Re: CONCUR'96 - Call for Papers
To: Types dist list <types@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: CONCUR'96 - Call for Papers
From: ugo@DI.Unipi.IT
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 12:24:17 +0100
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%% Call for papers %%
%% CONCUR'96 %%
{\bf Call for Papers
{\Large\bf CONCUR'96
Seventh International Conference on Concurrency Theory
\\{\bf Pisa, Italy,
}\\ August 26-29, 1996
The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to bring together researchers,
developers and students in order to advance the science of concurrency
theory and promote its applications. Interest in the conference is
continuously growing, as a consequence of the importance and ubiquity of
concurrent systems and applications, and of the scientific relevance of
their foundations.
\noindent The first two meetings were held in Amsterdam in 1990 and 1991,
the following meetings in Stony Brook, Hildesheim, Uppsala and
Philadelphia. The proceedings have appeared in Springer
LNCS, as Vols. 458, 527, 630, 715, 836 and 962.
\noindent The Steering Committee of CONCUR is composed of Jos Baeten
(chair, Eindhoven), Eike Best (Hildesheim), Kim Larsen (Aalborg), Ugo
Montanari (Pisa), Scott Smolka (Stony Brook) and Pierre Wolper (Liege).
Topics of interest:
The scope of CONCUR'96 covers all areas of semantics, logics and
verification techniques for concurrent systems. A list of specific topics
includes (but is not limited to) concurrency related issues about
decidability, event structures and semantic domains, mobile processes,
model checking, models of computation, Petri nets, process algebras,
real-time systems, refinement techniques, term and graph rewriting, typing
systems and algorithms, higher order languages, functional logic constraint
and object oriented programming, verification techniques for practical
systems, tools and environments for programming and verification.
{\bf Submissions:
Authors are invited to send extended abstracts (in English, up to 15 pages,
typeset 12 points) to the PC chairman. Simultaneous submissions to other
conferences or journals are not allowed. Electronic submissions are
encouraged via e-mail, in the form of uuencoded compressed PostScript(tm)
printable files sent to {\tt concur'96@di.unipi.it}; however a printed
reference copy should be forwarded anyway by express or courier mail. If
e-mail is not used, then {\bf five (5)} copies of the paper should be sent
by express or courier mail. In both cases, a separate text-only message
should be directed to {\tt concur'96@di.unipi.it}, with a single postal and
e-mail address for communication, complete title, author(s), affiliation(s)
and 200 word abstract.
{\bf Invited Speakers:
Samson Abramsky (Imperial College, London),
Jos\`e Meseguer (SRI International, Menlo Park),
Faron Moller (SICS, Stockholm),
Wolfgang Reisig (Humboldt University, Berlin).
{\bf Tutorials:
Concurrent Graph and Term Graph Rewriting, Andrea Corradini (University
of Pisa);
Concurrent Constraint Programming, Vijay Saraswat (Xerox PARC, Palo Alto);
Programming in FACILE, Bent Thomsen (ECRC, M\"unchen).
\inform{ CONCUR'96
\names{ Program Chair:
Ugo Montanari
\\ CONCUR'96
\\ Dipartimento di Informatica
\\ University of Pisa
\\ Corso Italia, 40
\\ I-56100 Pisa, Italy
\names{ Program Committee:
Luca Aceto (Aalborg and Sussex)
\\ Jan Bergstra (Utrecht)
\\ Rance Cleaveland (NCSU)
\\ Mads Dam (SICS)
\\ Philippe Darondeau (Rennes)
\\ Rocco De Nicola (Firenze)
\\ Javier Esparza (TUM)
\\ Ursula Goltz (Hildesheim)
\\ Robert Harper (CMU)
\\ Tom Henzinger (Cornell)
\\ Ugo Montanari (Pisa) (chair)
\\ Luis Monteiro (Lisboa)
\\ Mogens Nielsen (Aarhus)
\\ Amir Pnueli (Rehovot)
\\ Jan Rutten (CWI)
\\ Davide Sangiorgi (Sophia Ant.)
\\ Scott Smolka (Stony Brook)
\\ Bernhard Steffen (Passau)
\\ Colin Stirling (Edinburgh)
\\ Frits Vaandrager (CWI)
\\ Walter Vogler (Augsburg)
\\ David Walker (Warwick)
\names{ Organizing Committee:
Pierpaolo Degano (chair, Pisa), Roberto Gorrieri (Bologna), Stefania Gnesi
(IEI-CNR), Corrado Priami (Pisa), Vladimiro Sassone (Pisa).
\info {Deadline for submissions:} {March 4, 1996}
\info {Notification of acceptance:} {May 6, 1996}
\info {Camera-ready version due:} {June 10, 1996}
\infor{ The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in
the LNCS series.
{\bf Please send requests and submissions to: {\tt
concur'96@di.unipi.it} or {\tt concur96@di.unipi.it}
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Prof. Ugo Montanari Phone: +39 50 887221 (w.answ.mach.)
Dipartimento di Informatica Fax: +39 50 887226
University of Pisa E_mail: ugo@di.unipi.it
Corso Italia, 40 Telex: 590291 DIPISA I
I-56100 Pisa, Italy