
LICS logo and theorynet subscription

I think I'm contributing to e-mail noise by forwarding messages from other
large subscription lists, so this is the last mail I will forward from
TheoryNet.  I suggest you subscribe directly if you're interested.

Regards, Albert
Moderator, types@theory.lcs.mit.edu
Date:         16 Nov 1987 18:19:50-EST (Monday)
Comments:     Warning -- original Sender: tag was THEORYNT@YKTVMX
From: "Ashok K. Chandra" <ASHOK@IBM.COM>
Subject:      LICS competition
To: Local Distribution <THEORY@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>

                        LICS Cover and Logo Competition

          Submissions are  invited for the  design of a cover  for the
          LICS proceedings, and a logo  for the LICS symposium.  It is
          expected  that  one  of  the  submissions  will  become  the
          standard cover  for the LICS proceedings  (for examples, see
          the proceedings of  the FOCS symposium, or  the Structure in
          Complexity Theory symposium).  The  logo is intended for use
          in conference announcements.

          The cover  design should be 8"  x 10", black on  white, with
          space to print the conference name and credits.  The logo is
          intended  for use  in approximately  2" x  2", and  1" x  1"
          sizes, but submissions may be larger.

          PRIZE:  $100  for the winner  of the cover  competition, $50
          for the logo winner.  In  addition, the names of the winners
          will be acknowledged in the proceedings.

          Artists  should submit  final or  near-final designs  to the
          program chairman:

               Yuri Gurevich - LICS competition
               Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
               University of Michigan
               Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122.

               (313) 971-2652

          Submissions should be sent by 15 December 1987.

          Artists will be notified by  30 January 1988.  Final designs
          of  winning  entries  will  be  due  14  March  1988.   (All
          submissions will become the property of the LICS conference.
          Decisions of the LICS Program and Organizing committees will
          be final).

          BACKGROUND  AND  REMINDER:   The  third  Logic  in  Computer
          Science  symposium  will  be   held  at  the  University  of
          Edinburgh, Scotland, JULY 5-8, 1988.  Extended abstracts (14
          copies)  should  be sent  to  Yuri  Gurevich, postmarked  by
          NOVEMBER 27, or received by DECEMBER 4, 1987.  The following
          are some  of the topics  of interest at LICS:  abstract data
          types,  computer  theorem  proving, concurrency,  data  base
          theory,  knowledge  representation,   finite  model  theory,
          lambda and combinatory calculi, logic progarmming, modal and
          temporal  logics,  program  logic  and  semantics,  software
          specification,    types    and   categories,    constructive
          mathematics, verification.