
ILPS97: Call for Workshop PROPOSALS

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 The International Logic Programming Symposium ILPS'97 will be
 held October 12-17, 1997 at Port Jefferson, NY. Sponsored by
 the Association for Logic Programming in cooperation with the
 University at Stony Brook, it is fourteenth in the series of
 symposia on logic programming initiated in the US in 1984.

 In the recent editions of the symposium the post-conference
 workshops have played an increasingly important role in
 presenting novel emerging ideas. Recognizing the importance
 of these events the organizers of ILPS'97 plan to encourage
 cooperation between the ILPS'97 workshop organizers and the
 program committee, and to indicate web links to the workshop
 material in the MIT Press volume of the proceedings of

 The persons intending to organize a workshop at ILPS'97 are
 invited to submit a workshop proposal by January 15, 1997.
 The address for submission is tswift@cs.sunysb.edu with a
 copy to ilps97@ida.liu.se.

 Workshops opening new research directions are particularly

 The submission should only include a link to a web page
 designed by the proposer, and optionally an estimation of the
 number of participants, based for example on the previous
 experience of the proposer.

 The page should be designed as a tentative call for workshop
 papers, and should include:

    * motivation and objectives,
    * names and e-mail addresses of at least 3 organizing
      persons, preferably at different sites, with indication
      of one of them as the workshop coordinator,
    * organization details, like deadlines for submission,
      acceptance etc.
    * a statement about electronic storage of the working
      materials after the workshop.

 The proposals approved by the Conference Chairs will be
 included in the ILPS'97 web home page, by February 15 and
 will be advertised in the final call for papers and in the
 call for participation.

 The workshop coordinators will be invited to the Programme
 Committee of ILPS'97.
Please address administrative mail regarding the lambda Prolog mailing list to
lprolog-request@cis.upenn.edu.  See http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~dale/lProlog.