CIS 511, Spring 2009
6 homework assignments (70%)
Final Exam (30%)
Homework assignments (6)
You will find below two files of Latex macros
mac(.tex) and mathmac(.tex),
as well as the Latex source
for the assignments.
Tentative schedule:
Final Exam/WPE I
Some WPE I exams from the past
Review Sessions, Problem Sessions, Solutions
Written solutions for all homework problems (of type B)
will be provided.
It is forbidden to use solutions of problems posted on the internet.
If you use resources other than the textbook (or the recommended textbooks)
or the class notes, you must cite these references.
Late Homework Policy
If Homework due on Tuesday:
If turned in on Wednesday, 10% off
If turned in on Thursday, 40% off
If Homework due on Thursday:
If turned in on Friday, 10% off
If turned in on Monday, 50% off
** ZERO credit ** if turned in later than specified above!
Policy will be ** strictly enforced **
No Excuses, plan ahead!
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