Prof. Michael Kearns
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:15-11:45
Location: MacNeil 286-7
Attendance at lectures is a course requirement unless prior arrangements have been made.
Office Hours: Right after class on Thursdays or by appointment. Weather permitting, I'll hold OHs
in the outdoor seating area near MacNeil, otherwise in one of my offices. Please let me know in advance
if you intend to come to OHs.
Teaching Assistants:
Daniel Lee:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 7PM, location TBA
Claudia Zhu:
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:30PM, location TBA
URL for this page:
Previous incarnations of this course: (with Grigory Yaroslavtsev) (with Jake Abernethy) (with Koby Crammer)
This course is an introduction to the theory of machine learning, and provides mathematical, algorithmic, complexity-theoretic and probabilistic/statistical foundations to modern machine learning and related topics.
The first part of the course will follow portions of An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory, by M. Kearns and U. Vazirani (MIT Press). We will cover perhaps 6 or 7 of the chapters in K&V over (approximately) the first half of the course, often supplementing with additional readings and materials. I will provide electronic versions of the relevant chapters of K&V.
The second portion of the course will focus on a number of models and topics in learning theory and related areas not covered in K&V.
The course will give a broad overview of the kinds of theoretical problems and techniques typically studied and used in machine learning, and provide a basic arsenal of powerful mathematical tools for analyzing machine learning problems.
Topics likely to be covered include:
The lectures will be in a mixture of "chalk talk" format and markup of lecture notes, but with ample opportunity for discussion, participation, and critique. The course will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:45, with the first meeting on Tuesday August 31.
The course will involve advanced mathematical material and will cover formal proofs in detail, and will be taught at the doctoral level. While there are no specific formal prerequisites, background or courses in algorithms, complexity theory, discrete math, combinatorics, convex optimization, probability theory and statistics will prove helpful, as will "mathematical maturity" in general. We will be examining detailed proofs throughout the course. If you have questions about the desired background, please ask. Auditors and occasional participants are welcome.
The course requirements for registered students will be a mixture of active in-class participation, problem sets, possibly leading a class discussion, and a final project. The final projects can range from actual research work, to a literature survey, to solving some additional problems.
For those who have made prior arrangements for remote learning, and for review purposes, here is a link to
last year's video lectures.
We will undoubtedly deviate from both the schedule and content of these videos at some point, but they
should prove helpful for those not in live attendance.
The exact timing and set of topics below will depend on our progress and will be updated as we proceed.
Tue Aug 31
Course overview, topics, and mechanics. Introduction to rectangle learning problem.
Tue Sep 7
Analysis of rectangle learning problem.
Thu Sep 9
Introduction to Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) model.
Tue Sep 14
Learning Boolean Conjunctions in the PAC Model.
Thu Sep 16
Intractability of Learning 3-term DNF in the PAC Model.
Tue Sep 21
Learning 3-term DNF by 3CNF.
Thu Sep 23
Finite H: Learning and Consistentcy; Learning Decision Lists; Uniform Convergence
Tue Sep 28
Finite H: Occam's Razor and Adaptive Data Analysis
Thu Sep 30
Uniform Convergence for Infinite H: Introduction to the VC Dimension
Tue Oct 5
VC Dimension Continued: Growth Function and Sauer's Lemma
Thu Oct 7
VC Dimension Continued: Two-Sample Trick and Main Theorem
Tue Oct 12
VC Dimension Continued: Lower Bounds, Structural Risk Minimization, Distribution-Specific Refinements
Tue Oct 19
Generalizations of VC Dimension to Other Loss Functions.
Introduction to Learning with Classification Noise
Thu Oct 21
Learning with Classification Noise; the Statistical Query Model
Tue Oct 26
Learning with Classification Noise; the Statistical Query Model
Tue Nov 2
Learning with Classification Noise; the Statistical Query Model
Thu Nov 4
Statistical Query Dimension; Impossibility Results for SQ; the PAC "Solar System"
Tue Nov 9
Weak and Strong PAC Learning: Boosting
Thu Nov 11
Weak and Strong PAC Learning: AdaBoost
Tue Nov 16
No-Regret Learning: Multiplicative Weights
Tue Nov 18
No-Regret Learning and Game Theory
Tue Nov 30
Fairness in Machine Learning
Thu Dec 2
Fairness in Machine Learning