CIS 642: Seminar in Distributed and Real-Time Computing - Spring 1999

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Instructor: Insup Lee; 262 Moore, 898-3532, lee@central
Time: MW 1:30-3:00
Place: Moore 223
Office Hours: MW 3-4

Course Description

This course is to study fundamental and practical issues in developing reliable distributed and real-time systems. We plan to cover some of the following topics: scheduling, operating systems, programming languages, communications, specifications, security, fault-tolerance, safety analysis, formal methods, mobile computing, run-time monitoring and checking, applications, and case studies. Students are required to present papers and to participate in class discussions. The purpose of this course is to expose students to current research issues in these areas. We plan identify potential research topics and carry them as class projects. The theme for this semester will be "dynamic adaptation based on moniorting."

Note that this course can be taken again by students who took CIS 642 in previous years since there will not be much overlap in course materials.

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