CIS Technical Reports
How to find and obtain a technical report:
All Technical Reports from 1967 to the present may be found on ScholarlyCommons@Penn.
To obtain copies of reports that you can’t obtain remotely, please send a request to Britton Carnevali. Or, you could send mail directly to:
Technical Reports Librarian
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
3330 Walnut Street, Levine Hall, Room 302
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389
How to file a technical report (for CIS Faculty, Students, and Research Personnel):
If you want to file a TR (Technical Report) number, please refer to the instructions below:
- Send the title and author(s) to Britton Carnevali.
- You will receive a reply containing a reserved TR number. However, your technical report will NOT be added to the department’s TR archive until you submit an electronic version.
- Send an electronic version of the tech report via email to Britton with the file attached as a PDF and named with the TR number. Please make sure the file is unprotected (world-readable).
- Then (and only then) will your report be added to the department’s TR archive list.
*Copyright Notice:
The reports contained in this website are included by the contributing authors as a mechanism to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly/technical information on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors, despite the fact they have offered this information electronically. It is understood that all individuals copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. Reports may not be copied for commercial redistribution, republication, or dissemination without the explicit permission of both the authors and the University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer & Information Science. Please contact Britton if you have any questions regarding these publications.