
Post for Research Fellow

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     Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury

Applications are invited for a post of Research Fellow available
immediately in the Computer Science Department, to work in
conjunction with the theoretical computer science group for a period
of up to three years in the first instance. Applicants should have a
doctorate in Computer Science (or equivalent publication record) and
research interests in one of the following areas   functional
programming, theoretical computer science, formal methods, computer
based theorem proving.

Salary on the Research scale 14,317-21,519 pounds. Further particulars are
available from The Personnel Office, The Registry, The University,
Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NZ. Telephone (01227) 764000 ext. 3674 or
(01227) 475482 (24 hour answerphone) or email request to
M.A.Knapp@ukc.ac.uk. Please quote reference number A95/115. 

Information about the posts and department is at URL:

Closing date: Friday 4 August 1995

The University is committed to implementing its Equal Opportunities

Excellence in Higher Education at Britain's European University.

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