
International School on Type Theory and Term Rewriting

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

\title{International School on Type Theory and Term Rewriting\\
Glasgow University\\
Sept 12-15 1996}

In the past twenty years, a very rich body of results has emerged in
{\em type theory} and {\em term rewriting systems}.  This is
unsurprising since these topics are at the heart of the theory and
implementation of programming languages.  Type theory enables
increasing expressiveness in programming languages and in theorem
proving, whilst retaining strong theoretical and applied properties.
Understanding {\em termination} and {\em reduction strategies} in Term
rewriting systems provides insights into increasingly efficient
implementations with safe theoretical foundations.  Furthermore, the
two notions of type theory and term rewriting are very general and
cover various topics including termination, calculi of substitutions,
subtyping, reduction, unification, interaction and process calculi,
the logic of programs and theorem proving.

Unfortunately, collaboration between type theory and term rewriting
systems is not as strong as it should be despite their common goals
and extreme importance.  The {\em International School on Type Theory
and Term Rewriting} aims at bridging this gap and at bringing together
leaders and active researchers in the various branches of type theory
and term rewriting.  The school is beneficial to all active
researchers and research students in the area.  Talks will range from
an overview of recent results, to presenting some open problems and to
discussing some future research in the area.  The list of invited
speakers includes:\\ {\bf Jos Baeten, Steffen van Bakel, Henk
Barendregt, Gilles Barthe, Dick de Bruijn, Rod Burstall (tentative),
Bob Constable (tentative), Michael Fourman, John Glauert, Th\'er\`ese
Hardin, Fairouz Kamareddine, Richard Kennaway, Assaf Kfoury, Zurab
Khasidashvili, Jan Willem Klop, Pierre Lescanne, Jean-Jacques L\'evy,
Giuseppe Longo, Robin Milner (tentative), Adolfo Piperno, Gordon
Plotkin, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca, Judith Underwood, Joe Wells}

Lectures are one hour each.  It is anticipated that the proceedings of
the talks will be published.

Registration fee if paid before 30 June 1996 is \pounds 100 (\pounds
50 for full time students).

Registration fee if paid after 30 June 1996 is \pounds 150 (\pounds 75
for full time students).

There is a limited number of 50 participants (excluding the invited
speakers).  First come, first serve.

Accommodation is available at the following rates per person per

Staff: \pounds 20.50 (bed and breakfast) or \pounds 11.50 (bed only).

Students (bed only): \pounds 8.50 (UK students) and \pounds 11.50
(overseas students).

If you are interested in attending, send the registration fee (with
evidence of full time studentship if applicable), together with the
fee for the accommodation for the relevant number nights and type of
accommodation to:

Fairouz Kamareddine, University of Glasgow, Department of Computing 
Science, 17 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK.