
postgraduate studentship in Nijmegen

Dear editors of Types
At the computer Science Institute of the university of Nijmegen, The
Netherlands there is a vacancy for a postgraduate studentship. Therefore I
ask you to be so kind to put the next announcement on the types net.
Yours faithfully
Wil Dekkers
Department of Computer Science
University of Nijmegen The Netherlands

Postgraduate studentship at the Computing Science Institute of the
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

The Computing Science Institute of the University of Nijmegen has a vacancy
for postgraduate students who have just obtained their M.Sc degree   or
will do so within a few months,  on the following  project

        Unification of program transformations, automated deduction, 
        functional specifications and computer algebra.

Some of the research themes of the CSI are computer algebra, automatic
deduction and transformational programming. Furthermore the mathematical
broad spectrum formalism Funmath has been developed within the institute.
The project has as aim to detect as many as possible essential similarities
and differences between the above called research themes, with Funmath as
frame of reference. Moreover the outlines and essential components of a
unified system to support these themes should be formulated.

The project is for 4 years and should result in a Ph.D thesis.

The salary goes up from f 2078,- a  month in the first year to f 3710,- in
the fourth year.

Applications for the position, including a  curriculum vitae, marks and
a  name of a referee for recommendations should be sent before September 20 to

Catholic University Nijmegen,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Personele Zaken
Toernooiveld 1
6525 ED Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Please name the reference number 55-95.

For information, contact Dr W.J.M. Dekkers, email: wil@cs.kun.nl