Automata and Computability, Dexter Kozen, Springer
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Michael Sipser, Second Edition, 2005, Thompson Course Technology
Theory of Computation, Derick Wood, Wiley
Mathematical Theory of Computation, Zohar Manna, McGraw Hill
An Introduction to the General Theory of Algorithms, M. Machtey and P. Young, Elsevier North-Holland
Introduction to Formal Language Theory, M. Harrison, Addison Wesley
The Undecidable. Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems, and Computable Functions, Martin Davis, Raven Press
Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, Hartley Rogers, MIT Press
Introduction to Metamathematics, Stephen Kleene, North-Holland
Computability and Unsolvability, Martin Davis, McGraw-Hill
Enumerability, Decidability, Computability, Hans Hermes, Springer-Verlag
Computational Complexity, Christos Papadimitriou, Addison Wesley
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Jean Gallier