,
Lake Cruise, Farewell drinks, Sauna and swimming, lunches on Monday and
Tuesday, and refreshments during the breaks.

Note: You are requested to indicate on the registration form which
workshops you intend to participate in, even if you do not know about your
acceptance. This is important for room allocation.

The Tutorial fee includes: attendance at the Tutorial selected, a copy of
the tutorial notes, Get-Together, Exhibitors' Welcoming Reception, Farewell
drinks, Sauna and swimming, lunches on Monday and Tuesday, and refreshments
during the break.

There is a regressive pricing scheme for delegates taking several (2 to 6)
tutorial units (a full-day tutorial is counted as 2 tutorial units).  I.e.,
each additional tutorial unit is cheaper than the previous one.  Multiply
the basic fee by the factor corresponding to the number of units in the
table below:

        Units       1    2    3    4    5    6
        Factor     1.0  1.7  2.3  2.8  3.2  3.6

The Accompanying person's fee includes:  Guided walking tour and Excursion
(see Accompanying person's programme), plus Get-Together, Exhibitors'
Welcoming Reception, Lake Cruise, Banquet, Farewell drinks, and Sauna and

No refunds are possible for any part of the package not taken. The fee for
additional tickets for the Finnish Evening and the Conference Banquet is
FIM 250/person/event.

If you have any questions about the registration, you may send an enquiry
by e-mail to ecoop97@cs.jyu.fi .

Cancellation/Refund policy

Only written notification of cancellation sent to the Conference
Secretariat will be considered. Cancellations made prior to May 9, 1997
will be subject to a FIM 300 cancellation fee. For cancellations received
after this date or for participants who do not attend, no refund will be

      The organizers reserve the right to amend the programme
      according to unforeseen circumstances. 

Further Information

For further information about the conference, you are recommended to
consult the WWW pages and to send e-mail enquiries to ecoop97@cs.jyu.fi.
You may also contact the appropriate responsible persons given in this
Advance Programme on specific questions, or on general questions:

Taru-Maija Heilala-Rasimov      Markku Sakkinen
ECOOP '97 Conference Manager    ECOOP '97  Organizing Chair
Jyvskyl Congresses            University of Jyvskyl
P.O. Box 35                     P.O. Box 35
FIN-40351 Jyvskyl, Finland    FIN-40351 Jyvskyl, Finland
Tel:  +358 14 603663            Tel:  +358 14 603047
Fax:  +358 14 603727            Fax:  +358 14 603011
E-mail: heilala@cone.jyu.fi     E-mail: sakkinen@cs.jyu.fi

When in trouble

Both before and during the conference, somebody ready to assist you
should be reachable at the phone number (+358 14) 603 663.


This was an announcement of
ECOOP '97 -- 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
June 9 - 13, 1997, Jyvskyl, Finland.
                                         Updated 21 April 1997