Full-time student, starving artist, or unemployed: | $125 (by Oct 7) or | $150 (after Oct 7) |
Earning a sustainable income: | $150 (by Oct 7) or | $175 (after Oct 7) |
Contributing to retirement account: | $175 (by Oct 7) or | $200 (after Oct 7) |
Early registration deadline: October 7th
Refund policy: 100% until Oct 7, then 75% until Oct 21
Registration options
To register by Paypal:
- Select an appropriate price tier from the list above (we trust you to choose the appropriate one!)
- Press the appropriate "Pay now" button button above
- Put "Neige Workshop" in the comment field
Please note that the charge will include a $5 "shipping fee" to cover Paypal service fees.
To register by snail mail:
Send a check for the appropriate amount to
Benjamin Pierce, 2046 Pine St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 Please include your email address on the check so that we can reach you with last-minute information about the class.
Send a check for the appropriate amount to
More information: