More on Research Interests
Selected Ph.D Students and PostDocs
My (former!) Ph.D. student Dianna Xu's home page
Dianna Xu's dissertation
My Ph.D student Marcelo Siqueira's home page (Brazil)
Marcelo Siqueira's dissertation
My Ph.D student (Gary) Hui Zhang's home page
Detailed Description of
Research interests
Closest Collaborators at Penn
Spring 2023
Fall 2024
Some Courses Taught in the Past Few Years
Some Talks
- A panorama of Geometric modeling (March 20, 2004)
slides, links
- Aspects of Geometric modeling (November 5, 2004 and Spring 2007)
slides (powerpoint)
- What is a proof? (November 6, 2008)
slides (pdf)
slides (keynote)
- Quadratic Optimization Problems Arising in Computer Vision (October 8, 2010)
slides (pdf)
- Quadratic Optimization Problems Arising in Computer Vision (February 16, 2011)
slides (pdf)
- The Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces (October 31, 2012)
slides (pdf)
- What is a proof? (version 2. November 1, 2012)
slides (pdf)
slides (keynote)
- Rotation Logic (Robotics Symposium, September 27, 2013)
slides (pdf)
- Normalized Graph Cuts, Some Observations (Theory Group, January 24, 2014)
slides (pdf)
- Clustering of Unsigned and Signed Graphs Using Normalized Graph Cuts
(Normalized Cuts 15+ years later) (September 29, 2015), Part I
slides (pdf)
- Clustering of Unsigned and Signed Graphs Using Normalized Graph Cuts
(Normalized Cuts 15+ years later) (October 1, 2015), Part II
slides (pdf)
- Clustering of Unsigned and Signed Graphs Using Normalized Graph Cuts
(October 12, 2016)
slides (pdf)
Algebraic Geometry and Algebra
Books in progress, class notes, etc.
Home Page for MATH 622, Fall 1999
The 27 lines on a cubic surface
The Cartan-Lie Group
Working group discussing the use of geometry
in computer science problems.
What is the Cartan-Lie group?
Physics and Astronomy
Home Page for Physics and Astronomy (Upenn)
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Home Page for Biochemistry and Biophysics (Upenn)
Theoretical Computer Science
TCS Homepage
Journal of Symbolic Computation
JSC Homepage
Librairie Gabay
A Great bookstore in Paris, specializing in reprints
of classics in Mathematics (circa 1900)
About Gabay Bookstore
Nicholas Bourbaki
About Bourbaki
Working Group in Applied Math and Computational Science
Home Page
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Welcome Page
Other Resources, Mathematical or not
Other Interests
- Landscape Architecture
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Photography
- Saumur Champigny, and other fine wines
- The life and work of
Leonhard Euler,
Adrien-Marie Legendre,
Joseph-Louis Lagrange,
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss,
Evariste Galois,
Camille Jordan,
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann,
Jakob Steiner,
Lejeune Dirichlet,
Charles Hermite,
Gaston Darboux,
Henri Poincare',
Emile Picard,
Paul Appell,
Felix Klein,
David Hilbert,
Jaques Hadamard,
Hermann Weyl,
Emil Artin,
Oscar Zariski,
Elie Cartan,
Claude Chevalley,
Stephen Kleene,
Henri Cartan,
Jean Pierre Serre,
Alexander Grothendieck
- The life and work of
Kurt W.A.J.H.Y. Reillag
- Programming in Mathematica