ICALP'97 -- final call for papers
[A postscript version of the call for papers is available via the ICALP
web page at http://www.cs.unibo.it/icalp97.]
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% ICALP '97 %
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% 24th International Colloquium on Automata, %
% Languages, and Programming %
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% Bologna, Italy, July 7th -- 11th, 1997 %
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The 24th annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science will take place in Bologna, Italy, July 7-11 1997. ICALP '97 comes
in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the foundation of EATCS.
To celebrate the SILVER JUBILEE, this edition of ICALP includes several new
- Celebration of EATCS and of its founders (keynote speaker M. Nivat - Paris)
- Invited Lectures on major advances in theoretical computer science since
EATCS has been established:
R. Milner (Cambridge) M.O. Rabin (Jerusalem and Harvard)
C. Papadimitriou (Berkeley) D.S. Scott (Pittsburgh)
- Invited Lectures on the state of the art and new promising trends:
K.R. Apt (Amsterdam) K. Mehlhorn (Saarbrucken)
R.J. Lipton (Princeton) D. Perrin (Paris)
- A panel on `Funding Policies for Theoretical Computer Science' with
representatives from major research agencies and form the European Community.
- A number of Satellite Workshops, listed below, on theory and applications.
The Program Committee represents both tracks of the journal Theoretical
Computer Science, covering `algorithms, automata, complexity and games'
and `formal methods, logic, semantics and theory of programming' equally.
If enough good papers are submitted, parallel sessions will be organised.
A WWW page, containing further information and latest news is installed
under the URL
mirrored in North America at the URL
Papers presenting original contributions in any area of theoretical computer
science and its applications are being sought. Topics include (but are not
limited to):
computability, automata, formal languages, new computing paradigms, term
rewriting, analysis and design of algorithms, computational geometry,
computational complexity, symbolic and algebraic computation, cryptography
and security, data types and data structures, theory of data base and
knowledge bases, semantics of programming languages, program specification
and verification, foundations of logic programming, parallel and
distributed computation, theory of concurrency, theory of robotics, theory
of logical design and layout.
P. Degano, Pisa (Co-Chair) M. Cosnard, Lyon
W. Drabent, Warsaw & Linkoping J. Diaz, Barcelona
R. Gorrieri, Bologna (O.C. Chair) A. Fiat, Tel Aviv
G. Gottlob, Wien J. van Leeuwen, Utrecht
J.W. Klop, Amsterdam A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, Roma (Co-Chair)
T. Maibaum, London B. Monien, Paderborn
J. Meseguer, Menlo Park T. Nishizeki, Sendai
F. Nielson, Aarhus J.E. Pin, Paris
A. Pnueli, Rehovot B. Rovan, Bratislava
P.S. Thiagarajan, Madras R. Tamassia, Providence
P. Wegner, Providence E. Ukkonen, Helsinki
Authors are invited to submit seven copies of an extended abstract not
exceeding twelve pages to:
Prof. Pierpaolo Degano -- ICALP'97
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' di Pisa
I-56125 Pisa, Italy
email: degano@di.unipi.it
Authors from countries where access to copying machines is difficult
may submit a single copy of their abstract. Simultaneous submission
of papers to any journal or to another conference with published proceedings
is not allowed.
Electronic submission of papers is solicited. Instructions can be found at
or will be obtained by sending a mail with subject ``submission information''
to the address: icalp-subm@di.unipi.it
Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the series Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. A Special Issue of the Journal of
Theoretical Computer Science will be devoted to selected papers from the
- Deadline for submission: January 15th, 1997 (* Note the change *)
- Notification of acceptance: March 17th, 1997
- Final manuscript due: April 15th, 1997
- Conference: July 7th -- 11th, 1997
Rob van Glabbeek (Stanford), Kim Larsen (Aalborg), J. Karhumaki (Turku),
Taishin Y. Nishida (Toyama), Jan Rutten (Amsterdam),
Bernhard Steffen (Passau).
ICALP'97 is organized by the Department of Computer Science of the University
of Bologna. The Organizing committee is chaired by:
Prof. Roberto Gorrieri
Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, I-40126 Bologna, Italy
Tel. +39.51.354509 Fax. +39.51.354510
email: gorrieri@cs.unibo.it.
assisted by the following members:
Andrea Asperti, Marco Bernardo, Chiara Bodei, Nadia Busi, Paolo Ciancarini,
Renzo Davoli, Riccardo Focardi, Stefano Leonardi, Andrea Masini,
Marco Roccetti, Paola Salomoni, Vladimiro Sassone, Roberto Segala (v.-Chair),
Gianluigi Zavattaro.
ICALP SATELLITE WORKSHOPS (dates and sites provisional)
- Workshop on New Trends in Semantics - Bologna (4-6 July) Organizers:
A.Asperti (Bologna), E.Moggi (Genua) and G. Rosolini (Genua).
Invited Speakers: S.Abramski (Edinburgh), V.Danos (Paris), A.Joyal
(Montreal), D.Sangiorgi (Sophia-Antipolis).
- Second International ERCIM Workshop on Formal Methods in Industrial
Critical Systems - Cesena (4-5 July) - Organizers: S. Gnesi, D. Latella,
L. Simoncini (Pisa).
Invited Speakers: E.Brinksma (Twente), U.Herzog (Erlangen), R.Mazzeo
(Sasib Railways).
- Second International Workshop on Advanced Intelligent Networks (AIN'97) -
Cesena (4-5 July) - Organizers: T. Margaria and B. Steffen (Passau).
Invited Speakers: P.Zave (AT&T), M.Decina (Milan), D.Carl (Siemens).
- Final meeting of the ESPRIT 8130 project LOMAPS - Bologna (6 July)
Organizer: F. Nielson (Aarhus).
- Workshop on Approximation and Randomized Techniques in Computer Science -
Bologna (11-12 July) - Organizer: J. Rolim (Geneva).
Invited Speakers: S.Arora (Princeton), P.Crescenzi (Rome), R.Impagliazzo
(San Diego), M.Karpinski (Bonn).
- Workshop on Recent Developments in Formal Languages - Bologna (11-12 July)
Organizer: S.Varricchio (L'Aquila).
Invited Speakers: D. Perrin (Paris),
- Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Communication - Bologna (11-12 July) -
Organizers: M. Bonuccelli (Pisa) and A. Marchetti-Spaccamela (Rome).
e-mail: alberto@dis.uniroma1.it , bonucce@DI.Unipi.IT
- Second International Workshop on Verification of Infinite State Systems
(Infinity) - Bologna (11-12 July) - Organizer: F.Moller (Uppsala).
Best student paper award: this prize will be given to a paper written solely
by one or more students. The paper is eligible only if all the authors are
full-time students at the time of submission. This should be indicated in
the submission letter. The Program Committee may decline to make the award,
or split it into several papers.
Best presentation award: This prize will be given to one speaker of an accepted
paper, according to his/her merits in making the presentation appealing and
curious, with no relation to the scientific merits of the paper.
The Program Committee may decline to make the award, or -- more likely -- to
split it into several persons.
ICALP'97 is organized under the auspices of the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science, the Section on Informatics of the Academia
Europaea, the Universities of Bologna and Pisa.
Other sponsoring institutions are: CNR, EU-DGIII, ONR-Europe.
- Honorary Doctorate in Computer Science: Maurice Nivat and Robin Milner
will receive such a title from the University of Bologna. This is part of
the celebration for the silver jubilee of EATCS, as Nivat and Milner were
among the founders of the association.
- G"odel prize (sponsored jointly by EATCS and ACM-SIGACT) is annually
tributed to outstanding papers in the area of theoretical
computer science. The Prize includes an award of $5000, sponsored by a
grant from PWS Publishers in cooperation with International Thomson Publishing
(ITP). The fifth presentation will take place during ICALP'97.
The 1997 Award Committee consists of Ron Graham, David Johnson,
Gordon Plotkin, Michael Rabin, Grzegorz Rozenberg (chair), and Emo Welzl.
For further information, please contact the chair: rozenber@wi.leidenuniv.nl
- EATCS General Assembly, with renewal of the Board and of the President.
- Accompanying persons programme with guided tours to cities of arts --
on demand. Please contact the conference office below for further info.
- Opera at the Arena in Verona, by night -- on demand. Please contact the
conference office below for further info.
The final program will be sent to all submitters and to all EATCS members.
To add your name to the mailing list or to obtain further information,
please send email to icalp97@cs.unibo.it.
ICALP'97 will be preceeded by LICS'97 and CONCUR'97, which will be
held in Warsaw, Poland, the week before. For more details
see http://www.bell-labs.com/topic/conferences/lics/.
Warsaw is easily connected to Bologna via Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich,
Rome, Paris, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, London and others.
Italiana & Co.
Via Altabella, 3, I-40126 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.51.228716, Fax. +39.51.222881
email: italiana@bo.nettuno.it