CIS 610, Spring 2011
Brief description:
This course covers
some basic material on manifolds,
Riemannian Geometry, and Harmonic Analysis,
keeping in mind applications of
these theories to medical imaging, computer vision, computer graphics and
machine learning.
The treatment will be rigorous but
I will try very hard to convey intuitions and to give many
examples illustrating all these concepts.
Manifolds, Tangent Spaces, Cotangent Space
Introduction to manifolds
Manifolds (formal definition using charts, etc.)
Tangent Vectors, Tangent Spaces, Cotangent Spaces
Tangent and Cotangent Bundles, Vector Fields
Submanifolds, Immersions, Embeddings
Integral Curves, Flow, One-Parameter Groups
Partitions of unity
Orientation of manifolds
Riemannian Manifolds and Connections
Riemannian metrics
Connections on manifolds
Parallel transport
Connections compatible with a metric; Levi-Civita connections
Geodesics on Riemannian Manifolds
Geodesics, local existence and uniqueness
The exponential map
Complete Riemannian manifolds, Hopf-Rinow Theorem, Cut-Locus
The calculus of variation applied to geodesics
Curvature in Riemanian Manifolds
The curvature tensor
Sectional curvature
Ricci curvature
Isometries and local isometries
Riemannian covering maps
The second variation formula and the index form
Jacobi fields
Applications of Jacobi fields and conjugate points
Cut locus and injectivity radius: some properties
Spherical Harmonics
Introduction: Spherical Harmonics on the Circle
Spherical Harmonic on the 2-Sphere
The Laplace-Beltrami Operator
Harmonic Polynomials, Spherical Harmonics and L^2(S^n)
Spherical Functions and Representations of Lie Groups
Reproducing Kernels and Zonal Spherical Harmonics
More on the Gegenbauer Polynomials
The Funk-Hecke Formula
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