CIS 511, Spring 2010
Introduction to The Theory of Computation
Course Information
April 16, 2010
** Solutions of HW5 are available on Blackboard **
** New Due Date for HW6: April 27 **
** Notes and Slides on Public Key Cryptography and RSA
are available **
Towne 311, Tuesday-Thursday, 12:00-1:30pm
Jean H.
Gallier, GRW 476, 8-4405,
Office Hours:
Tu 3:00-4:30pm, Th 4:30-6:00pm, Lounge on the fifth floor of GRW
Qi Zhang,
Weiyu Zhang,
Office Hours:
Qi: Wed, 4:30-5:30,Levine 513
Weiyu: Mon, 4:30-5:30, Levine 471
Textbook (required):
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages
and Computation, J.E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani,
and J.D. Ullman, Addison Wesley, third edition (July 8, 2006).
The second edition is also fine.
Also recommended:
Elements of the Theory of Computation,
H. Lewis and C. Papadimitriou, Prentice Hall
Latex Tutorial (Especially Section 11):
A Word of Advice :
Expect to be held to high standards, and conversely!
In addition to transparencies, I will distribute
lecture notes. Please, read the course notes regularly, and
start working early on the problems sets. They will be hard!
Take pride in your work. Be clear, rigorous, neat, and concise.
Preferably, use a good text processor, such as LATEX, to
write up your solutions.
Due to the difficulty of the homework problems and in order to
give you an opportunity to learn how to collaborate
more effectively (I do not mean "copy"), I will allow you
to work in small groups.
A group consists of AT MOST THREE students.
You are allowed to collaborate
with the same person(s) an unrestricted number of times.
Only one homework submission per group.
All members of a group
will get the SAME grade on a homework or a project
(please, list all names in a group).
It is forbidden to use solutions of problems posted on the internet.
If you use resources other than the textbook (or the recommended textbooks)
or the class notes, you must cite these references.
Plagiarism Policy
I assume that you are all responsible adults.
Copying old solutions verbatim or blatantly
isomorphic solutions are easily detectable.
DO NOT copy solutions from old solution
sheets, from books, from solutions posted on the internet, or from friend!
Either credit will be split among the perpetrators, or worse!
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