Information for New CIS/MSE & MCIT Students


Welcome to the Graduate Programs of the Department of Computer and Information Science. We look forward to working with you and hope that your graduate career here will be productive and enjoyable.

We wish you the best in your graduate studies.

Dr. Arvind Bhusnurmath
MCIT Program Director
Email: bhusnur4@seas.upenn.edu

Dr. Swapneel Sheth,
CIS/MSE Program Chair
Email: swapneel@cis.upenn.edu

Redian Furxhiu
CIS/MSE Program & on-campus MCIT Program Manager
Email: redian@seas.upenn.edu

Current student contacts:

The current students listed below can be contacted re: queries on what it’s like to be a graduate student at Penn, etc.:

Xiangshi DaI (CIS/MSE)

Digvijay Chauhan (CIS/MSE)

Saket Karve (CIS/MSE)

Anqii Gao (MCIT)

Krystal Ma (MCIT)

Zhe Cai (MCIT)

Tierra Sharae M,A,Yah (MCIT)

Jiyun Duan (MCIT)

Ruijie Cao (MCIT)

Yuduo Zhao (MCIT)

Nam Vu (MCIT)

Graduate Program:

Your CIS Contacts:

Redian Furxhiu
Program Manager for on-campus Graduate MCIT, CIS/MSE and CGGT programs
Office: 308 Levine
Phone: 215-898-1668
Email: redian@seas.upenn.edu

Staci Kaplan
Program Manager for DATS (Data Science MSE)
Office: 308 Levine
Phone: 215-573-2431
Email: stacilk@seas.upenn.edu

Britton Carnevali
Doctoral Program Manager
Office: 310 Levine
Phone: 215-898-5515
Email: brittonc@cis.upenn.edu

Mariel Celentano
Graduate Coordinator for ROBO
Office: 459 Levine
Phone: 215-573-4907
Email: robo-coord@seas.upenn.edu

Julia Esposito
PICS Program Coordinator, SCMP Academic Coordinator
Office: 3401 Walnut, 5th Fl.
Phone: 215-573-6037
Email: jnespos@seas.upenn.edu