Workshop on Foundations of OO languages
[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]
The Third International Workshop on
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
July 24-25, 1996
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Held in conjunction with LICS '96
and the Federated Logic Conference
While object-oriented programming languages have swept the programming
community over the last decade, it has taken longer for the language
theory community to develop sound theoretical foundations for these
languages. However, work over the last several years has provided
a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented
languages, and has led to important developments in the type theory,
semantics, and verification of object-oriented languages. This
workshop is designed to bring together researchers to share new
ideas and results.
The first two workshops in this series were sponsored jointly by the NSF
and ESPRIT. They were open by invitation only, with the first held in
association with the American Types Jumelage in October, 1993, at
Stanford University, and the second held in association with LICS '94
in Paris. A report on the first two meetings appeared in ACM SIGPLAN
Notices, March, 1994, pp. 3-11 and February, 1995, pp. 5-11. Both
are also available through the FOOL home page at
This third workshop will be held at the Hyatt-Regency Hotel
in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and will be open to
anyone interested in the general area of theoretical foundations
of object-oriented languages. The range of topics includes semantics,
calculi, type theory, and program verification of object-oriented
languages, and foundational issues related to concurrent and distributed
object-oriented languages.
Two program committee members will be giving hour-long tutorial/survey talks:
Comparing object encodings,
Benjamin Pierce, Cambridge University --> Indiana University
Giving semantics to type object-oriented languages,
Cliff Jones, Manchester University
There will also be two hour-long invited talks:
Classes = Objects + Data Abstraction,
Kathleen Fisher, Stanford University,
Interpreting typed objects in the typed pi-calculus,
Davide Sangiorgi, INRIA, Ecoles des Mines, Sophia Antipolis
and 11 refereed contributed papers (see the FOOL web pages for the complete
Registration and housing information is available through the FOOL web pages.
The deadlines for early registration and housing are June 28, 1996.
Because of other conferences taking place it is important to make hotel
reservations as early as possible. Also please be aware that because of
the Olympic games being held in the U.S. this summer, plane traffic will be
particularly heavy into New York City airports, especially from Europe.
You are strongly urged to make airline reservations as early as possible.
Program Committee:
Kim Bruce, Williams College (Chair, kim@cs.williams.edu)
Luca Cardelli, DEC-SRC
Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS & Ecole Normale Superieure
Cliff Jones, Manchester University
Giuseppe Longo, CNRS & Ecole Normale Superieure
John Mitchell, Stanford University
Benjamin Pierce, Cambridge University
Didier Remy, INRIA-Rocquencourt
Local Arrangements:
Jon Riecke, Bell Laboratories
Any questions should be sent to fool-info@cs.williams.edu. Information can
be forwarded on request via e-mail to those without world-wide web access.