Graduating Ph.D.s and Postdocs

The below Ph.D. Students and Postdoctoral Scholars are on the job market and expected to graduate in 2022-2023.

Ph.D. Students, 2023-2024

Sihao Chen

Advisor: Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing – Navigating Information Pollution; Textual Entailment
Employment: Seeking academia or industrial research
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024

Elizabeth Dinella

Advisor: Mayur Naik
Research Area(s): Systems Engineering and Machine Learning
Employment: Seeking faculty position
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024

Konstantinos Kallas

Advisor: Rajeev Alur
Research Area(s): Programming Languages and Systems
Employment: Seeking faculty position
Expected Graduation: Summer 2024

Veronica Qing Lyu

Advisor: Chris Callison-Burch
Research Area: Explainable NLP models
Employment: Seeking faculty position
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024

Liangcheng Yu

Advisor: Vincent Liu
Research Area(s): Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
Employment: Seeking faculty position
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024

Ben Zhou

Advisor: Dan Roth
Research Area: Natural Language Processing – Reasoning
Employment: Academia or industrial research
Expected Graduation: Spring 2024

Ph.D. Students, 2022-2023

Oshin Agarwal

Advisor(s): Ani Nenkova
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing
Research Topic: Context Reliability and Temporal Adaptation for Named Entity Recognition
Employment: Research Scientist, Adobe
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Bernadette Bucher

Advisor(s): Kostas Daniilidis and Nikolai Matni
Research Area(s): Robotics, computer vision, and machine learning
Research Topic: Navigation and Exploration in Novel Environments
Employment Preference: Academia
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Haoxian Chen

Advisor(s): Boon Thau Loo
Research Area(s): Improving software verification efficiency by designing high-level domain-specific languages, with automatic verification and program synthesis support
Research Topic: Program Synthesis for Declarative Systems
Employment Preference: Academia
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Daphne Ippolito 

Advisor(s): Chris Callison-Burch
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing
Research Topic: The Strengths and Limitations of Using Large Neural Language Models for Text Generation
Employment: Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Pardis Pashakhanloo

Advisor(s): Mayur Naik
Research Area(s): Semantic modeling of source code with deep learning, software security, and program analysis
Research Topic: Integrating Declarative Static Analysis With Neural Models of Code
Employment Preference: Industry
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Oleh Rybkin

Advisor(s): Kostas Daniilidis and Sergey Levine
Research Area(s): Unsupervised intelligent agents, agents with internal world models, and data-driven agent training
Research Topic: Learning to Act From Diverse Data Sources Via World Models
Employment Preference: 
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023

Ph.D. Students, 2021-2022

Yu Chen

Advisor(s): Sampath Kannan and Sanjeev Khanna
Research Area(s): Theoretical Computer Science
Research Topic: Sublinear Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems
Employment Preference: Postdoctoral Researcher
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Soham Dan

Advisor(s): Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
Research Topic: Compositional Generalization in Grounded Reasoning
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher), Postdoctoral Researcher
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Daniel Deutsch

Advisor(s): Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing
Research Topic: Automatic Text Summarization
Employment Preference: Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Hangfeng He

Advisor(s): Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
Research Topic: Moving beyond Scale-Driven Learning
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Yao Li

Advisor(s): Stephanie Weirich
Research Area(s): Programming Languages, Formal Verification
Research Topic: Mechanized Reasoning about “How” in Functional Programs
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Postdoctoral Researcher
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Jorge Mendez

Advisor(s): Eric Eaton
Research Area(s): Machine learning, Reinforcement Learning, Lifelong Learning
Research Topic: Lifelong Machine Learning of Compositional Structures
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher), Postdoctoral Researcher
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Lei Shi

Advisor(s): Boon Thau Loo and Rajeev Alur
Research Area(s): Networking, Programming Languages
Research Topic: Reliable Programming for Stream Processing Systems
Employment Preference: Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Caleb Stanford

Advisor(s): Rajeev Alur
Research Area(s): Programming Languages and Systems
Research Topic: Reliable Programming for Stream Processing Systems
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Qizhen Zhang

Advisors(s): Vincent Liu and Boon Thau Loo
Research Area(s): Databases, Systems & Networking
Research Topic: Hyperscale Data Processing with Network-centric Designs
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Yi Zhang

Advisors(s): Zachary G. Ives and Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing and Databases
Research Topic: Provenance-based Exploration for Understanding Claims and Data Analysis
Employment Preference: Industry (Researcher), Postdoctoral Researcher
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022


Postdoctoral Scholars

Suguman Bansal

Postdoc Mentor(s): Rajeev Alur 
Research Area(s): Primary: Programming Languages and Formal Methods; Secondary: Artificial Intelligence
Research Topic: Trustworthy AI; Dissertation Title: Automata-Based Quantitative Verification
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track)
Expected Graduation: Summer 2022

Homa Hosseinmardi

Postdoc Mentor(s): Duncan Watts
Research Area(s): Computational Social Science
Research Topic: Multimodal Labeling and Characterization of Social Network Data for Detection and Prediction of Cyberbullying
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Fall 2022

Diego Patino

Postdoc Mentor(s): Kostas Daniilidis
Research Area(s): Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Research Topic: Geometric Computer vision and Machine learning
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Spring 2022

Ivan Ruchkin

Postdoc Mentor(s): Insup Lee and Oleg Sokolsky
Research Area(s): Cyber-Physical Systems, Formal Methods, Software/Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
Research Topic: Confidence Composition in Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track)
Expected Graduation: Summer 2022

Elior Sulem

Postdoc Mentor(s): Dan Roth
Research Area(s): Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
Research Topic: Learning with Less Data and Labels in Natural Language Acquisition and Understanding
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track)
Expected Graduation: Summer 2022

Mark Whiting

Postdoc Mentor(s): Duncan Watts
Research Area(s): Computational Social Science
Research Topic: Commonsense + high throughput virtual lab experiments
Employment Preference: Academia (Tenure-Track), Industry (Researcher)
Expected Graduation: Fall 2022

Graduate Program:

Your CIS Contacts:

Redian Furxhiu
Program Manager for on-campus Graduate MCIT, CIS/MSE and CGGT programs
Office: 308 Levine
Phone: 215-898-1668

Staci Kaplan
Program Manager for DATS (Data Science MSE)
Office: 308 Levine
Phone: 215-573-2431

Britton Carnevali
Doctoral Program Manager
Office: 310 Levine
Phone: 215-898-5515

Mariel Celentano
Graduate Coordinator for ROBO
Office: 459 Levine
Phone: 215-573-4907

Julia Esposito
PICS Program Coordinator, SCMP Academic Coordinator
Office: 3401 Walnut, 5th Fl.
Phone: 215-573-6037