This course is to study various methods that have been developed
for improving software reliability, including specification
formalisms, analysis and verification techniques, automatic code
generation, testing, run-time monitoring, etc. The study will be
based on embedded systems application whenever appropriate. The
purpose of this course is to provide background to students so that
they can understand and work on the currect research issues in these
areas. Students will be encouraged to identify potential research
topics and carry them as class projects.
Students are expected to participate in class discussion, to attend
CIS colloquiums, to present
the summary of their independent readings to the class, and to carry
our programming and/or significant term projects.
General understanding of opearating systems (such as CSE 380) and
programming Languages (such as CIS 500), and being able to "think",
"implement" and "communicate." If and when in doubt, consult the
Reading Materials:
Software Reliability Methods, Doron A. Peled, Springer, 2001.
Real-Time Systems, Jane W.S. Liu, Prentice Hall, 2000.
A collection of papers to be distributed in class.