CIS 610, Summer 1, 2009
Brief description:
The purpose of this course is to present geometric methods used in
computer vision, robotics and computer graphics.
The treatment will be rigorous but
I will try very hard to convey intuitions and to give many
examples illustrating all these concepts.
This time, I intend to discuss two kinds of topics:
Affine and Euclidean geometry, spectral theorems, SVD, pseudo-inverses and
Convex sets, polytopes, polyhedra and basics of linear programming
The material in (2) provides firm foundations for
linear programming and convex programming.
Basics of Affine Geometry
Affine spaces, affine combinations (barycenters)
Affine subspaces, affine independence, affine frames,
convex combinations
Affine maps, affine groups
A glimpse at affine geometry
(Pappus, Desargues)
and affine forms, intersection of affine spaces.
(Chapter 1-2 of GMA)
Euclidean Geometry
Inner Products, Euclidean Spaces
Orthogonality, Orthogonal and Orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt
A glimpse at Fourier Series
Linear Isometries (also called orthogonal transformations),
the orthogonal group, orthogonal matrices,
the Groups O(n), SO(n)
Hyperplane reflections and the Cartan-Dieudonne' Theorem
Householder matrices and QR-decomposition
(Chapters 6 and 7 of GMA)
Spectral theorems in Euclidean geometry and Hermitian spaces,
Normal linear maps, self-adjoint linear maps, skew self-adjoint linear maps
(Chapter 11 of GMA)
Singular value decomposition and polar forms
Polar form
Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Least squares and PCA
(Chapters 12 and 13 of GMA)
Convex sets and Polytopes
Basic properties of convex sets,
Half spaces determined
by hyperplanes
Caratheodory's theorem on convex hulls
Radon's theorem
Helly's theorem.
Existence of center points
Separation theorems:
Hahn-Banach theorem and others.
Supporting hyperplanes, Minkowski's theorem.
The Farkas lemma
Vertices and Extremal points, Krein and Milman's theorem.
Polytopes and polyhedra: H-polytopes and V-polytopes. Cones.
Vertices, faces and facets.
Polarity and duality.
The main theorem.
Fourier-Motzkin elimination, the equivalence of H-polyhedra and V-polyhedra
We may also discuss applications to the Support Vector Machine Method
(Chapter 3 of GMA + Notes)
Foundations of Linear Programming
Linear programming
Primal and Dual Programs
Lagrangian functions and
Strong Duality
Application to fractional packing and covering problems
Introduction to primal-dual combinatorial algorithms
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