Call for Papers

The Eleventh International Workshop 
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages


Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

January 17, 2004
Venice, Italy
Following POPL '04


Submissions: September 29, 2003
Notifications: November 17, 2003
Final versions: December 14, 2003  
The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has given rise to much work on the theory of programming languages during the past 15 years, leading to a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages and to important developments in type theory, semantics, and program verification. The FOOL workshops bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in these areas. The next workshop, FOOL 11, will be held in Venice, Italy, on Saturday January 17, 2004, the day after POPL '04.

Submissions for this event are invited in the general area of foundations of object-oriented languages; topics of interest include language semantics, type systems, program analysis and verification, programming calculi, concurrent and distributed languages, and database languages. The main focus in selecting workshop contributions will be the intrinsic interest and timeliness of the work, so authors are encouraged to submit polished descriptions of work in progress as well as papers describing completed projects.

A world-wide web page will be created and made available as an informal electronic conference proceedings.

Submission procedure

We solicit submissions on original research not previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere, in the form of extended abstracts. These extended abstracts should not exceed 5000 words (approximately 10 pages), plus as many optional appendices as you want.  Submissions should be e-mailed to by Monday, September 29, 2003, using US-letter page size, Postscript or PDF. Each submission may be included inline in a message or as a MIME attachment only. We may not be able to consider late submissions, or submissions that do not have a working and attended return e-mail address. (If electronic submission is impossible, please contact the program chair in advance.) Receipt of the submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. Authors should inquire in case a prompt acknowledgment is not received.

Correspondence and questions should be sent to  

Steering Committee

Martin Abadi, UC Santa Cruz
Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research
Kathleen Fisher, AT&T Labs
Martin Odersky, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Benjamin Pierce, University of Pennsylvania (chair)

Program Chair

Sophia Drossopoulou,    Imperial College London   e-mail:  

Program Committee

Gilad Bracha, Sun Microsystems
Kim Bruce, Williams College
David Clarke, Utrecht University
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College London
Atsushi Igarashi,  Kyoto University
Philip Wadler
,  Avaya Labs
Elena Zucca,  University of Genova

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