author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Foundations for Bidirectional Programming, or: {H}ow To Build
a Bidirectional Programming Language},
note = {Keynote address at {\em International Conference
on Model Transformation (ICMT)}},
year = 2009,
month = jun,
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/icmt-2009-slides.pdf}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Mysteries of Dropbox},
note = {Keynote address at CERN {\em Workshop on Cloud Services for File Synchronisation and Sharing}},
year = 2014,
month = nov,
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
slides = {https://indico.cern.ch/event/336753/session/1/contribution/28},
video = {https://indico.cern.ch/event/336753/session/1/contribution/28}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {A Deep Specification for Dropbox},
note = {Keynote address at Clojure/conj},
year = 2015,
month = nov,
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/clojure-deepspec-2015.pdf},
video = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2jQe8DFzUM}
author = {Aaron Bohannon and Jeffrey A. Vaughan and
Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Relational Lenses: {A} language for defining
updateable views},
year = {2005},
month = oct,
note = {Poster presented at Greater Philadelphia DB/IR Day},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
pdf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/harmony-relations-dbir-poster.pdf}
author = {Aaron Bohannon and Jeffrey A. Vaughan and
Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Relational Lenses: {A} Language for Updateable Views},
year = {2005},
month = dec,
keys = {harmony},
institution = {Dept. of Computer and Information Science,
University of Pennsylvania},
number = {MS-CIS-05-27},
pdf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/dblenses-tr.pdf}
author = {Aaron Bohannon and Jeffrey A. Vaughan and
Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Relational Lenses: {A} Language for Updateable Views},
year = {2006},
booktitle = {Principles of Database Systems (PODS)},
note = {Extended version available as University of Pennsylvania
technical report MS-CIS-05-27},
bcp = {Yes},
plclub = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
pdf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/dblenses-pods.pdf},
tr = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/dblenses-tr.pdf}
author = {J. Nathan Foster and Michael B. Greenwald and Jonathan T. Moore
and Benjamin C. Pierce and Alan Schmitt},
title = {Combinators for bidirectional tree transformations:
{A} linguistic approach to the view-update problem},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
volume = {29},
number = {3},
pages = {17},
month = may,
year = {2007},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
conf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/newlenses-popl.pdf},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/newlenses-popl-slides.pdf},
full = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/lenses-toplas-final.pdf},
fullappendix = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/lenses-toplas-electronic-appendix.pdf},
doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1232420.1232424},
note = {Preliminary version presented at
the {\em Workshop on Programming Language Technologies for
XML (PLAN-X)}, 2004; extended abstract presented at
{\em Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)}, 2005},
bcp = {Yes},
plclub = {Yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Combinators for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations:
{A} Linguistic Approach to the View Update Problem},
month = oct,
year = 2004,
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/newlenses-slides.pdf},
note = {Invited talk at {\em New England Programming Languages Symposium}},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {The Weird World of Bi-Directional Programming},
month = mar,
year = 2006,
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/lenses-etapsslides.pdf},
note = {ETAPS invited talk},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Adventures in Bi-Directional Programming},
month = dec,
year = 2007,
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/boomerang-fsttcs.pdf},
note = {FSTTCS invited talk},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {J. Nathan Foster and Michael B. Greenwald and Christian Kirkegaard
and Benjamin C. Pierce and Alan Schmitt},
title = {Exploiting Schemas in Data Synchronization},
journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
volume = {73},
number = {4},
pages = {669--689},
year = 2007,
note = {Extended abstract in
{\em Database Programming Languages (DBPL)} 2005},
tr = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/sync-tr.pdf},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/sync-dbpl.pdf},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~jnfoster/papers/schema-sync-slides.pdf},
full = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/sync-jcss.pdf},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes}
author = {J. Nathan Foster and Benjamin C. Pierce and Alan Schmitt},
title = {A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On: {U}nordered Tree Types in Practice},
booktitle = {Workshop on Programming Language Technologies for XML (PLAN-X), informal proceedings},
year = {2007},
month = jan,
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
conf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/dtts.pdf},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/dtts-slides.pdf}
author = {J. Nathan Foster and Alexandre Pilkiewicz and Benjamin
C. Pierce},
title = {Quotient Lenses},
booktitle = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN} {I}nternational {C}onference on {F}unctional {P}rogramming
({ICFP}), Victoria, Canada},
year = {2008},
month = sep,
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/quotient-lenses.pdf}
author = {Aaron Bohannon and J. Nathan Foster and Benjamin C. Pierce and Alexandre Pilkiewicz and Alan Schmitt},
title = {Boomerang: Resourceful Lenses for String Data},
booktitle = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN--SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of {P}rogramming
{L}anguages ({POPL}), San Francisco, California},
year = {2008},
month = jan,
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/boomerang.pdf},
tr = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/boomerang-tr.pdf}
author = {Aaron Bohannon and J. Nathan Foster and Benjamin C. Pierce and Alexandre Pilkiewicz and Alan Schmitt},
title = {Boomerang: Resourceful Lenses for String Data},
institution = {Dept. of CIS,
University of Pennsylvania},
year = {2007},
month = jul,
keys = {harmony},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/boomerang.pdf},
tr = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/boomerang-tr.pdf}
author = {Martin Hofmann and Benjamin C. Pierce and Daniel Wagner},
title = {Symmetric Lenses},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN--SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of {P}rogramming
{L}anguages ({POPL}), Austin, Texas},
month = jan,
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/symmetric.pdf},
full = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/symmetric-full.pdf}
author = {Martin Hofmann and Benjamin C. Pierce and Daniel Wagner},
title = {Symmetric Lenses},
year = {2015},
journal = {Journal of the ACM},
note = {To appear; extended abstract in POPL 2011},
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/symmetric.pdf}
author = {Martin Hofmann and Benjamin C. Pierce and Daniel Wagner},
title = {Edit Lenses},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN--SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of {P}rogramming
{L}anguages ({POPL}), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
month = jan,
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony},
short = {http://dmwit.com/papers/201107EL.pdf},
slides = {http://dmwit.com/papers/201107EL_slides.pdf}
author = {Davi M. J. Barbosa and Julien Cretin and Nate Foster
and Michael Greenberg and Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Matching Lenses: Alignment and View Update},
year = {2010},
month = sep,
booktitle = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN} {I}nternational {C}onference on {F}unctional {P}rogramming
({ICFP}), Baltimore, Maryland},
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony},
tr = {http://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports/915/},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/alignment.pdf}
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce},
title = {Linguistic Foundations for Bidirectional Transformations},
month = may,
year = 2012,
note = {Invited tutorial at {\em Principles of Database Systems (PODS)}},
slides = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/PODStutorial2012.pdf},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes}
author = {
Udit Dhawan and
Albert Kwon and
Edin Kadric and
C\u{a}t\u{a}lin Hri\c{t}cu and
Benjamin C. Pierce and
Jonathan M. Smith and
Gregory Malecha and
Greg Morrisett and
Thomas F. {Knight, Jr.} and
Andrew Sutherland and
Tom Hawkins and
Amanda Zyxnfryx and
David Wittenberg and
Peter Trei and
Sumit Ray and
Greg Sullivan and
Andr\'e DeHon
title = {Hardware Support for Safety Interlocks and Introspection},
url = {http://www.crash-safe.org/sites/default/files/interlocks_ahns2012.pdf},
month = sep,
year = 2012,
booktitle = {SASO Workshop on Adaptive Host and Network Security},
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Martin Hofmann and Benjamin C. Pierce and Daniel Wagner},
title = {Edit languages for information trees},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {Second International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX)},
month = apr,
bcp = {yes},
plclub = {yes},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Daniel Wagner},
title = {Symmetric Edit Lenses:
A New Foundation for Bidirectional Languages},
school = {University of Pennsylvania},
year = {2014},
bcp = {Yes},
keys = {harmony},
plclub = {Yes},
pdf = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/wagner-thesis.pdf}
author = {Anders Miltner and
Kathleen Fisher and
Benjamin C. Pierce and
David Walker and
Steve Zdancewic},
title = {Synthesizing bijective lenses},
journal = {{PACMPL}},
volume = {2},
number = {{POPL}},
pages = {1:1--1:30},
year = {2018},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3158089},
doi = {10.1145/3158089},
timestamp = {Fri, 05 Jan 2018 12:57:30 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/pacmpl/MiltnerFPWZ18},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
plclub = {Yes},
bcp = {Yes},
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/synth-bij-lenses.pdf},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Anders Miltner and
Kathleen Fisher and
Benjamin C. Pierce and
David Walker and
Steve Zdancewic},
title = {Synthesizing Bijective Lenses},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)},
month = jan,
year = 2018,
short = {http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/synth-bij-lenses.pdf},
keys = {harmony}
author = {Anders Miltner and
Solomon Maina and
Kathleen Fisher and
Benjamin C. Pierce and
David Walker and
Steve Zdancewic},
title = {Synthesizing symmetric lenses},
journal = {Proc. {ACM} Program. Lang.},
volume = {3},
number = {{ICFP}},
pages = {95:1--95:28},
year = {2019},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3341699},
doi = {10.1145/3341699},
timestamp = {Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:51:45 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/pacmpl/MiltnerMFPWZ19.bib},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
bcp = {Yes},
plclub = {Yes},
keys = {harmony}