ECOOP'96 Workshop
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[This is an update of an earlier announcement.]
Please find enclosed the ascii and latex files of the last call for
contributions concerning the ECOOP'96 Workshop on Proof Theory of
Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming, Linz (Austria), Monday 8th
July, 1996.
ECOOP'96 Workshop on
Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
Linz (Austria), Monday 8th July, 1996
A one day workshop on Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented
Programming is planned in the framework of the 10th European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'96, Linz, Austria,
8-12 July 1996).
There exists various approaches to model concurrent programming
based-on logic. In this way, the use of logic for system development
concerns the specification step but also the study of the operational
aspects (through proof analysis and construction) of such development.
In this context, we have to consider different logical systems for
different uses of logic.
Moreover, we can also consider concurrency from the both point of
views: we want to reason and to specify systems where some concurrency
aspects are involved and also to have some operational interpretations
of concurrency into logic (focusing on the concept of proof).
It seems clear that we have to identify and to study, in one hand, the
role and the treatment of objects (representation, inheritance,
modularity, communication, etc...) in this context, and in another
hand, the interaction of work on proofs and concurrency with the
Object-Oriented Programming paradigm.
This workshop aims to establish the state of art in the use of logic
in interaction with concurrency and the use of objects.
The objective is to provide an integrated forum for the presentation
of research and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the topics
concerned with proofs, concurrency and object-oriented programming
(specification, proof development, etc...).
Topics of interest, in this context, include (but are not restricted
- proof-theoretical foundations
- formalisms and logics to model concurrent systems and objects
- proofs and concurrency: modularity, composition, communication
interaction and synchronization
- role and use of objects for concurrent programming and proving
- verification and reuse
- implementations and case studies
The scientific program will include invited talks, presentations
of the accepted papers and discussion.
Authors are invited to send one copy of an extended abstract
(in postscript format) ({\bf 6-8 pages}) to Jean-Paul Bahsoun
Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of the program
committee. The cover page should include a return mailing address and,
if possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.
If at all possible, at the earliest possible moment a message
containing the title of the paper, authors, abstract, keywords,
and the address information outlined above should be sent by
email to the corresponding address.
The accepted abstracts will be published by the conference organization
but a special issue of the journal "Mathematical Structures of Computer
Science" on the topics of the workshop is expected. It will consist of
some selected journal-length papers submitted by participants after
the meeting. These complete papers will be refereed to the usual high
standards of MSCS.
Organizing-Program Committee:
Jean-Paul Bahsoun (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse)
Jose Luis Fiadeiro (University of Lisboa)
Didier Galmiche (CRIN-CNRS, Nancy)
Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo)
by email: bahsoun@irit.fr
by surface mail: Jean Paul Bahsoun
IRIT-CNRS, Universit\'e Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex, France
Phone: +33 61 55 82 11
Fax: +33 61 55 83 25
Deadline for submissions: May 6, 1996
Notification of acceptance: May 25, 1996
Workshop handouts ready: June 24, 1996
Workshop date: July 8, 1996
-------------LATEX FILE----------------------------------------
%% Call for Contributions %%
%% ECOOP'96 workshop %%
{\bf ECOOP'96 Workshop on
{\Large \bf Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming} \\
{\bf Linz (Austria)}\\
Monday 8th July, 1996 \\
A one day workshop on {\em Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented
Programming} is planned in the framework of the 10th European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'96, Linz, Austria,
8-12 July 1996). \\
There exists various approaches to model concurrent programming
based-on logic. In this way, the use of logic for system development
concerns the specification step but also the study of the operational
aspects (through proof analysis and construction) of such development.
In this context, we have to consider different logical systems for
different uses of logic.
Moreover, we can also consider concurrency from the both point of
views: we want to reason and to specify systems where some concurrency
aspects are involved and also to have some operational interpretations
of concurrency into logic (focusing on the concept of proof).
It seems clear that we have to identify and to study, in one hand, the
role and the treatment of objects (representation, inheritance,
modularity, communication, etc...) in this context, and in another
hand, the interaction of work on proofs and concurrency with the
Object-Oriented Programming paradigm.
\sect{ TOPICS
This workshop aims to establish the state of art in the use of logic
in interaction with concurrency and the use of objects.
The objective is to provide an integrated forum for the presentation
of research and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the topics
concerned with proofs, concurrency and object-oriented programming
(specification, proof development, etc...). \\
Topics of interest, in this context, include (but are not restricted
\item proof-theoretical foundations
\item formalisms and logics to model concurrent systems and objects
\item proofs and concurrency: modularity, composition, communication
interaction and synchronization
\item role and use of objects for concurrent programming and proving
\item verification and reuse
\item implementations and case studies
Authors are invited to send one copy of an extended
abstract (in postscript format) ({\bf 6-8 pages}) to
Jean-Paul Bahsoun ({\bf bahsoun@irit.fr}).
Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of the
program committee.
The cover page should include a return mailing address and,
if possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.\\
The accepted abstracts will be published by the conference organization but
a special issue of the journal "Mathematical Structures of Computer
Science" on the topics of the workshop is expected. It will consist of
some selected journal-length papers submitted by participants after
the meeting. These complete papers will be refereed to the usual high
standards of MSCS.
\inform{ PTCOOP'96
\names{ Organizing-Program Committee:
Jean-Paul Bahsoun \\
\hspace*{15mm} (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse) \\
Jose Luis Fiadeiro \\
\hspace*{15mm} (University of Lisboa) \\
Didier Galmiche \\
\hspace*{15mm} (CRIN-CNRS, Nancy) \\
Akinori Yonezawa \\
\hspace*{15mm} (University of Tokyo) \\
\info {by email:} {bahsoun@irit.fr}
\info {or surface mail:} {Jean Paul Bahsoun
\\ PTCOOP'96
\\ IRIT-CNRS, Universit\'e Paul Sabatier
\\ 118, route de Narbonne
\\ 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France
\\ Phone: +33 61 55 82 11
\\ Fax: +33 61 55 83 25
\info {Deadline for submissions:} {May 6, 1996}
\info {Notification of acceptance/rejection:}{May 25, 1996}
\info {Workshop handouts ready} {June 24, 1996}
\info {Workshop date} {July 8, 1996}
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% in a style designed by Jeroen Fokker, Utrecht University (jeroen@cs.ruu.nl),
% which has been adapted for our purposes
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