
Research position at Chalmers

			Postdoctoral position at Chalmers

There is a vacant research position at Chalmers in Computer Science for a
period of four years starting this year. The position is open for a young
researcher with a Ph D. Applications should be sent to 

  Personalavdelningen, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, 412 96 Goteborg, Sweden 

before August 1st.

The Computing Science department at Chalmers consists of around 30
researchers/teachers and 25 graduate students. The major research groups work
with programming logic, functional programming and concurrency.  A general
(incomplete) description of the department can also be found at

Further information can be obtained from Christer Carlsson, 031-772 1038 and
Bengt Nordstrom, 031-772 1033. We can send you a translation of the swedish
advertisement of the position.