
errata for S&T

An errata list for the first printing of my textbook "Semantics of
Programming Languages: Structures and Techniques" is now available by
anonymous ftp.  I append the instructions below.  I would appreciate
learning of any additional problems by email or other means.

				--- sincerely, carl gunter


To obtain corrections for the first printing of
Semantics of Programming Languages: Structures and Techniques
* Connect to ftp.cis.upenn.edu ( or research.att.com (
* Login as "anonymous" with your name as password
* Go to directory pub/papers/gunter (on ftp.cis.upenn.edu) or dist/carl
  (on research.att.com);  e.g.  "cd pub/papers/carl".
* Put ftp in binary mode ("binary").
* Transfer the relevant files in that directory ("mget SPL_errata.*").