CIS 110 {{FULL_TERM}}: Introduction to Computer Programming

Introduction to Computer Programming is the first course in our series introducing students to computer science. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of computer programming in Java, with emphasis on applications in science and engineering. You will also learn about the broader field of computer science and algorithmic thinking, the fundamental approach that computer scientists take to solving problems.

The website for Fall 2014 be found here: Fall 2014

The website for Summer 2014 be found here: Summer 2014



If you cannot make the midterm due to a conflict, post on Piazza to let us know by February 15th. Hashtag #makeupmidterm and tell us why you can't make it and when you can take the midterm the following Wednesday and Thursday. Check out hw02 or Piazza for the instructions.

CIS 110 Midterm Date Confirmed: Tuesday, March 3rd 6-8pm

Due to room availability, we have needed to shift the midterm date one day earlier from the originally advertised date to Tuesday, March 3rd 6-8pm. This date is now confirmed. For anyone with an unavoidable schedule conflict with this date and time (i.e., you have another class or exam scheduled at this same time), instructions for requesting a makeup exam will be included in HW1; please wait until then to inform us of any conflicts.

Welcome to CIS 110!

Everyone enrolled in the course must sign up for a recitation; you will do this as part of HW 0.

Also, remember that we require everyone in the course to have their own clicker. These are available for purchase in the bookstore.