WoLLIC '95 - Call for Contributions
[Since it is clearly relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types. -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]
First Call for Contributions
2nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
WoLLIC '95
July 26--28, 1995
Recife, Brazil
The `2nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation' (WoLLIC '95),
will be held in Recife, on the northeastern coast of Brazil, from 26th to 28th
July 1995. Contributions are invited in the form of two page (600 words)
abstract in all areas related to logic, language, information and computation,
including: pure logical systems, proof theory, model theory, type theory,
category theory, constructive mathematics, lambda and combinatorial calculi,
program logic and program semantics, nonclassical logics, nonmonotonic logic,
logic and language, discourse representation, logic and AI, automated deduction,
foundations of logic programming, logic and computation, and logic engineering.
There will be a number of guest speakers, including (so far preliminarily
C. Alchourron (Buenos Aires), A. Avron (Tel Aviv), N. Belnap (Pittsburgh),
J. van Benthem (Amsterdam), P. Freyd (Philadelphia), D. Gabbay (London),
I. Hodkinson (London), P. Lincoln (Stanford).
Submission: Two-page abstracts (preferably by e-mail to wollic95@di.ufpe.br
must be RECEIVED by JUNE 1ST, 1995. Authors will be notified of acceptance by
July 1st, 1995. WoLLIC '95 is sponsored by the Interest Group in Pure and
Applied Logics (IGPL) and The European Foundation for Logic, Language and
Information (FoLLI). Abstracts from members of the IGPL will be published in
the Bulletin of the IGPL (ISSN 0945-9103) as part of the meeting report.
Selected contributed papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of
the Bulletin.
The location: Recife is the capital of the sun belt coast in the northeast
of Brazil, just 8 degrees below Equator, bathed by 250+ days of sun/year (i.e.
Caribbean-like climate). City population is around 2.5 million and the life
style is quite relaxed. Recife is over 450 years old, has a number of
interesting architectural samples of Portuguese colonial times (esp. XVII and
XVIII centuries), and is neighbour to picturesque Olinda, whose architectural
heritage is protected by UNESCO.
Programme Chair:
Prof P. A. S. Veloso, Departmento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Rua Marques de Sao
Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brazil, veloso@inf.puc-rio.br,
tel: +55 21 529 9524, fax: +55 21 511 5645.
Programme Committee:
W. A. Carnielli (UNICAMP, Campinas), M. Costa (EMBRAPA, Brasilia),
V. de Paiva (Cambridge, UK), R. de Queiroz (UFPE, Recife),
A. Haeberer (PUC, Rio), T. Pequeno (UFC, Fortaleza), L. C. Pereira (PUC, Rio),
A. M. Sette (UNICAMP, Campinas), P. Veloso (Chair, PUC, Rio).
For further information, contact the Chair of Organising Committee:
R. de Queiroz, Departamento de Informatica, Federal University of Pernambuco at
Recife, P.O. Box 7851, Recife, PE 50732-970, Brazil,
e-mail: wollic95@di.ufpe.br, tel: +55 81 271 8430, fax +55 81 271 4925.
(Co-Chair: T. Pequeno, LIA, UFC, tarcisio@lia1.ufc.br, fax +55 85 223-1333)