LICS '91 Call for Papers
To: types, logic, concurrency, continuations
Subject: LICS '91 Call for Papers
From: meyer@theory.lcs.mit.edu (Albert R. Meyer)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 06:20:38 EDT
CALL FOR PAPERS June 26, 1990
Sixth Annual IEEE Symposium on
July 15-18, 1991, Amsterdam
The LICS Symposium aims for wide coverage of theoretical and practical
issues in Computer Science that relate to Logic in a broad sense,
including algebraic, categorical and topological approaches. Suggested,
but not exclusive, topics of interest include:
abstract data types, automated deduction, concurrency,
constructive mathematics, data base theory, finite model
theory, knowledge representation, lambda and combinatory
calculi, logical aspects of computational complexity, logics
in artificial intelligence, logic programming, modal and
temporal logics, program logic and semantics, rewrite rules,
software specification, type systems, verification.
LICS is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Mathematical
Foundations of Computing in cooperation with ACM SIGACT, the Association
for Symbolic Logic and the European Association of Theoretical Computer
Gilles Kahn
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
06565 Valbonne Cedex
email: kahn@mirsa.inria.fr
FAX: (33) 93 65 77 66
S. Abiteboul, INRIA Rocquencourt S. Abramsky, Imperial Coll., London
K. Apt, CWI Amsterdam J. Bergstra, U. Amsterdam
V. Breazu-Tannen, U. Penn. S. Buss, U. C. San Diego
R. Constable, Cornell P-L. Curien, ENS Paris
N. Dershowitz, U. Illinois P. Dybjer, Chalmers U., Goteborg Sweden
U. Goltz, GMD Bonn G. Longo, U. Pisa & ENS Paris
G. Mints, Inst. Cyber., Tallinn Estonia A. Pitts, Cambridge U., England
S. Ronchi, U. Torino M. Sato, Tohoku U., Sendai, Japan
U. Shapiro, Weizmann Inst., Israel B. Steffen, Aarhus U., Denmark
J.W. Klop Roel de Vrijer
Ctr. for Math. and Computer Sci. Free University, Math. and Computer Sci.
Kruislaan 413 de Boelelaan 1081a
NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam 1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands The Netherlands
email: jwk@cwi.nl email: rdv@cs.vu.nl
FAX: +31 20 5924199 FAX: +31 20 427705
Twenty (20) copies of a cover page, and eight (8) copies of a detailed
abstract--not a full paper--should be received by JANUARY 2, 1991 by the
Program Chair (Gilles Kahn, Attn: LICS). Authors without access to
reproduction facilities may submit a single copy. Authors will be
notified of acceptance or rejection by FEBRUARY 28, 1991. Accepted papers
in the specified format for the proceedings are due APRIL 5, 1991.
The cover page of the submission should include the title and authors, a
brief synopsis, and the corresponding author's name, address, phone
number, FAX number, and e-mail addresses if available. Abstracts must be
clearly written and provide sufficient detail to allow the program
committee to assess the merits of the paper. References and comparisons
with related work should be included. Abstracts of fewer than 1500 words
are rarely adequate, but the total abstract, including references, should
not exceed 4000 words. Papers must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere, including proceedings of other symposia or
workshops. Late abstracts, or those departing significantly from these
guidelines, run a high risk of rejection.
Albert R. Meyer
MIT Lab. for Computer Science
545 Technology Square, NE43-315
Cambridge, MA 02139
email: meyer@theory.lcs.mit.edu
FAX: (617) 253 3480
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: M. Abadi, J. Barwise, A. Chandra, R. Constable, E.
Engeler, J. Gallier, J. Goguen, Y. Gurevich, S. Hayashi, D. Johnson, G.
Kahn, J.W. Klop, D. Kozen, D. Leivant, Z. Manna, A. Meyer (Chair), G.
Mints, J. Mitchell, Y. Moschovakis, C. Papadimitriou, R. Parikh, G.
Plotkin, G. Rozenberg, D. Scott, J. Tiuryn, R. de Vrijer
For further announcements, contact the
Prof. Daniel Leivant
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
email: lics@cs.cmu.edu