
Research Fellowship

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		    Department of Computer Science
			 University of Durham 

			Research Fellowship in 
	  Type Theory and its Applications to Theorem Proving

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research fellowship funded
under the UK EPSRC research project "Subtyping, inheritance and reuse:
developing expressive type theory for formal analysis".

The area of work is computer-assisted formal reasoning based on type
theory.  The project is to develop expressive type theories with
subtyping and inheritance mechanisms to support structuring and reuse
of formal theories and proofs.  The theoretical research results will
be incorporated into proof development systems such as Lego and used
in application case studies.

The research fellowship is for a period of three years and available
from May 1996.  The appointment will be on the AR1A scale (starting
salary from 15,986 to 18,294 pounds per annum, according to
experience).  Candidates would normally be expected to have a PhD in
computer science or mathematics, or equivalent experience.  Experience
or background in areas such as constructive type theory, type systems
for programming languages, formal proof development, or implementation
of theorem provers, is considered to be desirable, though not

The successful candidate will be working in an active research group
at Durham with interests in both theory and application.  He or she is
also expected to have a close collaboration with the theorem proving
group led by Prof. Rod Burstall at LFCS, Edinburgh (a collaborating
partner of the above project) and other related institutions in

Further details of the research project and related information can be
found from the WWW page "http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dcs0zl/sir.html".

Applications should include a curriculum vitae and names of two
referees with their addresses (and email addresses if available).
Please send applications or enquiries to

Dr Zhaohui Luo
Dept of Computer Science
The Science Laboratories
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE, U.K.

email: Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk
tel: +44-(0)191-3743657
fax: +44-(0)191-3742560