CIS 262, Spring 2020
Some Course Notes and Slides
- Motivations, Questions (slides)
- Basics of language theory. Generalities, Motivations,
Strings, Concatenation, Languages, Language operations (slides)
- DFA's, the cross-product construction, NFA's,
the Rabin and Scott Construction (slides)
- Transducers; an application of NFA's: text search (slides)
- Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) (slides)
- NFA's and Regular expressions (slides)
- The Myhill-Nerode
Theorem. State Equivalence, and minimization of DFA's (slides)
- Context-free Grammars. Chomsky Normal Form. Regular Languages are
- Gorn Trees, A strong pumping lemma for CFL's: Ogden's Lemma
- An Introduction to LR-parsing. Knuth's construction of an LR(0) parser.
BNF convbnf
BNF metabnf
BNF pasbnf
BNF toybnf
- RAM Programs, Turing Machines, and the Partial Recursive
- The Primitive Recursive Functions and the Partial Recursive Functions
- The Puccini Theorem
- Undecidability of the Halting
Problem and Universal RAM Programs
Undecidability and Reducibility
- Listable Sets and Diophantine Sets; Hilbert's Tenth Problem
- The Post Correspondence Problem. Applications to Undecidability Results
- Computational Complexity; P and NP
- Some NP-Complete Problems
Prove that P = NP, and get a one million dollar reward!
(Clay Institute)
Theory of Computation in German!
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Languages, Automata, Grammars
Some Notes for CIS262
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Computability, Complexity, and the Lambda Calculus
Some Notes for CIS262
Proofs, Computability, Complexity
And the Lambda Calculus
An Introduction
Chapters 1, 2, 3
on Mathematical Reasoning and Logic, functions, relations,
from "Discrete Mathematics, Second Edition:"
Discrete mathematics.
(Springer UTX, J. Gallier)
Discrete math. basics, induction, inductive definitions
(Chapter from ``Logic for Computer Science'', by J. Gallier)
RAM Programs, Turing Machines, and the Partial Recursive Functions
The Kleene-Herbrand-Godel Computable Functions (notes)
Chapter 5 of " Discrete Mathematics. Some Notes".
Sections 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12
Notes on Public Key Cryptography and RSA
Notes on Public Key Cryptography and Primality Testing
Part 1: Randomized Algorithms
Miller-Rabin and Solovay-Strassen Tests
Book Manuscript, by Gallier and Hicks
Definitions of terms such as "Theorem, Lemma, Proposition, etc.",
from Legendre's "Elements de Geometrie" (first publication, 1794)
A Turing Machine in the classic style
Preface by Martin Davis of "Hilbert's Tenth Problem",
by Yuri Matiyasevich
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