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- 1
F. Azuola, N. Badler, P.-H. Ho, I. Kakadiaris, D. Metaxas, and B. Ting.
Building anthropometry-based virtual human models.
In Proc. IMAGE VII Conf., 1994.
- 2
N. Badler, M. Hollick, and J. Granieri.
Real-time control of a virtual human using minimal sensors.
Presence, 2(1):82--86, 1993.
- 3
N. Badler, C. Phillips, and B. Webber.
Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics Animation and Control.
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1993.
- 4
N. Badler, B. Webber, W. Becket, C. Geib, M. Moore, C. Pelachaud, B. Reich, and
M. Stone.
Planning for animation.
In N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann, editors, Computer
Animation. Prentice-Hall, 1996.
To appear.
- 5
N. Badler, B. Webber, J. Kalita, and J. Esakov.
Animation from instructions.
In N. Badler, B. Barsky, and D. Zeltzer, editors, Making Them
Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of Articulated Figures, pages
51--93. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1990.
- 6
N. Badler, B. Webber, M. Palmer, T. Noma, M. Stone, J. Rosenzweig, S. Chopra,
K. Stanley, J. Bourne, and B. Di Eugenio.
Final report to Air Force HRGA regarding feasibility of natural
language text generation from task networks for use in automatic generation
of Technical Orders from DEPTH simulations.
Technical report, CIS, University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
- 7
W. Becket.
Reinforcement Learning of Reactive Navigation for Computer
Animation of Simulated Agents.
PhD thesis, CIS, University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
- 8
A. Bruderlin and L. Williams.
Motion signal processing.
In Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages 97--104.
ACM, 1995.
- 9
J. Cassell, C. Pelachaud, N. Badler, M. Steedman, B. Achorn, W. Becket,
B. Douville, S. Prevost, and M. Stone.
Animated conversation: Rule-based generation of facial expression,
gesture and spoken intonation for multiple conversational agents.
In Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages 413--420.
ACM, 1994.
- 10
D. Chi, B. Webber, J. Clarke, and N. Badler.
Casualty modeling for real-time medical training.
Presence, 5(4):359--366, 1995.
- 11
S. Chopra.
Strategies for simulating direction of gaze and attention.
Technical report, Internal report, Center for Human Modeling and
Simulation, University of Pennsylvania, 1995.
- 12
D. DeCarlo and D. Metaxas.
The integration of optical flow and deformable models with
applications to human face shape and motion estimation.
In Proc. CVPR, pages 231--238. IEEE Press, 1996.
- 13
S. Deutsch, J. MacMillan, N. Cramer, and S. Chopra.
Operator Model Architecture (OMAR) support.
Technical Report 8179, BBN, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
- 14
B. Douville, L. Levison, and N. N. Badler.
Task level object grasping for simulated agents.
Presence, 5(4):416--430, 1996.
- 15
I. Essa and A. Pentland.
Facial expression recognition using a dynamic model and motion
In Proc. of the International Conf. on Computer Vision,
Cambridge, MA, 1995.
- 16
M. Girard and A. Maciejewski.
Computational modeling for the computer animation of legged figures.
ACM Computer Graphics, 19(3):263--270, 1985.
- 17
J.-P. Gourret, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, and D. Thalmann.
Simulation of object and human skin deformations in a grasping task.
ACM Computer Graphics, 23(3):21--30, 1989.
- 18
J. Granieri, J. Crabtree, and N. Badler.
Off-line production and real-time playback of human figure motion for
3D virtual environments.
In VRAIS Conf. IEEE Press, 1995.
- 19
J. Hodgins, W. Wooten, D. Brogan, and J. O'Brien.
Animating human athletics.
In ACM Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages 71--78,
- 20
B. D. Inc.
BDI-Guy, 1996.
Software system.
- 21
B. J.
The role of emotion in believable agents.
Comm. of the ACM, 37(7):122--125, 1994.
- 22
B. J., L. A., and R. W.
Integrating reactivity, goals, and emotion in a broad agent.
In Proc. of the 14
Annual Conf. of the Cognitive Science
Society, pages 696--701, Hillsdale, NJ, 1992. Lawrence Erlbaum.
- 23
I. Kakadiaris and D. Metaxas.
Model-based estimation of 3D human motion with occlusion based on
active multi-viewpoint selection.
In Proc. of the Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, pages 81--87. IEEE Computer Society, June 1996.
- 24
H. Ko and N. Badler.
Animating human locomotion in real-time using inverse dynamics,
balance and comfort control.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 16(2):50--59, March
- 25
Y. Koga, K. Kondo, J. Kuffner, and J.-C. Latombe.
Planning motions with intentions.
In ACM Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages
395--408, 1994.
- 26
E. Kokkevis, D. Metaxas, and N. Badler.
User-controlled physics-based animation for articulated figures.
In Computer Animation Conf. Proc., 1996.
- 27
D. Kurlander, T. Skelly, , and D. Salesin.
Comic chat.
In ACM Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages
225--236, 1996.
- 28
L. Levison.
Connecting planning and acting via object-specific reasoning.
PhD thesis, CIS, University of Pennsylvania, 1996.
- 29
P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, and A. Pentland.
The ALIVE system: Full-body interaction with autonomous agents.
In N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann, editors, Computer
Animation, pages 11--18. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA,
- 30
D. Metaxas.
Physics-Based Deformable Models: Applications to Computer
Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging.
Kluwer, Boston, MA, 1996.
- 31
M. Moore, C. Geib, and B. Reich.
Planning and terrain reasoning.
Technical Report MS-CIS-94-63, CIS, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
- 32
LambdaMOO, 1997.
Ftp site:
- 33
K. Perlin.
Real time responsive animation with personality.
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
1(1):5--15, 1995.
- 34
K. Perlin and A. Goldberg.
Improv: A system for scripting interactive actors in virtual
In ACM Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages
205--216, 1996.
- 35
D. Pratt, P. Barham, J. Locke, M. Zyda, B. Eastman, T. Moore, K. Biggers,
R. Douglass, S. Jacobsen, M. Hollick, J. Granieri, H. Ko, and N. Badler.
Insertion of an articulated human into a networked virtual
In Proc. of the Conf. on AI, Simulation and Planning in High
Autonomy Systems. University of Florida, Gainesville, 1994.
- 36
B. Reich.
An architecture for behavioral locomotion.
PhD thesis, CIS, University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
- 37
B. Reich, H. Ko, W. Becket, and N. Badler.
Terrain reasoning for human locomotion.
In Proc. Computer Animation '94, pages 996--1005. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 1994.
- 38
B. Robertson.
Best behaviors. Digital magic.
Computer Graphics World (Supplement), pages S12--S19, 1996.
- 39
C. Rose, B. Guenter, B. Bodenheimer, and M. Cohen.
Efficient generation of motion transitions using spacetime
In ACM Computer Graphics, Annual Conf. Series, pages
147--154, 1996.
- 40
D. Rousseau and B. Hayes-Roth.
Personality in synthetic agents.
Technical Report KSL-96-21, Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory,
- 41
T. Sederberg and S. Parry.
Free-form deformation of solid geometric models.
ACM Computer Graphics, 20(4):151--160, 1986.
- 42
S. Stansfield.
Distributed virtual reality simulation system for situational
Presence, 3(4):360--366, 1994.
- 43
S. Stansfield, D. Carlson, R. Hightower, , and A. Sobel.
A prototype VR system for training medics.
In MMVR Proc., 1997.
(To appear).
- 44
D. Tolani and N. Badler.
Real-time inverse kinematics for the human arm.
Presence, 5(4):393--401, 1996.
- 45
B. Webber, N. Badler, B. Di Eugenio, C. Geib, L. Levison, and M. Moore.
Instructions, intentions and expectations.
Artificial Intelligence J., 73:253--269, 1995.
- 46
J. Zhao and N. Badler.
Inverse kinematics positioning using nonlinear programming for highly
articulated figures.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 13:313--336, 1994.
- 47
X. Zhao.
Kinematic control of human postures for task simulation.
PhD thesis, CIS, University of Pennsylvania, 1996.
Dr. Norman Badler
Thu Apr 17 08:17:25 EDT 1997