
announce for job at Ecole polytechnique

                     Department of Applied Mathematics
                           Ecole Polytechnique
                           Palaiseau -- France

                       Professor in Computer Science

The Department of Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique intends
to appoint in 1997 a full Professor in Computer Science.

This professor will have to teach a course along the lines of the
present Curriculum and to coordinate the work of the teaching staff,
presently 3 professors, 15 Maitres de Conferences and 12 Chefs de
Travaux Pratiques, almost all on part-time positions (the duration of
the contracts of the Maitres de Conferences and the Chefs de Travaux
Pratiques are limited to 12 and 6 years to allow some rotation).

The LIX (Laboratoire associated to CNRS) regroups all researchers in
Computer Science at Ecole polytechnique. The future professor would
naturally develop his research in this laboratory.

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Bernard Larrouturou (Head of
Department) on +33 (01) 69 33 41 48, or to any of the professors in
Computer science. Further information can be obtained on URL:


Applications Forms will be available in January 1997 at Secretariat
general pour les Etudes, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128, PALAISEAU Cedex,
tel: +33 (01) 69 33 40 15.