
Research Posts in Theoretical Computer science

European Institute in the Logical Foundations of Computer Science
                     Fellowship Programme

         (Closing date for applications - 30th April 1995)

The European Institute in the Logical Foundations of Computer Science
invites applications for PostDoctoral Fellowships. These can be held for
periods ranging from six months to one year. The goal of the work in the
Institute is to achieve a unified and applicable theory of the semantics
and logic of languages used to describe, design and program computing
systems. The research of the Insititute is characterised by a unified
approach to foundational problems that emphasises the combination of ideas
arising in design and practice with ideas originating in logic and allied
mathematical areas. The applicability of the ideas developed is
demonstrated by producing experimental systems for specification,
verification and development.

The research has both national and EC support, with involvement in several
ESPRIT Basic Research Actions, including CONFER, CONCUR, COMPASS,
Categorical Logic in Computer Science and Types for Proofs and Programs.
Research Topics of Interest include: Semantics of Programming Languages;
Logic Programming Theory; Object-Oriented Programming; Functional
Programming Theory; Lambda-Calculus; Formal Development of Programs and
Systems; Concurrency Theory.

The Institute sites and contact points are:

CWI, Amsterdam
Jaco de Baaker <jaco@cwi.nl> (+31) 20 592 4136

The University of Cambridge;
Andrew Pitts <ap@cl.cam.ac.uk> (+44) 223 334621

The University of Edinburgh
Don Sannella <dts@lfcs.ed.ac.uk> (+44) 31 650 5184

Imperial College, London
Samson Abramsky <sa@doc.ic.ac.uk> (+44) 71 589 5111 x5005

ENS and INRIA, Paris
Giuseppi Longo <longo@dmi.ens.fr> (+33) 14 432 3328

The University of Pisa.
Ugo Montanari <ugo@di.unipi.it> (+39) 50 510 221

INRIA, Sophia Antipolis;
Gilles Kahn <gilles.kahn@sophia.inria.fr> (+33) 93 65 78 01

APPLICATIONS must be sent to the prospective host site. More general
information on the Institute or the fellowship programme may be requested
from Gordon Plotkin <gdp@lfcs.ed.ac.uk> (scientific information), or
George Cleland <g.cleland@lfcs.ed.ac.uk> (administrative information)

The initial application should include:

1. Name, Address, e-mail,telephone & fax nos.

2. Academic Qualifications

3. Post-doctoral positions

4. Names, addresses, e-mail and phone numbers of at least two referees

5. Publications

6. A summary of research achievments to date

7. Proposed research programme (3-400 words)

Selection of candidates will be made on a number of factors, including
quality of research proposed, the potential of the candidate, and the
contribution of the proposed research to both the host site and the

Prospective candidates are particularly asked to note the ELIGIBILITY
CRITERIA for the fellowships. These conditions, imposed by the European
Commission, are:

i) The applicant must be a national of one of the Member States of the
European Community or EFTA, or be resident in the European Community.

ii) The applicant must be a national of a country other than that in which
the host institution is established and must not have carried out their
normal activity in that country for more than two years prior to the date
of submission of the application. (EC nationals presently resident in a
non-EC country are eligible providing the proposed fellowship is in a
country other than their country of origin.)

iii) Applicants must be young researchers, without other income, having at
least six years' higher education and who hold a doctoral or equivalent
degree, or, if not, have had two years' research experience following a
post-graduate course.