
Call for papers: MFPS91

Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 13:51:09 EDT
To: CMU-THEORYNET@theory.cs.cmu.edu, logic@theory.lcs.mit.edu,

		Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics

			Carnegie Mellon University
			Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
			  March 25--28, 1991

This conference is the seventh in a series intended to bring together 
computer scientists and mathematicians for discussion of research problems, 
results and directions in programming language semantics. 
A major goal of the series is to provide a forum for researchers in all 
areas surrounding semantics to report on their research progress, 
and to improve communication and interactions between mathematicians and 
computer scientists who work in these areas. 

The following have agreed to be invited speakers at MFPS91:

	Jon Barwise, Indiana University
	John Reynolds, Carnegie Mellon University
	Dana Scott, Carnegie Mellon University
	Mitchell Wand, Northeastern University
	Glynn Winskel, Aarhus University

Papers are solicited on topics related to programming language semantics, 

	Order-theoretic, topological and categorical approaches
	Applications to programming language design and implementation
	Program analysis and verification
	Theory of concurrency
	Types and polymorphism

This list is not exhaustive, and papers in related areas that fit 
the general intentions of the conference are welcome. In particular,
we encourage submission of papers in areas represented by the invited

Authors should mail 5 copies of a preliminary version of a paper,
limited to 12 typed or typeset pages, to:

	Michael Main			
	Computer Science Dept., CB430	
	University of Colorado		
	Boulder, CO 80309		
	Internet: main@boulder.colorado 

Papers should provide sufficient detail for the program committee to
assess the merits of the research, and should contain appropriate references.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is October 15, 1990.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by January 5, 1991.
We expect to publish the proceedings of the conference as a volume of
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The date for
submission of final versions of accepted papers will be announced later.

The program committee includes:

Samson Abramsky,  Imperial College
Boumediene Belkhouche,  Tulane University
Bard Bloom,  Cornell University
Stephen Brookes,  Carnegie Mellon University
Carl Gunter,  University of Pennsylvania
Michael Main, University of Colorado
Austin Melton, Kansas State University
Michael Mislove,  Tulane University
John Mitchell,  Stanford University
Philip Mulry,  Colgate University
Frank Oles,  IBM Yorktown Heights
Ana Pasztor,  Florida International University
Bill Roscoe,  Oxford University
Edmund Robinson,  Sussex University
Andre Scedrov,  University of Pennsylvania
David Schmidt,  Kansas State University
Robert Tennent,  Queens University

Further information may be obtained from the general chairmen:

	Stephen Brookes			Michael Mislove
	School of Computer Science	Mathematics Department 
	Carnegie Mellon University	Tulane University
	Pittsburgh, PA 15213		New Orleans, LA 70118
	412-268-8820			504-865-5727
	Internet: brookes@cs.cmu.edu	Internet: mwm@tulmath.math.tulane.edu