Fool workshop: 2nd call for papers / 2me appel aux communications
To: objecttypes@daimi.aau.dk
Subject: Fool workshop: 2nd call for papers / 2me appel aux communications
From: "Benjamin C. Pierce" <bcp1000@cl.cam.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 1996 22:14:49 +0100
Approved: types@dcs.gla.ac.uk
[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]
[Moderator's note: It is becoming more and more common to
distribute more than one call for papers. I generally refuse
a second call if it is too close to the first call, but haven't
yet devised a hard and fast rule. Should I pass all calls in
the subject area of the Types Forum, refuse to pass any second
call, or do something in between? I'll post a summary of replies.
-- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum (wadler@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk)]
Second Call for Papers
The Fourth International Workshop on
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
18 January, 1997
Paris, France
Held in conjunction with POPL '97
While object-oriented programming languages have swept the programming
community over the last decade, it has taken longer for the language
theory community to develop sound theoretical foundations for these
languages. However, work over the last several years has provided a
better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages
and has led to important developments in the type theory, semantics,
and verification of object-oriented languages. The FOOL workshops
bring together researchers to share new ideas and results.
FOOL 3 was held this summer, July 24-25, in conjunction with LICS '96
and the Federated Logic Conference. Abstracts of the papers presented
there can be found through the FOOL 3 home page:
The next workshop, FOOL 4, will take place on 18 January, 1997, the
day following POPL '97, in Paris. Submissions for this event are
invited in the general area of theoretical foundations of object-
oriented languages, including semantics, calculi, type theory, and
program verification of object-oriented languages. We also welcome
contributions on foundational issues related to concurrent and
distributed object-oriented languages and database languages with
object-oriented features.
Program Committee:
Luca Cardelli, Digital, SRC
Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS & Ecole Normale Superieure
John Mitchell, Stanford University
Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University
Benjamin Pierce, Cambridge University / Indiana University (chair)
Scott Smith, Johns Hopkins University
David Walker, Warwick University
Local arrangements chair:
Radhia Cousot, CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique
Important dates:
Submission deadline 30 September, 1996
Notification of acceptance 1 November, 1996
Final papers due 1 December, 1996
Workshop 18 January, 1997
Submission procedure:
We solicit submissions on original research not published or submitted
for publication elsewhere. Extended abstracts, in English and not to
exceed 2500 words (approximately 5 pages), should be submitted to the
program chair by Monday, 30 September, 1996. Electronic submission is
preferred: documents in postscript format for US letter size paper
should be e-mailed to pierce@cs.indiana.edu. [If electronic
submission is impossible, please contact the program chair to make
special arrangements.] The cover page should include a return postal
address and an electronic mail address if possible. All submissions
must be received by midnight (local time) on September 30th. Late
submissions cannot be accepted.
Since the main focus in selecting workshop contributions will be the
intrinsic interest and timeliness of the work, authors are encouraged
to submit (polished) descriptions of work in progress as well as
papers describing completed projects.
A world-wide web page will be created and made available as an
informal electronic conference proceedings. An eventual journal issue
devoted to selected papers, following the usual journal refereeing
process, is under discussion.
Final copies of accepted papers for the electronic proceedings will be due
on December 1st.
Correspondence and questions should be sent to pierce@cs.indiana.edu.
2me Appel aux communications
4\`eme \'edition de l'atelier sur
la fondation de langages \`a objets
18 janvier 1997
tenu conjointement avec POPL97
Les langages \`a objets ont connu, dans la derni\`ere d\'ecade, un
succ\`es retentissant en programmation. Toutefois, le d\'eveloppement
de leurs fondements th\'eoriques \`a demand\'e plus de temps. La
recherche des derni\`eres ann\'ees a depuis fourni une meilleure
compr\'ehension des concepts cl\'e des langages \`a objets et a
conduit \`a importants d\'eveloppements en th\'eorie des types,
s\'emantique et v\'erification des dits langages. Les ateliers FOOL
r\'eunissent des chercheurs afin qu'ils puissent partager de nouvelles
id\'ees et r\'esultats.
FOOL 3 \`a \'et\' liu le 24-25 juillet, conjointement avec LICS'96
dans le cadre de la Federated Logic Conference. Pour les papers
pr\'esent\'es, consulter le site web de FOOL 3:
Le prochain atelier, FOOL 4, aura lieu le 18 janvier 1997, le
lendemain de POPL '97, \`a Paris. Les sujets suscit\'es couvrent tous
les aspects de la recherche sur la fondation th\'eorique des langages
\`a objets : s\'emantique, calculs, la th\'eorie des types et
v\'erification de programmes. En particulier, les communications sur
des aspects fondationnels de langages \`a objets concurrents ou
distribu\'es et de langages de programmation pour bases de donn\'ees
orient\'ees objets sont encourag\'es.
Comit\'e de programme:
Luca Cardelli, Digital, SRC
Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS & Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure
John Mitchell, Stanford University
Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University
Benjamin Pierce, Cambridge University / Indiana University (pr\'esident)
Scott Smith, Johns Hopkins University
David Walker, Warwick University
Organisation locale:
Radhia Cousot, CNRS et Ecole Polytechnique
Date limite de soumission 30 septembre, 1996
Notification d'acceptation 1 novembre, 1996
Remise de la version finale 1 d\'ecembre, 1996
FOOL 4 18 janvier, 1997
Les communications devront d\'ecrire, en anglais, un travail original
qui n'ait pas d\'ej\`a \'et\'e soumi ou publi\'e dans un journal ou
\`a une conf\'erence. Un r\'esume technique de la communication
envisag\'ee, ne d\'epassant pas 2500 mots (environ 5 pages) est \`a
envoyer au pr\'esident du comit\'e de programme avant le 30 septembre
1996. Une soumission \'electronique est souhait\'ee : les r\'esum\'es
en postscript (format lettre US) devront \^etre envoy\'es \`a
pierce@cs.indiana.edu. [Dans le cas o\`u une soumission
\'electronique serait impossible, l'auteur est pri\'e de contacter le
pr\'esident du comit\'e de programme] La page de couverture doit
porter une adresse postale et, si possible, \'electronique.
Les soumissions devront \^etre re\c{c}ues avant minuit, heure locale,
le 30 septembre 1996. Cette limite \'etant ferme: les soumissions ne
la respectant pas ne seront pas prise en consid\'eration.
Le crit\`ere de s\'election des contributions sera leur int\'er\^et
intrins\`eque et l'a-propos du travail; ainsi, les auteurs sont
encourag\'es \`a soumettre tant des articles de positionnement que des
description de travaux accomplis ou en voie de r\'ealisation.
Un site web sera cr\'ee et fournira des actes \'electroniques
informels de l'atelier. L'\'edition d'un \'eventuel num\'ero sp\'ecial
dans un journal d'un nombre s\'electionn\'e d'articles (qui suivrait
le processus standard de lecture du journal) est en discussion.
Les versions compl\`etes des travaux \`a para\^{\i}tre dans les actes
\'electroniques devront \^etre re\c{c}ues avant le 1er d\'ecembre.
Toute correspondance ou question est \`a envoyer \`a pierce@cs.indiana.edu.