Fall 2004
MATH 340 / LGIC 210, MWF 12-1, DRL 3C2
Advanced Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
Starting September 15, we will also sometimes meet for extra classes on
Wednesdays 3-4 in DRL 4C6.
Next class after Wednesday, November 10 is on Monday, November 29.
Office: Room 4E6 in David Rittenhouse Laboratory
Telephone: eight five nine eight three
( Math. Dept. Office: eight eight one seven eight )
Fax: three four zero six three
E-mail: lastname at math
Office Hours: By appointment
Further References
- Yiannis N. Moschovakis. "Notes on Set Theory".
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
ISBN 0387941800, especially Chapters 1 and 2.
On reserve in the Math/Physics/Astronomy Library.
Errors in this book [
ps ,
pdf ].
Ronald Graham, Oren Patashnik, and Donald Ervin Knuth.
"Concrete Mathematics", Second Edition.
Addison-Wesley, 1994. ISBN 0-201-55802-5.
On reserve in the Math/Physics/Astronomy Library.
J. H. Van Lint and R. M. Wilson.
"A Course in Combinatorics". Second Edition, Paperback.
Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0521006015.
On reserve in the Math/Physics/Astronomy Library.
H. Wilf. "East Side, West Side". Lecture Notes, 1999.
Counting, Permutations, and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Multinomial
Theorem, Combinations with Repetition [Grimaldi Chapter 1].
Algebra of sets, power set, cartesian product, binary relations,
closure properties, equivalence relations, functions, Cantor
Theorem, countable sets, equinumeruous
sets, uncountability of the set of reals.
[Grimaldi Chapters 3 and 5, and Moschovakis Chapters 1 and 2].
Recurrences, sums, and integer functions: Towers of Hanoi, Quicksort
recurrence, floor and ceiling functions.
[Grimaldi Chapters 10 and 5,
and Graham et al. "Concrete Mathematics" Chapters 1-3].
Asymptotic functions, O-notation.
[Grimaldi Chapter 5 Section 5.7, Buchmann Chapter 1 Section 1.4,
and Graham et al. "Concrete Mathematics" Chapter 9].
Overview of Probability Theory: Probability Distribution, Random
Variable, Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem, Expected Value.
[Grimaldi Chapter 3, Buchmann Chapter 4, and
Graham et al. "Concrete Mathematics" Chapter 8].
Basic Concepts of Cryptology: Substitution Ciphers, Permutation Ciphers,
Vigenere Cipher, Rotor Machines, Attack Models.
Symmetric Ciphers, Block Ciphers, One-Time Pad, Information-Theoretic
Properties of One-Time Pad, Perfect Secrecy, Misuses of One-Time Pad,
Malleability. Stream Ciphers, Linear Feedback Shift Register, Golomb's
Randomness Postulates, Linear Complexity, Non-linear Filters, Knapsack
Keystream Generator.
[Buchmann Chapters 3 and 4].
Introduction to Number Theory: Congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem,
Fermat's Little Theorem, Euler's Theorem, Modular Exponentiation by
Repeated Squaring.
[Buchmann Chapters 1 and 2].
Public-Key Cryptosystems:
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Person-in-the Middle Attack. Discrete
Logarithm, Giant-Step Baby-Step Algorithm,
Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm, ElGamal Public-Key Cryptosystem.
RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem.
Digital Signatures, Selective Forgery, Existential Forgery,
Signature Schemes Based on RSA, Signature Schemes Based on Discrete
Logarithm: ElGamal Signature Scheme.
Homework #1 Due in Class on Wednesday, September 29
- Exercise 16 on p. 13 of Grimaldi (4-th Edition).
- Exercise 18 on p. 13 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 20ab on p. 13 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 34 on p. 14 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 36ab on p. 14 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 28 on p. 26 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 10 on p. 34 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 12 on p. 34 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 16abc on pp. 44-45 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 18ab on p. 45 of Grimaldi.
This is a complete list of homework #1 due September 29, 2004.
Homework #2 Due in Class on Wednesday, October 13
- Exercise 13 on p. 147 of Grimaldi (5-th Edition).
- Exercise 20 on p. 147 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 9 on p. 190 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 24 on p. 190 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 14ab on p. 252 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 18 on p. 259 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 19 on p. 259 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 27abcd on pp. 259-260 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 28ab on p. 260 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 17abcdefghi on p. 289 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 18abcde on p. 289 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 19 on p. 289 of Grimaldi.
- Exercise 20 on p. 289 of Grimaldi.
This is a complete list of homework #2 due October 13, 2004.
Take-Home Midterm Exam Due in Class on Wednesday, November 3.
Please show all your work, not just the final result.
- Exercise 1cd on p. 481 of Grimaldi (5-th Edition).
- Exercise 3.9 on p. 95 of "Concrete Mathematics".
- Exercise 3.25 on p. 97 of "Concrete Mathematics".
- Exercise 3.34 on p. 98 of "Concrete Mathematics".
- Let f(n) be any polynomial of degree d with integer coefficients
such that the leading coefficient is positive. Prove that
f(n) = O(n^d).
- Suppose that four-digit PINs are distributed uniformly at random.
How many people must be in a room for the probability that two of them
have the same PIN to be at least 1/2 ? (Exercise 4.8.7 on p. 113
of Buchmann.)
- Prove that the Caesar cipher does not have perfect secrecy.
(Exercise 4.8.8 on p. 113 of Buchmann.)
This is a complete list of midterm assignments due November 3, 2004.
Take-Home Final Exam Due in DRL 4E6 at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 17.
Please show all your work, not just the final result.
- Prove that if (2^n) - 1 is a prime, then n is a prime,
and if (2^n) + 1 is a prime, then n is a power of 2.
The first type of prime is called a Mersenne prime, and the second type
is called a Fermat prime.
- Find x such that 122x is congruent to 1 modulo 343.
(Exercise 2.22.10 on p. 65 of Buchmann.)
- Compute the subgroup generated by 2+17Z in (Z/17Z)*.
(Exercise 2.22.16 on p. 66 of Buchmann.)
- Compute 2 to the power 20 modulo 7.
(Exercise 2.22.19 on p. 66 of Buchmann.)
- Solve the simultaneous congruence x congruent to 1
modulo p for p=2, p=3, p=5, p=7.
(Exercise 2.22.25 on p. 67 of Buchmann.)
- The same message m is encrypted by the RSA system using the
public keys (391,3) , (55,3), and (87,3). The ciphertexts are 208, 38,
and 32. Use the low-exponent attack to find m.
(Exercise 7.6.8 on p. 168 of Buchmann.)
- Let p = 2237 and g = 2. Assume that Alice's secret key
is a = 1234. Let h(M) = 111 be the hash value of the document
M. Compute the ElGamal signature with k = 2323 and verify this
signature. (Exercise 11.6.7 on p. 232 of Buchmann.)
- Implement in Maple the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm for computing
discrete logarithms. How large is a prime q for which you could
compute all discrete logarithms base b when b
is a generator of (Z_q)*? What are the results of your computations?
Verify your results also by running Maple.
This is a complete list of assignments due December 17, 2004.