
TLCA'97 call for papers

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

               Third International Conference on


             Nancy (France), 2 to 4 April 1997

                      CALL FOR PAPERS

TLCA'97 will be the third in the TLCA series of conferences, which
aims at providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of
recent research in areas related to the following:

  Type systems for lambda calculi
  Proof theory of type systems
  Semantics of type systems
  Typed lambda calculi
  Proof verification via type systems
  Type systems of programming languages
  Typed term rewriting systems

The programme of TLCA'97 will consist of about 30 selected
presentations in plenary sessions. The programme committee has the
following members:

  H. Barendregt  (Catholic University of Nijmegen)
  C. Boehm  (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
  M. Dezani  (University of Turin)
  G. Dowek  (INRIA-Roquencourt)
  R. Hindley  (University of Wales Swansea)     (Chair)
  F. Honsell  (University of Udine)
  P. Lescanne (CRIN & INRIA-Lorraine, Nancy)
  A. Pitts  (University of Cambridge)
  G. Plotkin  (University of Edinburgh)
  P. Scott  (University of Ottawa)
  J. Smith  (University of Gothenburg/Chalmers)
  M. Takahashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  V. Tannen  (University of Pennsylvania)
  J. Tiuryn  (University of Warsaw)

Original contributions are solicited for TLCA; they should be sent to

    Roger Hindley, Mathematics Department,
     University of Wales Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, U.K.
      e-mail: j.r.hindley@swansea.ac.uk
      fax:    (+)-44-1792-295843

Electronic submission is preferred (Postscript files only), although
hard copy (6 copies) is also acceptable at the cost of some delay in

Postscript files may be sent as attachments to e-mail messages;
Hindley's e-mail receiving system is Macintosh "Eudora".

Papers should not exceed 15 standard A4 or U.S. quarto pages, should
be clearly written and should allow the program committee to assess
the merits of the work. References and comparisons with related work
should be included.

A short abstract should be sent as an e-mail with the paper; for ease
of transmission it should use only standard ASCII characters.

Relevant dates:

  Deadline for submissions:       August 30, 1996;

  Authors should receive
   notification of acceptance by  November 11, 1996;

  Definitive versions of papers
   will be due                    December 6, 1996;

  Date of conference              April 2 to 4, 1997.

The accepted papers will be published as a volume of the Springer
Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. This volume will be
distributed at the conference.

More detailed information about the conference arrangements will
become available later from the Organizing Committee Chairman and

 P. de Groote, P. Lescanne,
  INRIA Lorraine,
   615 rue du Jardin Botanique
    B.P. 101
     54602 Villers-les-Nancy Cedex, FRANCE
      e-mail: Philippe.de.Groote@loria.fr

Reminder of Important Dates:
  Aug. 30, 1996 Deadline for submissions
  Nov. 11, 1996 Notification of acceptance
  Dec.  6, 1996 Final version of paper
  April 2, 1997 TLCA (Apr 2 - 4)

The following repeats the above information as a LaTeX file
to print out as a one-page announcement.


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{\Large Third International Conference on} \end{center}

{\Huge Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications}
{\Huge (TLCA'97)} \\
{\Large Nancy (France), 2 to 4 April 1997} \end{center}
{\LARGE \bf Call For Papers} \end{center}

TLCA'97 will be the third in the TLCA series of conferences, which aims at
providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research in
areas related to the following:
\item[] \bf Type systems for lambda calculi \\
\item[] \bf Proof theory of type systems \\
\item[] \bf Semantics of type systems \\
\item[] \bf Typed lambda calculi \\
\item[] \bf Proof verification via type systems \\
\item[] \bf Type systems of programming languages \\
\item[] \bf Typed term rewriting systems
{\large \bf Programme}

The programme of TLCA'97 will consist of about 30 selected presentations in
plenary sessions. The programme committee has the following members:\\

{\bf H.~Barendregt}~(Catholic University of Nijmegen) \\
{\bf C.~B\H{o}hm}~(University of Rome "La Sapienza") \\
{\bf M.~Dezani}~(University of Turin) \\
{\bf G.~Dowek}~(INRIA-Roquencourt) \\
{\bf R.~Hindley}~(University of Wales Swansea) {\bf (Chair)} \\
{\bf F.~Honsell}~(University of Udine) \\
{\bf P.~Lescanne}~(CRIN-INRIA-Lorraine, Nancy) \\
{\bf A.~Pitts}~(University of Cambridge) \\
{\bf G.~Plotkin}~(University of Edinburgh) \\
{\bf P.~Scott}~(University of Ottawa) \\
{\bf J.~Smith}~(University of Gothenburg/Chalmers) \\
{\bf H.~Barendregt}~(Catholic University of Nijmegen) \\
{\bf M.~Takahashi}~(Tokyo Institute of Technology) \\
{\bf J.~Tiuryn}~(University of Warsaw) \\

{\bf Original contributions} are solicited for TLCA; they should be sent to

    Roger Hindley, \\
    Mathematics Department, \\
    University of Wales Swansea, \\
    Swansea SA2 8PP, U.K. \\
    e-mail: j.r.hindley@swansea.ac.uk \\
    fax:    (+)-44-1792-295843

Electronic submission is preferred (Postscript files only), although hard
copy (6 copies) is also acceptable at the cost of some delay in

\end{minipage} \hspace{1cm} \begin{minipage}[t]{8.5cm}

Postscript files may be sent as attachments to e-mail messages; Hindley's
e-mail receiving system is Macintosh "Eudora".

Papers should not exceed 15 standard A4 or U.S. quarto pages, should be
clearly written and should allow the program committee to assess the merits
of the work. References and comparisons with related work should be

A short abstract should be sent as an e-mail with the paper; for ease of
transmission it should use only standard ASCII characters.

{\bf Relevant dates:}
Deadline for submissions: {\em August 30, 1996;} \\
Authors should receive notification of acceptance by: {\em November 11,
1996;} \\
Definitive versions of papers will be due: {\em December 6, 1996;} \\
Date of conference: {\em April 2 to 4, 1997.}


The accepted papers will be published as a volume of Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. \\

More detailed information about the conference arrangements will become
available later from the Organizing Committee Chairman and Secretary:

 P. de Groote, P. Lescanne, \\
  INRIA Lorraine, \\
  615 rue du Jardin Botanique \\
  B.P. 101 \\
  54602 Villers-les-Nancy Cedex, FRANCE

  e-mail: Philippe.de.Groote@loria.fr \\
