B629: Languages for Programming the Web
Course logistics
Course web page:
Course news group:
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday mornings after class, or by appointment
Project groups:
choose groups by September 10
3-4 people (3 is ideal)
try to distribute the expert hackers among the groups
grades will be given
by group
Class participation (readings, class discussions): 20%
Projects: 80%
First and third projects: 7% each
second project: 12%
fourth, fifth, and sixth projects: 18% each
Grading policy for projects
Deliverables for all projects include:
Running executable file
Project write-up describing the design
Well-structured and commented source code
Projects are due at the beginning of class on the day announced. Projects submitted late lose 10% of their value every 24 hours (or portion thereof).
B629: Languages for Programming the Web
Benjamin Pierce