
Anon FTP file for conference scheduling

The purpose of this message is to announce a file for posting
tentative and confirmed conference announcements. The current
orientation is towards conferences and workshops in areas related 
to logic in computer science or overlapping with logic-related 
conferences in some way. However, if other people start using it,
the scope may expand.

The file of conference names and dates is 


on the machine


This may be read by anyone by anonymous ftp. The protocol for
posting an announcement is described below, in a message that
is stored in conferences-README in the same directory.

This scheme will work only if (1) conference organizers use it,
and (2) postings are of the correct format so that the time involved
in maintaining the list is kept to a minimum. 

John Mitchell

--------------------- conferences-README ----------------------

The file ``conferences'' in this directory contains tentative and
confirmed dates of conferences and workshops, primarily in areas 
related to logic in computer science or overlapping with logic-related 
conferences in some way. Each entry contains the date of the conference 
itself and the submission date.

The reasons for establishing this file are

(1) to provide an up-to-date on-line calendar for researchers
   who might want to participate in the meetings themselves,

(2) to provide a mechanism for scheduling conferences. Organizers
  are encouraged to post TENTATIVE dates WELL IN ADVANCE and 
  check for conflicts before setting firm dates. It is not the
  intention of the maintainers of this list to negotiate 
  dates, but merely to help conference organizers identify
  possible conflicts.

Since one goal is to avoid conflicting dates, posting of meetings
with restricted attendace is encouraged. Even if a workshop is
by invitation only, it may be important for organizers of another
meeting to know about it.

Protocol for submitting dates:

Send a one or two-line message of the form illustrated by 
the following examples to conferences@theory.stanford.edu.

Feb 13-15, 92: STACS, Paris (SUBMIT AUG 15 1991)
Feb 24-28, 92: CAAP_ESOP (SUBMIT NOV 12, 91)
Mar 18-20, 92: Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux, Lautenbach,
        Germany, fronhoef@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Mar 19-22, 92: ASL Annual Mtng, Durham, NC

It is helpful to include an email address or other contact point.