
MFPS Resgistration Information

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Dear Colleagues,
  This is the latest update about MFPS 12, the Twelfth Workshop on
the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics.  MFPS will take
place on the campus of the University of Colorado in Boulder from June
3 to June 5, 1996.  This series of meetings has the goal of bringing
together mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists to discuss
problems of common interest and to explore common areas of research.
MFPS has focused particularly on programming semantics and related
issues, including, for example, linear logic and related topics.  The
invited speakers for MFPS 12 are:
	Peter Freyd (Penn),
	Mel Fitting (CUNY),
	Matthew Hennessy (Sussex), 
	Gerard Huet (Inria), 
	Andre Scedrov (Penn) and
	Jeannette Wing (CMU).  
In addition, there will be one special session during the meeting.
This is a workshop year for MFPS, which means that the remainder of
the program will be made up of talks by participants.  The slots for
these talks will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  As with past MFPS Workshops, the Proceedings of the meeting will
consist of journal-length papers submitted by participants after the
meeting, and dealing with topics relevant to the MFPS theme.  These
papers will be published as a special issue of Theoretical Computer
Science; as such the papers will be refereed to the usual high
standards of TCS.  More details about this aspect will be provided at
the meeting.
  Also as in the past, we have received some funding from the Office
of Naval Research.  While the funding is limited, we especially
encourage women and minorities, as well as graduate students, to
inquire about possible support to attend the meeting.
  The Organizing Committee for the MFPS series includes Stephen
Brookes (CMU), Michael Main (Colorado), Austin Melton (Michigan Tech),
Michael Mislove (Tulane) and David Schmidt (Kansas State).  The
Co-chairmen for MFPS 12 are Michael Main and Michael Mislove.
  Updated information about the meeting can be obtained by accessing
the MFPS 12 Home Page (http://www.math.tulane.edu/mfps12.html).  Those
who do not have access to the World Wide Web can obtain updates by
sending email to mfps@math.tulane.edu.  
  Those who are interested in registering for the meeting should
complete the registration form included below.  The form includes an
entry to indicate your interest in giving a talk.  Registration also
can be done on line at the URL
if you have a forms-capable browser.
  Best regards,
  Mike Mislove


			MFPS 12 Registration Form

You can register for MFPS 12 by saving this form as a file, filling
out the requested information and emailing it to mfps@math.tulane.edu.
Please register by May 1 if you intend to participate in the meeting.

			Registration Information		

Please fill out  the the following information:		

Please enter your name:					

Please enter your snail mail (postal) address:		

Please enter your e-mail address:			

Please enter your phone number:				

Please enter your FAX number:				 

If you wish to give a talk, indicate the title, and send us a short
abstract of your talk.

Talk title:						

Talk Abstract:						

			Registration Costs		

The registration fee for the meeting is $115 ($80 for graduate
students).  This fee includes a continental breakfast at the meeting
each morning, refreshments at the breaks between talks, and lunch each
day of the meeting.  An informal welcome gathering with cash bar will
be held at the Broker Inn on Sunday evening, June 2, and a larger
reception for participants will take place at the close of the first
day's session.  Both of these events are included in the registration
cost. A Workshop Dinner will take place on Tuesday evening, June 4,
1996 at which attendance is optional.  It will be held at the Broker
Inn Restaurant.  The fee for the dinner is $35.

	Quantity					Amount	
			Faculty $115				
			Graduate Student $80			
			Workshop Dinner Ticket $35		

Your registration also requires a payment, which either can be paid by
VISA/MasterCard or by check.  You can pay by VISA/MasterCard by
calling Ms. Geralyn Caradona at (504) 862-3454 with the card
number. Checks should be in US dollars and made payable to
MFPS. Payments should be sent to

	Department of Mathematics	
	Tulane University		
	New Orleans, LA 70118		

You also may pay at the start of the meeting, but we encourage you to
complete a registration form by May 1.

Participants will be housed at the Broker Inn, 555 30th Street,
Boulder, CO, 1-800-338-5407 which is located about 1/2 mile from the
University of Colorado campus.  We have arranged for a block of rooms
at The Broker Inn at greatly reduced prices.  To take advantage of
these rates, you should identify yourself as a participant of MFPS.
The rates are:						

	$76 per night for a single room, plus 9.65% tax	    
	$86 per night for a double room, plus 9.65% tax	    
You must make your own reservations if you are staying at the Broker
Inn.  Only a limited number of rooms is available for Saturday, June
1, and reservations must be made by May 1 in any event.  You will be
asked for a major credit card to guarantee your reservation.  

In addition, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Kittredge
Dormitory on the University of Colorado campus.  Arrival on either
Saturday, June 1 or on Sunday, June 2, with departure on Thursday,
June 6, is offered at a package price of $175 plus tax.  Anyone
wanting a room starting on Monday should contact us at
mfps@math.tulane.edu, and special arrangements will be made.  In any
case, dorm rooms must be vacated by Thursday, June 6.  Payment is
required upon check-in at the dorm.  Checks (in US dollars only),
Visa, MasterCard, Diner's Club and American Express are honored.
Kittredge is a traditional college dorm with single or double rooms
(the price listed above is per room, regardless of whether is it a
single or double room) and each bathroom shared by occupants of
approximately ten rooms.

To reserve a room at the dorm and receive this special pricing, you
must make your reservation through MFPS by completing the following

Please enter your Arrival Date:	

Please enter your Departure Date:	

Please enter the total number of nights you will stay:

If a double room, the name of the person with whom you wish to share:

There is a dining hall in the Kittredge Dorm that serves breakfast.
The cost is approximately $6 per day.			


As indicated above, the registration fee includes a continental
breakfast, lunch and morning and afternoon breaks each day of the
meeting.  In addition, light snacks will be available at a welcome
gathering on Sunday evening, June 2, and hors d'oeuvres will be a
larger reception on Monday, June 3 at the end of the sessions.  The
Workshop Dinner will be held at the Broker Inn on Tuesday, June 4.
There are a number of restaurants in the center of Boulder, which is
well within walking distance of the campus and the Broker Inn.

Please indicate any dietary restrictions that you need to have

			Transportation to Campus		

The Airporter Shuttle runs service from the new Denver International
Airport to Boulder.  The cost is $16 each way.  The Broker Inn is a
regular stop for the shuttle, but you have to ask the driver to drop
you at Kittredge Dorm if you are staying there.  There is no extra
charge for being dropped at the dorm.

More details about getting to Boulder will be available from this web
site a few weeks before the meeting.  A map of the area is available
at the URL http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/mfps/local.html.

Mail the completed form to mfps@math.tulane.edu