[Since it is marginally relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types.
Please let me know if you'd like me to adjust the relevance level for
conference announcements higher or lower. I tend to set it low,
but we seem to be getting more and more announcements.
-- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]
Below you'll find a file Latex of the "Call for Papers" of
a new conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION'96).
Please, forgive me if you receive multiple copies of it.
Roberto Gorrieri
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione
Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5
I-40127 Bologna (Italy)
e_mail: gorrieri@cs.unibo.it tel:+39-51-354509
http://www.cs.unibo.it/~gorrieri fax:+39-51-354510
%% This call for papers uses the format designed by Andrea Corradini
%% for the SEGRAGRA'95 workshop
%% Call for papers %%
{\bf Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers
{\Large\bf COORDINATION'96
First International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
\\{\bf Cesena, Italy
}\\ April 15-17, 1996.
A new class of models, formalisms and mechanisms for describing
concurrent and distributed computations has emerged over the last
few years. Some significant representatives of this new class
are models and languages based on (generative) communication via
a shared data space: Gamma, Linda, Swarm, Linear Objects, Polis
and Tao are examples.
Coordination models and languages are being investigated by the
ESPRIT Basic Research Project, COORDINATION, which is organising
this event. The objective of this conference is to provide a
forum for the rapidly growing community of researchers
interested in this field.
Topics of interest:
Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
\item Coordination problems within concurrent, distributed, object
oriented, functional and logic programming
\item Concurrent computation, constraint programming, computation
models based on the chemical reaction metaphor and related
\item Software environments for the development of coordinated
\item Semantics and reasoning about coordination
\item Case studies with industrial relevance (e.g. Workflow, groupware,
distributed artificial intelligence, distributed software
{\bf Submissions:
Authors are invited to send full papers (in English, up to 15
pages) to the PC chairman, at the address
mentioned on the left. Simultaneous submission to other
conferences or journals is not allowed.
Electronic submission is
encouraged via e-mail, in the form of uuencoded compressed
PostScript(TM) files.
Each submission should be accompanied by a 100 word summary
and a single postal and e-mail address for communication.
{\bf Conference Format and Location:
The conference will be three days long from Monday to Wednesday.
Cesena is a nice town of about 80,000 inhabitants, hosting a
science programme of the University of Bologna. The town is
close to Rimini (the main Italian
seaside resort, famous for its night-life), Ravenna (the capital
of the western Roman empire) and the S. Marino Republic. Cesena is
about one hour by train from Bologna which is connected by direct
flights to several European cities.
\inform{ COORDINATION'96
\names{ Program Chair:
Chris Hankin (London)
%\\ Department of Computing
%\\ Imperial College
%\\ 180 Queen's Gate
%\\ {\tt coord@doc.ic.ac.uk}
\names{ Program Committee(Provisional):
Gul Agha (Illinois)
\\ Jean-Marc Andreoli (Xerox Research, Grenoble)
\\ Marc Bourgois (ECRC, Munich)
\\ Luca Cardelli (DEC SRC)
\\ Paolo Ciancarini (Bologna)
\\ Laurent Dami (Geneva)
\\ David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon)
\\ David Gelernter (Yale)
\\ Jos\'e Meseguer (Stanford)
\\ Daniel Le M\'etayer (Inria/Irisa, Rennes)
\\ Oscar Nierstrasz (Berne)
\\ Ant\'onio Porto (Lisbon)
\\ David Sands (Copenhagen)
\\ Akinori Yonezawa (Tokyo)
\names{ Local organizers (Bologna):
Roberto Gorrieri (chair), Marco Roccetti,
Mauro Gaspari, Paola Salomoni, Vittorio Maniezzo,
Riccardo Focardi, Nadia Busi,
Marco Bernardo.
\info {Deadline for submissions:} {October 30, 1995}
\info {Notification of acceptance:} {December 15, 1995}
\info {Camera-ready version due:} {January 15, 1996}
\infor{ We are approaching Springer to publish the proceedings in
the LNCS series.
\\ Chris Hankin
\\ Department of Computing
\\ Imperial College
\\ 180 Queen's Gate
\\ Phone: +44 171 594 8266
\\ Fax: +44 171 581 8024
\\ Email: coord@doc.ic.ac.uk
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